View Full Version : Hate being alone

02-27-2008, 10:37 PM
I've been posting alot, and I hope the community isn't already sick of me haha :D

But yeah to the point.

I've recently switched schools and I get out alot earlier now, which means about 2 and a half hours of alone time

I hate being at home alone. I just hate being alone. I talk to people on messanger and stuff and it helps but I seriously just HATE having no actual human relations. I love when the house is full and I can just go out and have a conversation with somebody, or having the security that if anything happens theres a bunch of people here.

I can't sleep at night because I'm afraid of burglary and/or ghosts, which I know is rediculous but it's just something that has recently been added to my pointless list of things to worry about.

Advice anyone?

02-28-2008, 02:24 AM
I hate being at home alone. I just hate being alone. I talk to people on messanger and stuff and it helps but I seriously just HATE having no actual human relations.
This is like the absolute opposite to me,
I love alone time..Just gathering my thoughts and feeling like nobody is around to judge me and Im just myself :)

so my advice on this will probably be hopeless but il try :)

Why dont you try joining a club or doing a hobby?
Have you made any friends? see if you can do something together, even if its doing homework together or going for a walk..

As for the burgulary i think deep down everyone worries about this, but not to an extent..We do things to protect ourselves, shut windows, lock doors this usually gives enough reassurance but perhaps not for you?
At the end of the day only you can overcome this fear, remember we cant protect ourselves from everything..No matter how much we would like too.