View Full Version : I have seen post here that can trigger panic attacks

02-01-2014, 01:18 AM
A lot of people have one MAIN fear... DEATH... I hate this word, even though it's reality... why can't people post something allowing the other readers a choice if they want to dig deeper... like *** trigger warning*** some of us can talk openly about this. Some can't. Is there anyway to do this without, taking it to offense. I like this site a lot but some things I don't want to read.. not because I don't care for you but because I don't want that thought to be in my head every waking moment for the next week. :(

02-01-2014, 01:24 AM
I think that's a great idea and I've thought the same thing. It's good that people are comfortable discussing anything, and I wouldn't suggest censorship to those truly seeking answers, but I think it's important to be mindful that this is still a forum for anxious people. What doesn't bother some may be deeply disturbing to others.

02-01-2014, 01:30 AM
Another thing I wish people would absolutely stop doing is coming on here and authoritatively telling everyone how dangerous this medicine or that medicine is. When you're taking something prescribed by a doc, the last thing you need is someone implying it's going to kill you or mess you up. If you're anti-medication, that's fine and well, but I think it better just to share alternatives rather than trying to use scare tactics to persuade people you have THE answer to anxiety.

02-01-2014, 01:30 AM
I think that's a great idea and I've thought the same thing. It's good that people are comfortable discussing anything, and I wouldn't suggest censorship to those truly seeking answers, but I think it's important to be mindful that this is still a forum for anxious people. What doesn't bother some may be deeply disturbing to others.

*** trigger warning***
***possible trigger warning***
Something... giving that reader the option to open or not. Like you and I both said, I want to help everyone I can with my knowledge. As someone can help me. But some things trigger my anxiety. And I would like to have a warning of that. Because once I open it, I can't stop reading. I think this can help alot of us. But just a suggestion!!

02-01-2014, 01:34 AM
Yes, a title should reflect some kind of emotional rating. I don't have a problem talking about Death and think more people should face it, seeing as there is no escape from it. None the less - it is a good Idea to at least include the word DEATH and that alone be enough to state the trigger. Listing Trigger to every post that might offend can get tiresome and also defining what it going to trigger one Vs the other is not so straight forward. None the less I get you point.

The other side of the coin is to simply accept that a place such as this, is bound to contain confronting and challenging text. I would think it simple enough to change the channel as one would with so much more offensive crap on both Cable & Free to Air TV.

I'm sorry you are unable to clear your head. You could contact Admin if you feel it's just. I have one post Titled "RAW EMOTION" - it is full of offensive language and extreme opinions, however if I were not able to vent like so, then this place would be rather useless for me. Thankfully I am allowed to sort through my emotions like so and even a bonus to meet people who can identify as well as support me.

You have done far better than me though - like making this post to explain how you feel when offended and dragged down like so. I am often too quick to react.

Yes I agree - more people should be upfront with their Titles.

Again - I am sorry if anything I have said has depressed you like so.

02-01-2014, 01:35 AM
Another thing I wish people would absolutely stop doing is coming on here and authoritatively telling everyone how dangerous this medicine or that medicine is. When you're taking something prescribed by a doc, the last thing you need is someone implying it's going to kill you or mess you up. If you're anti-medication, that's fine and well, but I think it better just to share alternatives rather than trying to use scare tactics to persuade people you have THE answer to anxiety.

I agree 100% I think everyone's mind and body are different. Some adjust to meds differently. I have chosen to not take meds. My thoughts. But only reason I don't is because I'm scared. Do I knock anyone else or give them the worse case scenario? No! Because that's just brings them down more. I'm sure meds would help me out. Just need to have more faith in myself. :)

02-01-2014, 01:39 AM
Yes, a title should reflect some kind of emotional rating. I don't have a problem talking about Death and think more people should face it, seeing as there is no escape from it. None the less - it is a good Idea to at least include the word DEATH and that alone be enough to state the trigger. Listing Trigger to every post that might offend can get tiresome and also defining what it going to trigger one Vs the other is not so straight forward. None the less I get you point.

The other side of the coin is to simply accept that a place such as this, is bound to contain confronting and challenging text. I would think it simple enough to change the channel as one would with so much more offensive crap on both Cable & Free to Air TV.

I'm sorry you are unable to clear your head. You could contact Admin if you feel it's just. I have one post Titled "RAW EMOTION" - it is full of offensive language and extreme opinions, however if I were not able to vent like so, then this place would be rather useless for me. Thankfully I am allowed to sort through my emotions like so and even a bonus to meet people who can identify as well as support me.

You have done far better than me though - like making this post to explain how you feel when offended and dragged down like so. I am often too quick to react.

Yes I agree - more people should be upfront with their Titles.

Again - I am sorry if anything I have said has depressed you like so.

I get your point. And I know it may never be this way!! It's not anyone in particular. It's a few I've seen here tonight that are hard to swallow. Reality can suck at times. Thanks

02-01-2014, 01:40 AM
I think you will never find something that would work .

Because anxiety is so different for every person there will be someone that is triggered for everyone . I have seen some very funny things looking back that would trigger anxiety is someone and thats includes myself .

The best idea i think might help you is when you are real anxious is to aviod the forum or use the search to weed things out .

Thats not to say that the title should be a bit better on content but you will never enforce that any way .

Yes I should avoid the forum. Your absolutely right. It's just so east to turn to whenever you are down, or needs one's advice. But I get ya :)

02-01-2014, 01:43 AM
forwells, I don't think it was suggested as a rule to be enforced. Rather, just a possible courtesy. Again, I don't think anyone would suggest censorship that would prohibit people from sharing thoughts, venting, asking questions or seeking help. Yes, it could be tricky since people are affected by a variety of triggers, but I think we can all agree that the topic of death would probably be a touchy subject, especially for people with health anxieties. After all, if you're afraid of the anxiety or other health-related symptoms, I'm pretty sure you're not going to want to read about death.

02-01-2014, 01:45 AM
forwells, I don't think it was suggested as a rule to be enforced. Rather, just a possible courtesy. Again, I don't think anyone would suggest censorship that would prohibit people from sharing thoughts, venting, asking questions or seeking help. Yes, it could be tricky since people are affected by a variety of triggers, but I think we can all agree that the topic of death would probably be a touchy subject, especially for people with health anxieties. After all, if you're afraid of the anxiety or other health-related symptoms, I'm pretty sure you're not going to want to read about death.

Yes :) my point

02-01-2014, 02:09 AM
I think this is more about the drug no drug debate than people sharing things .

I know that at times its may come across that someone is pushing the none meds and they do at times . But i think that it is that they are sharing .

This is a very important thing as it allows someone to be aware of what to look for if the med is not working .

I for one was saved by this as if it was not for others writing about their experiences then i would not have know .

The problem is that the doctors hand out the pills but the only way you can know about the effects weather good or bad is by talking with others .

This is not a dig but if you really want to see people that are the worse at this try the paxil forum where no matter what the problem is its always related to drugs and nothing else in regards to sharing how to recover .I personally don't feel that treatment options should necessarily be a debate. I'm not a cheerleader either way. And yes, it is without question valuable for people to share their experiences with different medications and alternative therapies. That wasn't what I was referring to. I'm talking about people who make blanket, sweeping generalizations that all drugs are bad for you and should be avoided at all costs. I've seen many posts that come off this way and I think it can be both disheartening and disingenuous to people who haven't yet sought professional help.

02-01-2014, 03:01 AM
When it comes to meds, I speak form personal experience. I sit here now suffering a bad case of Hives as my reaction. That to me is far more frustrating compared to how I might waste my time reacting to another's opinion. Respectfully I get sick of how people talk about drugs as if from some kind of lolly, chopping and changing and prescribing for others. If how one works for them it may for others. BUT that's OK ... that's their thing. I generally steer clear and let them do their thing - I change the channel. On other occasions, with those I feel may listen - I'll go a little further to explain how some meds may work for me - but rarely do I bring it up when debates reigns. I'm done with slipping into a contentious attitude as such negativity attracts. Speaking with confidence is a good practice when wanting to make your points clear - being mindful can still be a part of that.

None the less I still feel, that these forums are a good place for people to be encouraged to face their fears rather than just chit chat. I believe there is a chat feature here, although I have not been able to get it to work for me. Being able to talk about our fears is the only way we can overcome out anxiety. Anxiety is the very definition of fear and this being a place in which to move forward, one would think this an ideal place to come and face our so called demons. It's up to us to learn how to use these forums -

General chat is for General Chat. Depression is for Depression. A perfect place for me to speak about my friends Death like so:

DEATH - Warning The Word Death Within -> expressing how I feel about the Passing/DEATH of my friend:

It was at least a good decade that I had known Dazza - I was glad to be by his side and quite an eye opener visiting the hospice ....
__________________________________________________ __________

Then there are those that need to discuss their Suicidal Tendencies That alone one should know weather they are able to cope heading on in. I'm not quite sure I think putting the word TRIGGER on everything is quite a good idea, as it sets up a bad approach to begin with, when for many the act of discussing their pain and suffering is their business and not ours to question their ability to be more mindful to their wording as not to offend us. Especially if it is their thread to begin with as this is yours. On that note - I apologize that I am not more able to give a softer, more comfortable and more tactful explanation, as to why I think we need to just let others be and be more mindful of why we feel so offended in the first place.

Hell, I had a major spaz not so long ago with Gene using the GOD word - entirely my issue, not his. Who am I to react like so - especially considering it was not my post. I'm glad to say that since then, I have taken some time to mindfully listen to a few more others of his, plus his Youtube Channel - Glad I did, as I have now gladly received much of his wisdom and thankful for that.

I don't know - again - perhaps I am still resisting just responding in here, but then again - I'm also thinking people should have the right to speak as they wish with regard to their own threads and be more mindful when visiting others. I guess it's just basic respect which many of us suffer from with low self esteem as it is.

Not everyone comes to these places to just fill themselves with joy - One can only hope that those who speak so deep and ooze bitterness may one day be able to receive such positive emotions and hopefully something which lasts.

The way we react is more about oneself. That's why I often talk to myself in such places - it's far easier to be kind to oneself when not thinking about how others are going to react - I guess that's why I can speak so openly. It's good to see people who can open up like such - most come here to help themselves first, before they can account for the feelings of others they know not. I fully encourage people to let it out, however they must. If only more people could be so honest and open. I have butted heads in hear and already said - some of my best friends online friends are those I crossed.

Filters do have their purposes in such forums although later unveiled as burdens in our lives ... This I attribute to my own writing style, to avoid being trolled myself - It sends a clear message to those who clearly see different as to me. Lions and Tigers get about like so.

Peace. ;)

02-01-2014, 07:24 AM
JLB, Forwells, and Ponder said it fairly, and squarely,

No censorship, log off when you need to, and I agree sometimes we don't need to hear something, our minds aren't ready for it. It's like a news story, we see the upcoming headlines,

but can't control our need to see all the suffering coming in in five minutes (my experience). Self control, and other outlets for peace. This can indeed turn into a google search

and lead to more worry. Hell last night I had a difficult time going to sleep thinking about the stories here I have heard, the ones I wrote, and a guy who seemingly made his last post.

Said, he could not go on, and the best to us all. That shit hurts, but we gotta realize this is about us all, not one or two people. Like you said, the fears of death are just that, and

nothing more they are NOT death. Death is not living/enjoying life here and now for me dear. I am speaking from experience personally, I used to worry about death 24/7, then I

stopped and noticed my life was shit, and quit it, with a little help from my friends. No I didn't want to hear it, but it helped me in the long run. Peace

02-01-2014, 07:44 AM
I don't disagree but how would you do it ? . I mean you get people come in and their title is simply "anxiety "

I understand what is being said and i try my best when i post to make sure i don't trigger someone and this includes posts which are rewrote over and over but , and more so in newbies they dont see this as they are focused on themselves and if its not a worry to them then they see no problem with others .

One point also is that if it makes you anxious then this is something you will need to face at some time , if its too hard then try to avoid until you are ready .

I'm not a newbie. I have been here before couldn't ' remember my password so I had to make another one. I had over 2,000 post. So it doesn't matter how old or new, it still sticks with u

02-01-2014, 07:50 AM
A lot of people have one MAIN fear... DEATH... I hate this word, even though it's reality... why can't people post something allowing the other readers a choice if they want to dig deeper... like *** trigger warning*** some of us can talk openly about this. Some can't. Is there anyway to do this without, taking it to offense. I like this site a lot but some things I don't want to read.. not because I don't care for you but because I don't want that thought to be in my head every waking moment for the next week. :(

I can understand where you are coming from but for me, the opposite was true.

Words such as, blood pressure, heart, stroke, heart attack, etc...were by trigger words

When I would come upon them or hear them, I felt the adrenaline surge

The more I saw and heard them the more I desensitized myself to them

I don't know which way is better but avoidance was getting too damn hard!

But for you, if I happen to post something involving your trigger, I will certainly try and throw a warning up

02-01-2014, 07:53 AM
JLB, Forwells, and Ponder said it fairly, and squarely,

No censorship, log off when you need to, and I agree sometimes we don't need to hear something, our minds aren't ready for it. It's like a news story, we see the upcoming headlines,

but can't control our need to see all the suffering coming in in five minutes (my experience). Self control, and other outlets for peace. This can indeed turn into a google search

and lead to more worry. Hell last night I had a difficult time going to sleep thinking about the stories here I have heard, the ones I wrote, and a guy who seemingly made his last post.

Said, he could not go on, and the best to us all. That shit hurts, but we gotta realize this is about us all, not one or two people. Like you said, the fears of death are just that, and

nothing more they are NOT death. Death is not living/enjoying life here and now for me dear. I am speaking from experience personally, I used to worry about death 24/7, then I

stopped and noticed my life was shit, and quit it, with a little help from my friends. No I didn't want to hear it, but it helped me in the long run. Peace

yes death may be a reality but there's ways to shield the post. Like jlb said, it's probably one of our biggest fears here!! So why not try to help the fellow members. ?? I'm very open to all post!! Just don't want to see things I don't have to read.. but can't help it when it's on the headlines. Yes everyone is here for support and so am I. I'm a big baby!! You say I need to be aware of death because it's life! Well I will when I feel I'm ready to read into this. Right now mentally I'm not. I'm Trying to get my mind back to normal before adding any other fear!!! I want to help everyone. But I also think some should guard their post. Our just let people know it can trigger panic!! I think it's a genuine request that shouldn't arise any disagreement

02-01-2014, 07:59 AM
I can understand where you are coming from but for me, the opposite was true.

Words such as, blood pressure, heart, stroke, heart attack, etc...were by trigger words

When I would come upon them or hear them, I felt the adrenaline surge

The more I saw and heard them the more I desensitized myself to them

I don't know which way is better but avoidance was getting too damn hard!

But for you, if I happen to post something involving your trigger, I will certainly try and throw a warning up

Thanks, actually it's not one in general. I can't even remember exactly who it was yesterday but it was scary!! Just hit me the wrong way I guess... I hope I didn't ruffle any feathers here!!

02-01-2014, 08:07 AM
Maybe talking about death would help some people. It is something we will face eventually..... I think when people are afraid of death, they are afraid of dying. No one wants to go suffering.....
Death is as good topic as any other....some cultures even celebrate it. It is no end it is changing into something else:))

02-01-2014, 08:11 AM
Maybe talking about death would help some people. It is something we will face eventually..... I think when people are afraid of death, they are afraid of dying. No one wants to go suffering.....
Death is as good topic as any other....some cultures even celebrate it. It is no end it is changing into something else:))

As weird as this may sound, your post made me feel better lol. Thanks

02-01-2014, 08:18 AM
Iloveyu I am happy to do this anytime:)) Have a wonderful day, without the fear:))