View Full Version : Meds: yes?no?experience?

02-01-2014, 12:33 AM
I see so many people on here who are on meds. There's nothing wrong with that. But I wonder how many people are researching info on these meds before taking them. I don't trust pharm companies at all. We live in a very over prescribed society. "A pill for every ill."
I think meds should be a last resort and only after personal, extensive research.
I've had PTSD, depression, and anxiety for many months now. Sure Valium, Xanax, etc would be a quick fix and make things a lot easier on a day to day basis but after all my research (and reading several discussions on here) Im terrified of the crippling withdrawals and the chemical effect these things have on the brain. Especially when there are other, safer alternatives.
I could rant all day about the dangers of some of these drugs but I wanna here other people's opinions on this topic.
Medication: yes? No? experience?

02-01-2014, 12:37 AM
i couldnt bare anxiety anymore and i was going nuts thinking of everything going around in a negative way. med is working for me so far. i did the mistake of looking in the internet of the effects and i blame the pill for everything, truth is that some symptoms were just my imagination. i made a pact with myself not to look the withdrawal effects, and i will keep that promise. stop googling about things and read a book instead or go out. internet got me here at this state, as i would google everything going on with me.

02-01-2014, 12:37 AM
And yes google is not a fucking doctor

02-01-2014, 12:46 AM
I take Lexapro. It's worked pretty well for me. I've tapered off of it before, but there are side effects if it isn't gradual. Otherwise, no side effects while I'm on it. It has helped me tremendously, as I'm sure it has eased the immense suffering of many others. Personally, I trust science and clinically tested pharmacology more than I trust a lot of homeopathic remedies. Just my opinion. However, the only advice I would give to anyone is to do whatever helps you heal, whether that includes prescription meds or not. Personally, I think it takes an integrated approach with many things to overcome anxiety. However, I don't subscribe to the theory that these medications are "unsafe" when taken properly and under the watch of a physician.

02-01-2014, 02:39 AM
I research some meds before taking them. Some meds are more dangerous/problematic than others Ex antipsychotics. Antidepressants and benzos are OK.

02-01-2014, 08:47 AM
I am allergic to a lot of meds, so the research is important tool. I do not trust the docs, because they know about my allergies , and still writing the prescription for meds I can not take it.
Uneducated B******s