View Full Version : Would you say this is inner ear related anxiety?

01-31-2014, 04:57 AM
Last night, I took my dog out twice. and the wind was blowing, it was cold out (cause it's winter clearly) but, I felt odd because I felt like I could tip sideways, I was just feeling like I was going to tip over. Plus, I took a slightly different path with my dog than normal, so that felt different, and was so aware of the ground.. but I don't know why it bothered me so much?

Was it the cold air messing with my ears? :/

My stomach was also upset before I went to sleep, then I woke up with sleep paralysis type dream.. (not a fun night at all)..

01-31-2014, 06:20 AM
Sorry to hear this. More than likely it was anxiety related. We seem to be hyper sensitive and everything seems weird or different during an episode. Have you had this happen before? Are you on meds of any type?

01-31-2014, 12:45 PM
The nerves in your ears are being affected by the anxiety but it will pass . Between the eyes and ears there are 1000s or nerves

Remember the top thing for feeling off balance is normally related to the ears .

I didn't know that about so many nerves between the eyes and ears, I guess that would explain why your eyesight feels so bothered when anxious too? Interesting..

I do feel somewhat better today, and it has been less windy out. I just wouldn't like to have another episode of that today, ugh!

01-31-2014, 12:47 PM
Last night, I took my dog out twice. and the wind was blowing, it was cold out (cause it's winter clearly) but, I felt odd because I felt like I could tip sideways, I was just feeling like I was going to tip over. Plus, I took a slightly different path with my dog than normal, so that felt different, and was so aware of the ground.. but I don't know why it bothered me so much?

Was it the cold air messing with my ears? :/

My stomach was also upset before I went to sleep, then I woke up with sleep paralysis type dream.. (not a fun night at all)..

I feel like im going to tip sideways to! Its horrible aint it

01-31-2014, 12:52 PM
Yeah, it is, I told my mom about it, and she said I should drink some water, I can't remember if I had drunk enough yesterday or not.. :/ I asked her because she's dealt with inner ear issues too.

01-31-2014, 12:59 PM
When I have a problem with inner ear and vertigo follows, my anxiety is high too. I would say is natural. I did not take care of my ears though, working like dog, long hours , I had never time to go to doc. End of story hearing loss.
When you have even slight problem with inner ear or ear infection, please go to doc. Ear infection and inner ear infection caused not only vertigo but the hearing loss also, the last one is not repairable.

01-31-2014, 01:13 PM
I had my dr check in mine and he said was ok x

01-31-2014, 01:33 PM
I get this too. I was sent to an ENT and he said it was stress/anxiety related.
I get it most if the time I guess because it bothers me ANSI think about it a lot, therefore I talk myself into it.

I have often felt like I'm going to fall overor pass out but I never have. When it happens it panics me and makes me feel very spaced out - not a fun combination!!

01-31-2014, 03:38 PM
The nerves in your ears are being affected by the anxiety but it will pass . Between the eyes and ears there are 1000s or nerves Remember the top thing for feeling off balance is normally related to the ears .

How interesting as I have suffered balance and vertigo feelings so often since only having anxiety attacks.