View Full Version : Zoloft and Tummy Issues

01-31-2014, 12:51 PM

I just upped my Zoloft dose last night and my tummy decided to revolt. Not good. Ive had a sour stomach all day and it has no signs of letting up. Ive been drinking ginger ale all day and tried eating a little food but my tummy is still mad at me.
Has anyone suffered from upset tummy due to Zoloft?

01-31-2014, 02:09 PM
I've never taken Zoloft, but I sure had that problem on Remeron for a bit :-/

01-31-2014, 08:24 PM
pretty common , i had with zoloft and now have with st johns .
Not sure if your ginger ale is with the bubbles but i would give that a miss .

You should be able to get a ginger mint tea that will help a bit .

Frankie-yes, you are correct...they are the same thing.

Forwells- yes, the ginger ale with bubbles.....it actually did end up working and settled my stomach....I was pretty awful for the first part of the day. My stomach was doing somersault and flips all over the place. Pretty darn terrible!

I did stay away from everything dairy today just to give myself time to get over this. I just took my nightly dosage....I hope I have a better night. ....I also had one of those scary vivid nightmares courtesy of Zoloft as well. Good times.....lol.

Hey Jesse....how are you?

Hope you all are doing well!!!!!!