View Full Version : Feeling alone makes me anxious

02-01-2014, 03:47 AM
I'm laying in bed still I know iv got to get up and go home (I'm at my partners house) but I can't face it, I feel so alone even when I'm not.my partner and me live together but we don't have our own place, and parents we live with are putting a massive strain on our relationship amongst other things, I love my partner dearly couldn't imagine my life without her, but lately I feel like there's no effort put in anymore I try but I know it's not enough the thing is talking to her doesn't help "it's me being silly" but is it? Am I to keep pushing her til she finally talks to me or do everything I can to ignore my feelings? I don't know if the latter is fair, I have GAD so I do worry a bit much sometimes but that's fear of losing her and others I love I can't cope with it right now I want to click my fingers and feel happy again, how do you rewind time? Lol, I'm 25 and feel older then I am, I take diazepam for panic attacks recently they have been showing there faces for no reason I think it's constant worry and stress, it's work too and my family dramas I could pull my hair out, I just wanted to offload sorry for the rambling.