View Full Version : Fear of Going Crazy

02-28-2008, 06:45 AM
Hey all, im a guy of 25 and have been having trouble with anxiety for the past 5 years and it doesnt seem to be getting any better,its the last thing on my mind and night and the first thing in the mornings,i cant seem to shake it, ive had pretty much every symptom on the anxiety list at 1 point or another but the biggest worrie for me is losing my mind,and trying to explain this to sum1 with out an anxiety disorder is no use as they just dont understand,i usually feel spaced out,nervous,worrie,panic.on edge,scary/random thoughts,like having an outer body experience,and sumtimes not ont his planet

i was just wondering is there was any 1 out there with the same problem?

02-28-2008, 09:20 AM
When my anxiety first started I had the same exact fear. I was terrified that I was going crazy and losing my mind. You are right, it is really hard to explain to someone who has never experienced it before. I would get this kind of out of control feeling and sometimes I would feel really spacey (like I'm disconnected from the world). Someone once said to me, "If you were really going crazy or losing your mind than I don't think that you would be so aware of it." Take for example a schizophrenic person...I don't think that they are very much aware of the situation they are in. So, from now on whenever I get that feeling I just say that to myself. Also, as many times as I have thought I was going crazy, it never happened. So now I realize that it is a horrible feeling, but that it will pass. I hope that this helps at least a little bit. Hang in there!

02-28-2008, 08:08 PM
I definately understand what your talking about. I had a very bad experience with marijuana and never touched the stuff again. But for MONTHS afterward I would start feeling like I was on it again and freak out and think it would never go away. I totally understand, and I'm so glad that I'm not alone haha :)

It's weird though, at first I would feel like my mind "drop" or something and I would go into these attacks. However, I've learned to get out of this dropping feeling as soon as I feel them

Hope this helps :)

03-02-2008, 11:02 AM
im 17 and i have the same problem, especially the detached feeling of being not on this planet, or being as insignificant as an ant when you look at the bigger picture. its terrifying, it makes you feel fragile and something so small that you shouldnt have a mind so alert and conscious. ive tried to explain this to friends, this feeling of not existing, or having your existence ripped from you, and the rising panic that follows, but nobody and i mean not one person has ever understood what the hell im talking about. this only alienates you all the more, doesnt it..
did you get help for this ever??

Hey Guys
03-02-2008, 06:27 PM
I was in the same boat you are for a verrrrry long time.

Then it dawned on me: if I was actually going crazy, it would have happened way long ago. Trust me if this has been going on for 5 years now the chance of you actually losing your mind is about 0.00000000001%. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders normally develop over a fairly brief period of time.

I hope this helps comfort your mind. Aside from that, good luck and feel better!

03-03-2008, 06:47 AM
Hopefully today finds you in better spirits!

What you are feeling is just anxiety you are not going out of your mind!
But I can relate to your feeling as well.

Please keep up the positive thinking! Next time it happens try to relax and focus on something else. Try to put that thought out of your head. You will come back to earth a lot faster :)

Take care!

03-05-2008, 06:10 AM
thx for all the replys guys its helped me alot
thank god i stumpled across this site lol

and serenescene yes ive had they thoughts many times there horrible i know
just try to go about ur day and try not to panic...ul be fine

03-21-2008, 08:15 PM
You sound just like me. I used to feel the same way, still do, just not as bad anymore. Now I know that it's JUST anxiety and cope a little better with the panic attacks. I even ended up in the ER twice because I thought I was going to go crazy. They had a doc come talk to me and he said that I wasn't and it was a panic attack. I read From Panic To Power and I keep reading it whenever I feel the need, it helps me feel better. I also got on Paxil and it was a amazing how it took all that away, but after 9 years of being on and off of it it has stopped working for me:( I am going through my anxiety right now and trying out Prozac, I'm having a difficult time, but it's comforting to know that there are others out there just like me.

03-22-2008, 05:09 PM
New here, but this is exactly how I feel a lot of the time. I'm afraid I'm either going to check out of reality, or that I'm going to start seeing someone or hearing voices. I have no idea where this fear developed, but it's really annoying.

I've been dealing with anxiety over various things since 5th grade. It gets really hard when things pile up on you, but eventually it all pans out and you learn to wade through the crap with your head clear of it.