View Full Version : I have horrible health anxiety.

02-28-2008, 02:56 AM

I've been suffering from anxiety problems my entire life. Primarily health anxiety. I was doing well for about four-five years medication free, then this last January I started getting very anxious one night, and my breathing became labored, then I really panicked and started hyperventilating. Ever since my anxiety has returned full-force. I've been spending most of my nights reading crap on the internet about what I might be dying from. My main symptoms are dizziness, heart palpitations, and taking a lot of deep breaths. I don't know anyone personally who suffers from health anxiety, or any anxiety for that matter, so I feel very lonely having no one to relate to. Does anyone else suffer from these same symptoms? Or spend all their time thinking they're dying from some awful undiscovered illness? I could really use some support. Thanks.


02-28-2008, 05:06 PM
Don't be scared, I suffer the same things. I started taking alot of deep breaths, thought I was going to die. Got a headache, thought I was going to die. It is very common with us anxiety sufferers. I have a headache behind my eye right now and I'm freaking out at this very moment. But I just tell myself "this too shall pass", as it will. So when your having an anxiety attack, sit back and watch tv or just relax. You can't read stuff on the internet, as it will make you even more frightened! (I realized my headache went away before I read theres a rare possibility of stroke in this headache so I started freaking out and hey, not its back!) So i'm going to go do something relaxing, and hey, why don't you do the same?!

Hope that helped

03-02-2008, 04:20 PM
Since my first panic attack caused by constant worrying, I have had severe Anxiety, however I am pleased to say that I am over the worst of it.

Nonetheless Health Anxiety as you put it has been troubling me for a loooong time, and searching the internet for symptoms i think its the worst mistake you can ever make. For example did you know that the symptoms for a heart attack are identical to a panic attack? By knowing this doesnt it re-assure you that a combination of symptoms can be linked to hundreds of diseases, disorders and problems....OR IT COULD JUST BE ANXIETY. One thing I have noticed is that all of my symptoms are not persistant. The dizzyness and shakes sometimes are quite frequent but apart from that I feel fine when living positively.

I hope this helps :)

03-03-2008, 09:04 AM
I can relate, I suffer horrendously with health anxiety and a fear of death. I have had really bad anxiety episodes 3 times in my life now and looking at them, I can relate them ALL back to fear of a physical symptom I had. The first time at 21 I had 'unprotected' sex with someone I hardly knew (I have always been a very careful girl) and became convinced I would die of AIDS (am still here 13 years later!), the second I became aware of a 'lump sensation' in my throat and was convinced it was throat cancer and my current battle is with an unexplained pain in my left side and through to my back, and so far have been convinced it's stomach cancer or pancreatic cancer (both of which have ruled out through medical examination). I get myself into SUCH a state over a period of time that even when I have been assured I am physically well, the anxiety and depression has set in so I have a new battle, often for months!! I also dwell too much on death and when I am likely to die, and the gut awful feeling that death is so final and one of the only things we can't control!! I know I need to change my patterns of thinking, but boy is it hard!