View Full Version : Switching meds lorazepam and alprazolam. And a little advice on living with anxiety?

01-31-2014, 06:26 PM
I am new to all this forum stuff so bear with me

ok so my regular PCP put me on Alprazolam last year, I was scared to take it but I had debilitating anxiety and panic attacks. Any how I think I refilled it twice before I could get in to see a psychiatrist who told me to quit taking the xanex and he put me on Ativan .5 mg 3x a day ( and Lamictal ) So I have been taking the ativan for less than 2 months ( my second refill was on the 4th of this month ) I went back to the psychiatrist today and he decided that I should be on zanex .5mg 3x a day so to stop the Ativan ( and he increased the lamictal ) He said that xanex is bad for some people but I am the person it is made for yadda yadda ( they are actually known for being very conservative with medications that is why I went )

So when can I switch? I took my morning and afternoon Ativan already before my appointment? The doctor failed to mention anything like that just to start the xanex and stop the ativan?

Another thing my pharmacist said my insurance might not let me get the Xanex because I was just on Ativan, ( there wasn't a problem when I switched the first time I just through out my remaining zanex which I wish I wouldn't have now being that now I am suppose to take them again ) I have 4 days left of Ativan and no refills so I don't understand why they wouldn't fill the xanex

Anyhow what should I take tonight. Ativan or nothing? ( or zanex I think they will fill it) I have been having terrible breathing problems I can't get enough oxygen, I yawn, and sigh and I am so uncomfortable I swear I am dying but 2 doctors told me several times it is slow hyperventilation my lungs are fine and it all anxiety ( which is so hard to believe I have been doing the brown paper bag thing too )

Any additional info will be great. It is embarrassing to be on benzos but it is also embarrassing when my kids have to make up excuses why they can't do things when it is really because mom hasn't driven on the highway in 9 years due to panic attacks, because mom is freaking out, because mom needs to go home because she is worried the house is on fire. I have done a ok job hiding my anxiety issues but I am tired of missing out and having a poor quality of life and my kids... over the summer my daughter was offered a scholarship to very expensive fine arts school program for acting, but she had to decline because I couldn't drive her there everyday because I was scared, and that is just one tiny thing we have missed out on.