View Full Version : My health anxiety is out of control

02-02-2014, 11:43 AM
I've been checking my temperature 10x a day, and heart rate...I haven't felt well since Wednesday but don't have any symptoms except fatigue and a 99.5 temperature.

I keep trying to tell myself it's just anxiety and tension from starting new medication and going to therapy everyday but my anxiety keeps saying I have cancer or a blood clot.

Ugh, I hate this!

El Lukio
02-02-2014, 12:47 PM
I've been checking my temperature 10x a day, and heart rate...I haven't felt well since Wednesday but don't have any symptoms except fatigue and a 99.5 temperature. I keep trying to tell myself it's just anxiety and tension from starting new medication and going to therapy everyday but my anxiety keeps saying I have cancer or a blood clot. Ugh, I hate this!

I just wish our minds wouldn't interpret every little ache, pain or minor ailment as something catastrophic but it's so hard when you're like this.

Remember there's a lot of seasonal colds and flu about at the moment which can knock your stuffing out so that's probably contributing to why you're feeling crappy. And the tension and anxiety amplifies this all the more.

02-02-2014, 02:12 PM
I've been checking my temperature 10x a day, and heart rate...I haven't felt well since Wednesday but don't have any symptoms except fatigue and a 99.5 temperature.

I keep trying to tell myself it's just anxiety and tension from starting new medication and going to therapy everyday but my anxiety keeps saying I have cancer or a blood clot.

Ugh, I hate this!

Youre gonna get there, reese

I understand what you are going through all too well

It does stop

the things you are doing will bring this to an end

patience is hard to have with this for sure

02-02-2014, 03:19 PM
I literally do the same thing. Except, a lot of the time if I have a minor ache or pain, I google the symptom and end up convincing myself I have some life threatening illness.
For example, I had chest pain last week. Come to find out, I just has acid reflux.
And I was getting the flu.
Another time I had a rash on my breast and convinced myself into a panic attack that I had breast inflammatory cancer.
So, If anyone has any advice for this kind of disorder, it would be great. But I know how you feel. :/

El Lukio
02-03-2014, 12:39 AM
Guys, I found this useful leaflet from the NHS which pretty much sums up what we're going through:


02-03-2014, 06:23 AM
I wish I could have that booklet. Everything in there describes me. I really am convinced there is something wrong with me. There may be or there may not be but even looking at that booklet helps to not freak out quite so much

El Lukio
02-03-2014, 11:47 AM
I wish I could have that booklet. Everything in there describes me. I really am convinced there is something wrong with me. There may be or there may not be but even looking at that booklet helps to not freak out quite so much

Can you not open the link or do you mean you'd like a physical copy?

02-03-2014, 08:42 PM
Can you not open the link or do you mean you'd like a physical copy?

I wished I had a physical copy :)

El Lukio
02-04-2014, 12:55 AM
I wished I had a physical copy :)

If you want, I can print it and send to you?

If that sounds like a plan, PM your postal address and I'll do it next week when I'm at work (my home printer is bust) :)

02-04-2014, 04:27 PM
Thanks for this! I printed and worked on it.

El Lukio
02-05-2014, 12:46 AM
Thanks for this! I printed and worked on it.

Awesome, well done Reese! It's not a magic bullet but hopefully it'll help :)