View Full Version : What is it about panic attacks that make me feel I'm going to fall asleep?

02-02-2014, 06:35 PM
Another crap day, when I went out.. I still felt drowsy when I got up today, though I'd had plenty of sleep. My nose has been stuffed up, not a full blown cold but a bit hard to breath. Anyway, I felt tired and just wanted to go home, I felt like I could fall asleep on the floor, I suddenly felt like everything was a blur, I couldn't feel my body, my vision wasn't fixed on anything, I fought my way through the crowd to a bathroom, saw my hands shaking, still feeling like I could not focus, and that I could fall asleep.

I ran out to get some fresh air, smoke a cigarette, I felt a little better then went back in.. I kept fighting the exhaustion I was feeling, but I just couldn't. I kept fighting off another attack til I got home, it was a really bad one. But on the way home I was better, slightly, and had more energy...

What causes you to feel like you could fall asleep during an attack I wonder?

I don't know why the anxiety was so bad today, it just was. :(

Sometimes I just want to give up I'm so tired of fighting this..

02-02-2014, 06:45 PM
Panic attacks drain you....ive had some bad ones in the past that have left me utterly exhausted.

02-02-2014, 06:53 PM
I know they exhaust you afterwards, but during? Cause my energy came back when the damn adrenalin drained out.