View Full Version : Fighting Urges (trigger warning?)

02-02-2014, 09:46 AM
Well it's been a pretty crap day for me, had a bad upset this morning and now tonight after a bust up with my partner I'm in a very anxious and angry state about the fragility of my living situation. I'm getting to my overload point and am really really tempted to self harm. I have scratched pretty hard to try to relieve it but its not enough. Any suggestions?

02-02-2014, 10:21 AM
Sorry about your crappy day.. is there anyone you can talk to? The last thing you want to do is self-harm because that would be like giving in and letting the overload get to you. Try and find some good music to listen to. Or grab a note pad and just write down everything you are feeling. Vent; get all of it out there. Go for a run. All of these are simple suggestions really, but the point is to try and distract and get rid of some of that bottled anger and anxiety out in a safer way.

Stay strong, Sammy Stardust.. we're all here to listen. :)

02-03-2014, 12:17 AM
I've used self harm.. Mainly cutting during attacks. I sometimes find plucking me bikini area Satisfies that... And helpful.
Exercise, . Ear healthy ... Avis trans fat
I'm Falling sleep

02-03-2014, 12:18 AM
Avoid * damn I'm tired

02-03-2014, 12:52 AM
self harm is not an answer.we are here for you

02-03-2014, 03:50 AM
I'm sorry to hear your feeling so bad,it's a strain when your upset and having a row with your other half is stressful I know,why don't you get a boxing bag (maybe a cheap on on eBay) and beat the hell out of it when your feeling like this,it will get all your frustration out and exercises fantastic for anxiety