View Full Version : Anxiety School/Work , Symptoms

02-02-2014, 03:58 PM
does anyone else have daily symptoms? if so what are they ?
i constantly battle my anxiety with school with every class i feel drained by the end of the day and i literally just want to break down before another day ... anxiety just kills me inside mentally and physically but i will try to get through this . I on a daily basis feel off balance get fatigue and I'm constantly anxious it gets really bad does anyone else find it hard to deal with work or school along with anxiety ? Anxiety runs in my family :(

02-02-2014, 04:32 PM
I'm in exactly the same boat as you :(

02-03-2014, 06:32 AM
I have the same problem. School isnt so bad because I'm dling online classes. But work pretty much makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry. I hate my job so much. But I'm starting to wonder of it's the job, or me. I'm a cashier, so my job isn't hard. But I dread work. If i think about it too long i throw up. I wonder if I'm just lazy, but I want to do other things sometimes so idk. I sleep SO much now.

Either way I understand your pain.

02-03-2014, 03:59 PM
I have the same problem. School isnt so bad because I'm dling online classes. But work pretty much makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry. I hate my job so much. But I'm starting to wonder of it's the job, or me. I'm a cashier, so my job isn't hard. But I dread work. If i think about it too long i throw up. I wonder if I'm just lazy, but I want to do other things sometimes so idk. I sleep SO much now. Either way I understand your pain. yes i get you but it scrares me to go to school especially since in 2-3 of my classes my anxiety goes up and before winter break i had a my first panic attack and wasnt sure ehat was going on i almost fainted since than my anxiety has only gone up .. 😖 im just waiting for summer or i have to see if i can get homeschooled for a while until i can get my anxiety under control a little better