View Full Version : Anxiety from watching sports

02-01-2014, 11:31 AM
The club I'm behind had a game today but because my anxiety has been through the roof lately I decided to not watch it. I felt very sad afterwards.

Watching sports is actually a trigger for my anxiety. I didn't use to be this way. The past 2-3 years, however, all of my muscles will tighten up just by turning the game on and seeing it ready to begin. Everyone tells me it's just a game and I do tell myself that, yet it does me no good at all. I have been watching sports for years, even written about them occasionally, so I seem to acutely relate to what's happening on the field and I flare up badly. By the end of the game, my reflux is set off and I have to deal with stomach issues for a week.

I'm with my parents this weekend and am resting but I really have lost the urge to do anything now that I've turned my back on the club I love. I guess only people into sports can relate.

BTW, I don't really care about the Super Bowl tomorrow. American football is a sport I used to be interested in years ago, but I kind of drifted from.