View Full Version : The vicious cycle begins again!!!! Help!

02-02-2014, 09:06 AM
I have had health anxiety for about two years now (on top of having GAD for six) and it seems whenever one "problem" goes away another one takes its place. My last problem was not being able to speak without running out of breath. I swore it was caused by my heart, my posture, cancer......etc. well that has completely went away. It was gone for about a week. Now it's my underarms. When I stand with my arms to my side it feels like there is something in my arm pits or as if something is pinched in there or like a swollen feeling. My armpits also burn and kinda hurt. At first it was only in my right side now both underarms feel like that. I also have pain in my side rib and shoulder blade. My doctor sent me for an ultra sound and they checked my Gallbladder, spleen, liver, both kidneys and the lymph nodes in my underarm and said all looked perfect. Also their isn't any lumps or bumps or anything that I can feel that would cause these feelings. I was glad the lymph nodes were ok because I swore to myself I had lymphoma because of google of course lol but I'm just so exhausted because it's not going away and I keep second guessing like "what if the docs missed something" "what if I do have lymphoma?" I just want it to go away. This health anxiety is getting so old. I just don't know what to do. Has anyone else had under arm troubles or anything similar? Thank you guys so much for reading!

02-02-2014, 10:00 AM
I have had health anxiety for about two years now (on top of having GAD for six) and it seems whenever one "problem" goes away another one takes its place. My last problem was not being able to speak without running out of breath. I swore it was caused by my heart, my posture, cancer......etc. well that has completely went away. It was gone for about a week. Now it's my underarms. When I stand with my arms to my side it feels like there is something in my arm pits or as if something is pinched in there or like a swollen feeling. My armpits also burn and kinda hurt. At first it was only in my right side now both underarms feel like that. I also have pain in my side rib and shoulder blade. My doctor sent me for an ultra sound and they checked my Gallbladder, spleen, liver, both kidneys and the lymph nodes in my underarm and said all looked perfect. Also their isn't any lumps or bumps or anything that I can feel that would cause these feelings. I was glad the lymph nodes were ok because I swore to myself I had lymphoma because of google of course lol but I'm just so exhausted because it's not going away and I keep second guessing like "what if the docs missed something" "what if I do have lymphoma?" I just want it to go away. This health anxiety is getting so old. I just don't know what to do. Has anyone else had under arm troubles or anything similar? Thank you guys so much for reading!

With health anxiety, we all have our favorite irrational fears for what new illness and disease we have

Armpits. That is a new one and I admire you for thinking outside the box

If you have been told that you are in fine health, it is time to start working on the issues you are having i your mind

There are plenty of threads here on health anxiety

It is a process of just not letting your random thoughts trick you into believing they are real

Sounds pretty simple but I understand the difficulty

Looking for some help with this is a good sign that you understand the root of the problem

El Lukio
02-02-2014, 11:45 AM
I have had health anxiety for about two years now (on top of having GAD for six) and it seems whenever one "problem" goes away another one takes its place. My last problem was not being able to speak without running out of breath. I swore it was caused by my heart, my posture, cancer......etc. well that has completely went away. It was gone for about a week. Now it's my underarms. When I stand with my arms to my side it feels like there is something in my arm pits or as if something is pinched in there or like a swollen feeling. My armpits also burn and kinda hurt. At first it was only in my right side now both underarms feel like that. I also have pain in my side rib and shoulder blade. My doctor sent me for an ultra sound and they checked my Gallbladder, spleen, liver, both kidneys and the lymph nodes in my underarm and said all looked perfect. Also their isn't any lumps or bumps or anything that I can feel that would cause these feelings. I was glad the lymph nodes were ok because I swore to myself I had lymphoma because of google of course lol but I'm just so exhausted because it's not going away and I keep second guessing like "what if the docs missed something" "what if I do have lymphoma?" I just want it to go away. This health anxiety is getting so old. I just don't know what to do. Has anyone else had under arm troubles or anything similar? Thank you guys so much for reading!

Wow...it's like you read my mind!

I've had this weird shoulder sensation for months. It's one of the triggers that sent me into the spiral I'm in I think. It's not painful, just feels strange and my doc looked at it and said I was very tense there. I had blood works and liver and kidneys were fine and there were no abnormalities. It's not really gone away in this time (about 10 months) but it fuels the fears that I've got.

I get random pains all over. It's like I'm waiting for new symptoms all the time. Lately I've got a pain in my side and lower back. It's made me obsessed with my bowel movements and checking my pee (both of which are fine). My stomach isn't great too - everything I've got is a result of the tension that I'm carrying. But like you I Google these things and I'm dying!

I've also been OCD about checking my armpits, groin, neck etc. I just wish I could break this cycle. If I find an outlet that takes my mind off it, the physical symptoms go but of late even even these outlets are not enough to overpower it.

I'm getting so tired of my health anxiety too. It's driving me nuts.

At least we're in the right place with caring people who understand what we're going through on here.