View Full Version : Panic Attack?

02-01-2014, 10:30 AM
I'm not sure if what I've experienced was a panic attack or not. I am working with a counselor and she likes me to do 'body checks' so I can get in touch with my feelings and check my anxiety levels.
So the other day, I was worrying. Which is normal, but I was also trying to explain what was wrong to a friend.
I don't like admitting any feeling type of thing but I want to know if what I was feeling was a panic attack.
I was scared, I couldn't stop shaking, I was having trouble breathing. I felt sick, my head was spinning and it just felt like everything inside of my body was being squeezed. I'm almost ashamed to admit it but I was crying and pretty much hyperventilating.
I'm not sure if it was a panic attack, I've been through this a few other times but again, I never put a label to it.
What do you guys think?

02-01-2014, 10:35 AM
Sounds like a panic attack.

02-01-2014, 10:37 AM
I'm not sure if what I've experienced was a panic attack or not. I am working with a counselor and she likes me to do 'body checks' so I can get in touch with my feelings and check my anxiety levels. So the other day, I was worrying. Which is normal, but I was also trying to explain what was wrong to a friend. I don't like admitting any feeling type of thing but I want to know if what I was feeling was a panic attack. I was scared, I couldn't stop shaking, I was having trouble breathing. I felt sick, my head was spinning and it just felt like everything inside of my body was being squeezed. I'm almost ashamed to admit it but I was crying and pretty much hyperventilating. I'm not sure if it was a panic attack, I've been through this a few other times but again, I never put a label to it. What do you guys think?

Indeed it was

All pretty common symptoms

Realize at this moment that it came and went and there was no harm to you

Don't get caught in the circle of fearing the attacks coming because that is a tough road to follow

I find it odd that you are advised to do body checks

Focusing on those things will usually start one's anxiety pretty quickly if you think you feel something you deem abnormal

Someone can chime in and say if that is common or not

My therapists all sucked so maybe that is a good idea

02-01-2014, 10:41 AM
She recommends the body checks so that I can take steps to combat my anxiety before it gets bad.
I think it's to just recognise some of the common signs of it all, although it could be because I am rubbish with my emotions and feelings.

02-01-2014, 10:42 AM
She recommends the body checks so that I can take steps to combat my anxiety before it gets bad. I think it's to just recognise some of the common signs of it all, although it could be because I am rubbish with my emotions and feelings.

I suppose that makes sense then

Again, my therapists sucked!

02-01-2014, 10:43 AM
Panic attacks can change symptoms every now and again. They're sneaky. What you may feel on one day, may change a week later. That's what keeps people so confused, they get used to one symptom, and then another one hits them and freaks them out and confuses them. Clever little anxiety! :)

It's always hard to define what panic attacks are, as they'd change so much, for me especially!

So I don't really label stuff too, same as you, but if I had that I'd class it as a 'panic attack', yeah.