View Full Version : Being Nervous

02-02-2014, 01:08 PM
Hey everyone!
Is there anyway of not being nervous? Like for anything such as interviews, talking in a group, going shopping, talking to someone one on one, going to dentist/doctors?
I have realised how many of these things i'll be doing this month an next month and i just feel so sick, nervous and butterflies:( is there anyway i can somehow calm myself? Or being confident in some way? I have tried so many things and when i'm extremely nervous my belly goes really bad and sometimes i even feel faint:/ at the moment, thinking of how much my life sucks because of this, i feel like crying!:(

02-02-2014, 02:17 PM
Hey everyone!
Is there anyway of not being nervous? Like for anything such as interviews, talking in a group, going shopping, talking to someone one on one, going to dentist/doctors?
I have realised how many of these things i'll be doing this month an next month and i just feel so sick, nervous and butterflies:( is there anyway i can somehow calm myself? Or being confident in some way? I have tried so many things and when i'm extremely nervous my belly goes really bad and sometimes i even feel faint:/ at the moment, thinking of how much my life sucks because of this, i feel like crying!:(

2 things that worked for me -

Go through whatever you are nervous about in your head a bunch of times. Imagining how it will well over and over. That way you feel like you have done it before by the time you actually do it.

Exude confidence. Wake up telling yourself you are gooing to rock anything that comes your way. Feel it but truly believe it.

The second of the two I still use today. Going into meetings or presentations, I go in there like there is no way I will fail. Success is the only outcome.

02-02-2014, 03:34 PM
Instead of thinking of all the things you'll be doing over the next month, take it one activity at a time. It can be overwhelming to think of all the little things and that's the fastest way to anxiety and panic.

I wish there was a magic formula for not being nervous :( You remind me of me when I was your age. I had a terrible time with public speaking, and being around a lot of people. EVERYTHING made me nervous. Talking to a therapist really really helped me. Would that be something you'd be interested in?