View Full Version : Did I just have an episode of sleep paralysis?

01-31-2014, 04:22 AM
I had a weird dream, where I wanted to break into peoples houses, I was with an old childhood friend (who I don't even like or speak to in real life). I convinced her to come break in a house with me. But in my mind in the dream, I didn't want to steal anything, I just wanted to look around, pols houses and do something risky. And I also wanted to go to the bathroom.

Then the dream veered off into something else, I don't remember, then suddenly I was in my room, on my bed and I heard my front door open downstairs, I heard and felt the sensation of footsteps coming upstairs, my heart was racing, I felt adrenalin, as I looked at my bedroom door, I heard the sound if a man's voice, saw like a glimpse of him coming through the door, but I felt like I couldn't move, or get up to get away from him. Then I woke up with my heart racing staring at the door in my room. I felt so freaked, I'm still kind if coming down from that.

I looked up it can happen, when sleeping on your back, and I had been sleeping on my back.

I've had similar dreams before but always figured they were nightmares, but now I now of sleep paralysis, wondered if that is what just happened?

01-31-2014, 04:27 AM
Also I did have to pee terribly bad when I got up.

*sorry for no proof reading spelling errors, Still tired.

El Lukio
01-31-2014, 04:33 AM
Hey Apple, I have had many episodes of sleep paralysis in the past. Mine always start with me being aware of what's going on - I can see my around my bedroom etc. but I am totally paralyzed. I cannot move at all no matter how hard I try or speak. I try to snap myself out of it and eventually succeed. I've had it in all positions in bed - on back, front, side etc. I have had accompanying nightmares with it as well but very infrequently - these usually involve a monster/ghost etc. pinning me down to the bed and in these instances I wake up screaming. Freaky!

01-31-2014, 04:52 AM
Hey Apple, I have had many episodes of sleep paralysis in the past. Mine always start with me being aware of what's going on - I can see my around my bedroom etc. but I am totally paralyzed. I cannot move at all no matter how hard I try or speak. I try to snap myself out of it and eventually succeed. I've had it in all positions in bed - on back, front, side etc. I have had accompanying nightmares with it as well but very infrequently - these usually involve a monster/ghost etc. pinning me down to the bed and in these instances I wake up screaming. Freaky!

Hi, yes, this is the second time this week I've woken up in the same way. back on Sunday, it scared the crap out of me, it was another kind of dream, but I was trying to get up from it and couldn't, then when I did, I felt completely panicked.

I was on my back that time too..

I'm thinking I have had kind of a messed up sleep this week. *sigh*

Sorry you are dealing with them too.

I have had this happen before in the past, but I am so used to anxiety in sleep too, I figured it was just nightmares, but some were likely sleep paralysis episodes.