View Full Version : What type of anxiety is this?

02-01-2014, 06:16 PM
I get very nervous, nauseas and light headed at school. It's been like this for about 9 months now and i find it very hard to concentrate. I don't understand what it is about school but even the thinking of being inside a classroom makes my heart race. I have been trying to figure out what triggers it by visualising myself at school with no one there. I don't feel that nervous. Then i imagine myself at school with teachers but no students. I get kinda nervous, not really that much. I then imagine myself at school with everyone and i suddenly get extremely nervous. I seem to get extremely nervous in large crowds, but only of people i know, who aren't my family members. Like if im in a shopping centre with tons of people walking around, i never get nervous because i don't no anyone and will never see them again. The thing i find weird is that im not actually shy around people. I can have a normal conversation with anyone and im able to make full eye contact/ sound confident. It's very confusing because to be honest i couldnt care less about what people think of me. I don't understand what kind of anxiety it is. I seem to be getting nervous when i'm with large groups of people that i know, only inside and enclosed space (i never ever get nervous when im outside).An example of this would be inside of a class room. So what type of anxiety is this???

02-01-2014, 07:10 PM
This is the exact same type that I, and my (2) daughters both have.
Only at school, when controlled, confined, no freedom, almost feel like you're trapped but you're really not. You CAN ask to step out of the room for abit.
I had "hot passes" for both of my daughters. It was a special pass that permitted them to get out of the classroom or out of whatever it was causing them anxiety.
Ask your Councelor about getting you one, it may help you greatly.
It's all just another aspect, of a General Anxiety Disorder...it just takes on many different faces.
A visit to the Doc would be great too, to get some medications for you in the nurses station because it may actually get worse before it gets better...just being honest.
They were EXACTLY the same way...now my youngest has to study from home online, if I can even get her to do that!


02-01-2014, 07:15 PM
PS: It's because youre not in "control"...
I still can't ride in a bus, train, plane, ship...
Because I am not in control nor can I see who is..
Car doesn't bother me,...I see them and what's going on to make them aware or correct the situtation is I need too.

Hope this helps you Son...


02-01-2014, 09:17 PM
Thank you for your reply. Is is possible for me to get better from this? Can i ever feel like my old self again? Is it possible for me to get better without meds?

02-02-2014, 10:29 AM
Johnnn, I used to have this same exact thing growing up – from elementary school to high school! I'm now 34 and of course no longer attend school. I would feel exactly the same way... trapped. I would get panicky, and I would HATE when teachers had me sit at the front of the class... I always felt like people could see how nervous I was. All I wanted to do was run out of the classroom. Seeing a therapist helped me immensely. At that time I was never on medication, but just being able to talk to someone on a regular basis who understood helped a lot. I take medication now for anxiety and it does help... it's an option. I love E-Man's hot pass idea... sometimes you just need to know that you have that option... you may find you won't even use it. It's a relief just to know that you can step outside the classroom and take a little breather. Overall, my advice is not to suffer alone... talk to someone, see what your options are :)