View Full Version : what is social anxiety to you?

02-02-2014, 10:53 AM
My anxiety all stems around two of my friends and the idea that they like each other more than they like me. I would go as far as to say I'm quite obsessive, it genuinely upsets me if one of them likes the others photo on Facebook! I am constantly worrying about whether they're meeting up with each other without me or texting, I even compare the things they say to each other and the things they say to me when were all together.

Recently I've started to think that one of them is bored of me and more interested in the other one, I over analyze how many 'X' she puts on texts and assume her being busy is because she's seeing the other friend. I never take into account all the nice things she does for me, or the nice things she says just focus on what I interpret to be bad.

I wondered what other peoples social anxiety is like; do you feel anxious about everyone or are there specific people you feel weird with? I would love to hear from anyone who has felt like I do!

02-02-2014, 10:56 AM
Anxiety often comes from low self esteem, lack of fulfillment as well as the usual triggers of symptoms or socializing etc. Instead of obsessing over 2 people you should focus on bettering life for yourself. When you feel happier and more confident in yourself you'll realize that worrying about 2 friends in a somewhat competative or paranoid sense doesn't serve any positive conclusions.


02-02-2014, 10:57 AM
I feel anxious about certain people as well. Mainly my ex and his family. I have a son of 2 to this man and he's very nasty and intimidating! Most of my anxiety issues involve him in some way. It's awful! Cause my worries usually end up in me believing my son will be given to him! X