View Full Version : My general point of view of this forum

02-01-2014, 09:57 AM
hey to all. as i become member of this forum, i feel that you guys have helped me a lot answering questions and kind words. i think i have done something in return, but i feel i must do this for you. i see some members who complain every single day about their symptoms, and ask about every little thing. at one point they are happy and optimistic some minutes after they write like they are the most depressed people on earth. please guys this is not the way to healing. get over it or you will be stuck like this forever. stop this madness inside you. firstly you must accept yourself as you are, and your are yourselves doctors and shrinks. i care for you as common sufferers and as human beings and my words come from the bottom of my heart, you must find inner forces not to think about every single stuff going on you or you will end up never getting out of this. peace and love. hope someone really listens to me.

02-01-2014, 10:22 AM
hey to all. as i become member of this forum, i feel that you guys have helped me a lot answering questions and kind words. i think i have done something in return, but i feel i must do this for you. i see some members who complain every single day about their symptoms, and ask about every little thing. at one point they are happy and optimistic some minutes after they write like they are the most depressed people on earth. please guys this is not the way to healing. get over it or you will be stuck like this forever. stop this madness inside you. firstly you must accept yourself as you are, and your are yourselves doctors and shrinks. i care for you as common sufferers and as human beings and my words come from the bottom of my heart, you must find inner forces not to think about every single stuff going on you or you will end up never getting out of this. peace and love. hope someone really listens to me.

I do agree with much of what you say.

I believe people have a hard time getting where you say they need to be usually for one simple reason

They usually are on high alert with their nerves

And to get to get over it, people first have to have a period of relative calm before they can look at things rationally

And I see the people who you are referring to that seem to up and down on some days

That usually tells me that they have moments of peace but not the constant peace to begin the true healing process

Many people have first gone to meds, as did I, to get them calm enough to begin the process

And unfortunately, anxiety sufferers tend to fear the side effects of medication

So they use different methods that work and some will fail and they will try something different or a mix of things

One thing I think you will notice as you are here longer, and I believe you will, is that you can see their progression through their setbacks and victories

It's actually kinda cool to see people find their way and it is one of the reasons I keep my membership

Frankie, I'm calling you out as one of those people

I know you mean well and want people to understand the importance of getting on with it

But like everything else when it comes to anxiety disorders, some will find their way a little faster than others

Blessed is a great example. Who doesn't love her although she asks the same question in different words so frequently?

And she now laughs at herself as she asks them.

Took her a long while to laugh at herself

To me, that is a sign she is taking one step forward towards overcoming her disorder

Encourage people when they're up, pull them up when they are down

Sometimes the best we can do is try to be there for whatever the needs of the day are

02-01-2014, 10:27 AM
I have not choice but to agree:)) Writing about everything what's going on from sinus infection to palpitation and hundreds others symptoms of anxiety, is feeding the monster. Instead of focusing on the heart or blood pressure all the time, find the good links here, they will give you some relaxing time, and hopefully relieve.

I am suffering from Gad, but I had never made a thread about my symptoms. It does not make sense and it does not help others. It does not help me:))
Do not get me wrong, this is amazing forum, people are very friendly and have a knowledge they share.....

02-01-2014, 10:29 AM
I agree, but I Also think that people have different healing methods. I don't care if a person asked 10questions in the same week. As long as someone replies, puts their mind at ease for that moment. Heck even may help them in the long run I see no problem. As long as we can help!!!

02-01-2014, 10:31 AM
i am not judging anyone and we all are here to help each other, but our help is worthless if you dont help yourself.

02-01-2014, 10:31 AM
I agree, but I Also think that people have different healing methods. I don't care if a person asked 10questions in the same week. As long as someone replies, puts their mind at ease for that moment. Heck even may help them in the long run I see no problem. As long as we can help!!!

No it is not problem, but it can upset some people, and higher their anxiety....

02-01-2014, 10:32 AM
i am not judging anyone and we all are here to help each other, but our help is worthless if you dont help yourself.

Ultimately, you are exactly right

No magic bullet will work coming from someone else

02-01-2014, 10:33 AM
What upsets me is that no one uses SEARCH option to find the topics:rolleyes:

02-01-2014, 10:36 AM
But you can't expect everyone to be on your mentality level when it comes to Anxiety. Some are new, some only have had their first attacks just days,weeks or even months ago.. I think that everyone's mind is different. Doesn't mean they are not helping themselves. Some people have different lifestyles that are debilitating enough. I think that people should open their arms and their MIND and accept all for who they are. If they ask 100 questions in a day so be it. It's not hurting anyone, just helping 1

El Lukio
02-01-2014, 10:37 AM
What is amazing is that you can feel free to ask any question you have, any fear, anything at all and no one shoots you down. I thought I was alone in this but I am not. And that gives me something to cling to.

02-01-2014, 10:39 AM
What is amazing is that you can feel free to ask any question you have, any fear, anything at all and no one shoots you down. I thought I was alone in this but I am not. And that gives me something to cling to.


02-01-2014, 10:41 AM
What is amazing is that you can feel free to ask any question you have, any fear, anything at all and no one shoots you down. I thought I was alone in this but I am not. And that gives me something to cling to.

El Lukio it should be this way at any time. It shouldn't matter how many times u ask. Your looking for reassurance and that's what we are here for!!!

02-01-2014, 10:49 AM
do what is best for you guys. i was just sharing my point of view. :)

02-01-2014, 10:52 AM
*reassurance* and that's what we are here for!!!

Some people just need to read some kind words moreso than others, that's the reassurance. One simple word, generally easy to accomplish as well. Many of us have already been when many of you now are...that's why we're here.

E-Man. :)

02-01-2014, 10:53 AM
ok i think that you get reassurance from others. but how long can you depend on others? forever? why not start building self reassurance? each time you write everybody is going to tell you this is normal and it will pass. have you tried telling it to yourself? i believe that self reassurance is the first step to overcome things.

02-01-2014, 10:56 AM

Some people just need to read some kind words moreso than others, that's the reassurance. One simple word, generally easy to accomplish as well. Many of us have already been when many of you now are...that's why we're here.


I agree!! And I'm working on not being so pesky myself :)

02-01-2014, 10:57 AM
I understand the intention behind your post. But I would have to say that by constantly posting and in return constantly being reassured, can create enough repetition that it will eventually sink in, as Nixon points out, this takes varying degrees of time. By it's very nature health anxiety is primarily about self doubt, and what if. A high volume of sufferers doubt what their own doctor, blood tests and ECG tell them. So having reassurance from a forum undoubtedly will have significant impact until the next seed of doubt appears. My greatest concern with the comments made in the thread, are that for those asking for reassurance do so because they have no other outlet, if they were at the stage they could self council, they wouldn't be posting. And reading these comments may make someone feel that they are burdening others. The thing I love the most about this forum, is that people feel that they are able to cry for help as, when and as frequently as they wish. I would say patience and understanding is essential to anyone wishing to help. Regards

Well done, James

You've said it better than I

02-01-2014, 11:02 AM
Some people just need to read some kind words moreso than others, that's the reassurance. One simple word, generally easy to accomplish as well. Many of us have already been when many of you now are...that's why we're here. E-Man. :)exactly!!!!! Thank you! Sometimes it takes me more times than others to get the reassurance I need to get thru the issues I am facing, but you know what? That's what's make us all different and none of us will ever be able to recover at the same rate and same techniques as other people. I'm sure I get on some peoples nerves on here as can obviously be pointed out in some of your comments. If this is so , simply ignore me as I can really spot out the members that have have a genuine , unselfish concern for others wellbeings. Thank you Eman and jessed and forwells and Nixon etc for being there for me no matter how many times i ask the same question!! It means more to me than you could ever imagine!

02-01-2014, 11:04 AM
And to add.

If anyone is able to post a ground breaking "fits all" formula to create self assurance.

Please do so and we can close the forum and get on with living. :)

No don't do that!!!

Then what am I gonna do when I wait for my food to cook? ;)

P.s. You're welcome blessed!

02-01-2014, 11:07 AM
exactly!!!!! Thank you! Sometimes it takes me more times than others to get the reassurance I need to get thru the issues I am facing, but you know what? That's what's make us all different and none of us will ever be able to recover at the same rate and same techniques as other people. I'm sure I get on some peoples nerves on here as can obviously be pointed out in some of your comments. If this is so , simply ignore me as I can really spot out the members that have have a genuine , unselfish concern for others wellbeings. Thank you Eman and jessed and forwells and Nixon etc for being there for me no matter how many times i ask the same question!! It means more to me than you could ever imagine!

Read my first post on this thread about you!

Of course you are welcome.!

02-01-2014, 11:09 AM
you are getting my point wrong here guys. it is different to ask for kind words and different to ask each day the same thing when you get the same answer. imagine the difference between a post saying "goodmorning everyone i had a rough night how is anybody else doing?" with this : "i woke up terrified as always, i was dizzy, i thought my life was ending and so on..." repeating every single day or each time it happens and constantly reminding yourself symptoms etc.. we should change our approach to things. turning bad things into mild ones.

02-01-2014, 11:13 AM
Well said !!! I am new to this forum & the only way we could get help from each other is to take action,We all know that anxiety sucks but we will not DIE from it so let's enjoy life.

02-01-2014, 11:14 AM
Nixon I was talking to Jesse yesterday about this. I have made some progress in the 6 weeks I've been on the forum but in the big picture it is still very small. I've a very long way to go. My life has shrunk so small over many years that I am afraid go look to far ahead and work on being productive and my exposure bit by bit. I have been I unsuccessful with CBT twice before and I believe now it's because my expectations were unrealistic and moved faster than I could progress with. I do have my victories but yes they are small. Sometimes I think that's solid and I can build more progress on it and then out of nowhere the feeling of hopelessness overwhelms me. As you say I do not have extended periods of calm despite all I am trying to make that happen. My mood and anxiety is up and down like a yo-yo in almost every day. I get exhausted by it. I do not believe my meds are right for me as it's been 6 weeks and I feel that is long enough to know. I have to address that. I'm not sure what else to do than just keep working at getting further from home bit by bit. I love the water but do not go to my beach due to my agoraphobia. Wide open places are a huge fear for me. Nixon, that is my short term goal. I will let you know as I first achieve a walk there. I'm not really sure in which way you are calling me out, something good or something too small and my up/down mood?

As an example of someone that I feel is making great strides

02-01-2014, 11:20 AM
I actually disagree, I've struggled for years and when your self esteem is in the toilet you don't trust your own judgement. When I came here and many beautiful people gave their time to encourage me and build me up I began to finally have HOPE. I still struggle with intrusive thoughts and hopelessness but it does not hang over me all day now. I started to believe what people were saying was good that I had done in my day. Self belief in my opinion is a second step. It comes through encouragement that is abundant here. I agree with you 100 % and can totally relate to ya!

02-01-2014, 11:52 AM
Help!!! Intruder alert!!! LMAO!!!...LittleSissyUrgh!!!

Where the hell is the MODS!!!! JESSE!!!! Cmon man!!!!

02-01-2014, 12:26 PM
I think the point of this forum is the ability to express yourself in a way which you can not otherwise do. It is a safe place, the beauty of it all, is the ability not to open a thread if you so choose not to. I see what you are saying cimi, but to those who are in the middle of what you are saying isn't helpful, it might really offend that person. Just my two cents. :)

02-01-2014, 12:57 PM
Interesting debate developing here. I'm trying to put myself in the place of others, and wonder how I'd have used a forum when my anxiety was brutal. I found it towards the middle, as it was slightly easier, so never really used it for support, or reassurance, but just to pick up some tips.

I think I would have been very nervous about meds, and posted a lot. I think that's an awesome thing this forum does, allows people to talk through their med experience with others. Being on those terrified me, and I felt all alone taking them.

I get your point Cimi, eventually a person usually needs to say 'fuck it' to anxiety, and embrace more self calming habits. We do try and advise people to begin to do that after some time posting the same things. Not cos we're bored, just cos it's ineffective to keep doing something that isn't helping. Everybodies got their own way and time frame until they reach a point where they're ready to do that. You seem a nice guy, I don't think you were being disapproving of people posting, I hope no one got that impression from your posts! I think maybe you're just trying to speed the process up a little ;).. People will find their way though man, given time. Maybe they just need to understand some things first? Posting is their way of doing that. Plus reassurance feels reallllllly good at times lol

Take care!

02-01-2014, 01:04 PM
Actually Jessed made a good point. Everyone is different and has right to be. Unfortunately we have own opinions and ways to deal with the B***. I hide when I am in a lot of pain. Maybe others do not, I'm sorry if anyone felt offended by my Search post:)) I meant no harm:)

02-01-2014, 01:15 PM
I have gotten more answers from the people on this forum then I have my Doc's. What a great help to me this has been. Thank you all!!!
When my anxiety is high and I know I can come on here and get some help with an answer to any question it is a godsend.

02-01-2014, 01:43 PM
guys the true reason i wrote this is that this advice was given to me by friends who suffered from halucinations and more crazy stuff then gad or depression. i see their stories as succes and they are heroes for me. all of them said one thing: dont complain and move on.this is now a lesson and a moto for me and i was trying to induct to others. bless you all and do whatever makes u smile again :)

02-01-2014, 01:51 PM
Cimi a got what you are writing, "Do not complain and move on" is nothing more than Focus on what is important. Keep your energies focused on one goal.

02-01-2014, 02:01 PM
Cimi a got what you are writing, "Do not complain and move on" is nothing more than Focus on what is important. Keep your energies focused on one goal.

it is deffinitly it :)

02-01-2014, 03:54 PM
Frankie different people have a different ways of dealing with the illness. You should read me when I went into hiding for like 4 years, pretending that I do not have any worry in my life. Then I completely went apart...

My posting here is because I feel good....even on meds...it is long way for me to go off, maybe never

02-01-2014, 04:18 PM
hey to all. as i become member of this forum, i feel that you guys have helped me a lot answering questions and kind words. i think i have done something in return, but i feel i must do this for you. i see some members who complain every single day about their symptoms, and ask about every little thing. at one point they are happy and optimistic some minutes after they write like they are the most depressed people on earth. please guys this is not the way to healing. get over it or you will be stuck like this forever. stop this madness inside you. firstly you must accept yourself as you are, and your are yourselves doctors and shrinks. i care for you as common sufferers and as human beings and my words come from the bottom of my heart, you must find inner forces not to think about every single stuff going on you or you will end up never getting out of this. peace and love. hope someone really listens to me.

but many of us are neurotic, and have OCD, it helps to "vent" about symptoms our stupid, annoying little symptoms to get it off your chest. That is why I come here, in hopes of perhaps getting advice, or to talk a bit with people going through the same thing.

One cannot just simply "get over" anxiety at the snap of your fingers, it comes with time and some work. but it helps to be able to vent..

Personally, I haven't got anyone at home I can really spew my thoughts on, well, sometimes family, but they become annoyed (or even concerned at times) with things I say..it just doesn't work out too well, so I go online to do a lot of that.

02-01-2014, 04:37 PM
In your first post i could not agree with more but this is the place people need to get to and it takes time .

You have to understand that with anxiety the brain converts back to a primal level . It runs on instinct more than anything else. the logical part of the brain slows down and this is the reason that people don't see the crap that is being feed to them . They don't see the truth because they are working in primal mode with the flight and fright being over active . The simply fact is that the brain of a anxious person works pretty much in the same mode as that of my 11 year old . Its a matter of not so much reassuring over and over but getting that person to understand on a level that they click with. To see the turth so that they can tell themselves .

This is also a very personal thing and will also come down to a persons upbringing and what they were taught in life on how to handle things in life . I very rarely ask a question because this is the way i was raised in that there was never anyone to ask so i found my own and this is what i do but if my daughter was here i am sure she would be every second post because i have taught her to ask things .

I think blessed is a good example of anxiety taking over someone , she is far from silly and i cant count the post i have worked with her on and i will tell you that at times i shake my head but i understand that no matter what she post , as with most people here the question they ask is not what they write but simply What is happening to me ?

The simply fact is that there is not a person here that does not have a problem . You said that it is best that they "get over it " and honestly this is what people are doing . Again blessed is a perfect example in that she is slowly moving her way though things and even though it was very slow she is slowly picking up speed now .

I have no doubt that she will return to the bad times, as will i , but this also is normal in recovery as it is a bumpy road . The important thing i think is that we see beyond ourselves and more what someones else needs .

Exactly. and I know for me, I will ask the same things over and over again in my head, and even google the same information about panic attacks during a period where my anxiety is high. It seems ridiculous, but it is part of what makes me feel better as I am dealing with so much anxiety, and I eventually stop when things are a bit better. it's like this awful cycle I wish I could break out of.. and with time, I hopefully will when I improve things even more.

Eventually I have gotten to the point where I can be alone and think for myself with the anxiety. but it wasn't always like that, I used to need to talk to people about everything I was feeling, ask my family members a ton of questions, I even talked to my sister back in 2012 about how I thought "suicide wasn't a bad thing" and it scared her, but it was really just my anxious mind going crazy, and I did not know how to deal with these intrusive thoughts the anxiety was giving me..I was analyzing everything because I was having a meltdown due to a bad relationship I was in at the time.. but anyway, I digress.. eventually Blessed will notice her own patterns of anxiety, and she will no longer need to ask so many things about it and need to know what is going on, she will know at some point.

Recovery is a long road, it really is.