View Full Version : This is how it feels...

El Lukio
01-31-2014, 01:48 AM
Ok, so here it goes. This is my story. I’m going to try and write down exactly how I feel. This may be a long one as I have never done anything like this before and I’m hoping that it will help me to get these things out of my brain and into words. I hope it can also help others relate to what is going on for them. Anyway, here goes…

I have always been edgy and nervy but until recently, within the last year, I was always able to cope with these feelings. I could deal with them effectively in my head and then compartmentalise them, file them away. I never gave stress or worry too much thought and was ale to lead a happy and fulfilled life.

Something changed almost instantly. Whether it was turning 30 (I’m now 32) and realising that I perhaps wasn’t an invincible 20-something any more, or a minor health scare that really has had a lasting effect on my mental wellbeing. My family grew and so did my responsibilities. I now had to make sure I could provide for them; put a roof over their heads, food on the table and clothes on their backs. I became overwhelmingly obsessed that something bad was going to happen to me that meant my kids would grow up without their Dad. I’m sure some of this comes from me losing my own father when I was younger. I became convinced the same was going to happen to me.

It’s really hard to describe to somebody the way you feel. To have this ‘thing’ that clouds every thought for every moment of the day no matter what you are doing it’s always there. From the moment you wake until the moment you go to sleep it sits on your shoulder and muscles its way in. I like Winston Churchill’s ‘Black Dog’ analogy – that no matter what you do, no matter where you go, the Black Dog is always there to ruin it for you.

I became totally obsessed with my health. Any ache, pain or discomfort sent my mind spiralling into visions of my own demise. I’d be checking my body for lumps, bumps and changes many times a day. I’d be on the weighing scales morning and night and any minor variation would send me into a panic. My back would ache, my shoulders feel tense and my legs like I’d run a marathon. My stomach wasn’t right and I was peeing more. I’d inspect every bowel movement and monitor the colour of my pee. I was more tired than normal and by the end of the day the weight of carrying this mental burden made me feel shattered. I’d be scared to make an appointment with the doctor in case I was ill but knew that this was my only option to prove to myself that everything was Ok. Everywhere I looked I’d see reference to illness, disease and death.

My mind rewired itself so that it made me notice previously insignificant things and I’d interpret them as signs. I became focused on numbers, times and other things that were previously unimportant to me. I’d notice patterns in things and even tender moments with my family convinced me that these were messages and hints that I was not long for this world. I’d find myself waking at night and if the clock was at 11:11 or 3.33 it would freak me out. But deep down I knew this was all a product of my broken mind.

No one close to me really would understand. I can’t burden my friends or family with this as they have problems of their own. My wife is totally supportive and she knows what I’m going through but she can’t understand or empathise with me. It has driven a wedge between us at times and she has talked about leaving because she finds it hard to cope with me being like this and trying to bring up 3 young kids with another on the way. She asks ‘will you ever be happy again?’ That hurts me to see what I am putting her through and it also makes me question ‘will I ever be happy again?’

Back in the Summer of 2013, on a warm Sunday afternoon, I went out to my shed. I don’t know what had triggered it but that day was a bad one for me. I sat and smoked a cigarette and then found a length a rope. I hitched it over the roof truss and stood on a crate. I made a slipknot and looped it over my head, making sure the rope was tight around my neck. I stood there for the next few minutes really contemplating what I was doing and whether I could go through with it. As I was doing this, the kids came out into the garden to play. I knew it wouldn’t be long before they came to see where I was and this snapped me out of it. There is no way I would want them to get caught up in something like that. It was a split second decision. I climbed off the crate and took the rope down. It scared me to think that I had got this far and I think I really could have gone through with it. I have not done anything like this since although I have thought about suicide several times. Which is totally contradictory. I’m obsessed with my health and staying alive but I very nearly looped myself that day.

I find that I am up and down like a yoyo. Mornings tend to be bad. The catastrophic thoughts, panic, anxiousness, and low mood seem to be massively intensified before lunchtime. I never wake up feeling bad but it’s not long before I’m in the gutter. I think my body relaxes at night and I do usually get a semi-decent night’s sleep - apart from waking early and clock watching until the alarm goes off. It’s got to a point where I expect the bad feelings to start. I almost invite them in. By the time I’ve got out of bed and am in the shower the feelings start.

Feeling like this for nearly a year now, something has got to change. I cannot carry on like this as I know it’s going to eventually do me in. But then I am not totally sure what I should do. As part of my condition, I am very scared of doctors and hospitals. I know I need to see my GP and ask for his help to point me towards some sort of recovery whether that be medication assisted or otherwise. I need to make that appointment and lay bare the facts once and for all. I keep promising that I’ll do it but never commit. I’m scared that there is something wrong with me and by going to the GP I’ll start something that I can’t control. I know that this is nonsense but my mind won’t let me think otherwise.

Until then, it’s one day at a time. I can’t look to the future, I can’t get excited about anything and I can’t get any enjoyment or satisfaction. I eek each day out until it’s time to go to bed and dread waking next morning with the fear and doom. I’m tired.

El Lukio
01-31-2014, 04:36 AM
James, of course I don't think you're a stalker! I appreciate what you say and the support you are offering. I will look into what mental health services they have locally. Seriously, appreciate it dude :)

01-31-2014, 05:03 AM
I know exactly how you feel mate! I'm only 21 - no kids but do have a missus who's had to put up with me for the past year and a half with my healthy anxiety. It's so hard to snap out of, i'm like you i checking for lumps and changes all the time, if I find one then i go into a state of panic where I can't get it out of my head until I go to the doctors and get it checked out. I hate doctors and hospitals, I get anxious just ringing up to make an appointment, but until I get one of my worries checked out it plays on my mind 24/7. People tell me i'm young, i should be out enjoying myself carefree, but that didnt stop a good friend of mine passing away at the age of 19 due to acute leukemia which is why I think i'm struggling so much. It's horrible, i just can't convince myself I'm fine, I've tried to keep it bottled up now and forget about it since around august.

Something had to come along that had to make me snap out of it and that was my girlfriend letting me know exactly how she felt. I rang her up one morning in a panic telling her yet again how i've diagnosed myself with another form of cancer, she burst out in tears saying it's not fair that i'm putting all this on her, basically telling her i've got a killer disease and I might not be here much longer (based on self diagnosis) which i'd done about 4 times at that point. She let it all out about how it puts so much strain on her because she has to constantly wonder if I actually have got all these killer diseases, she has to worry that she can't plan a future with me because I wont be here all that stuff and she was right, it's so unfair me to tell her i'm dieing based on googling symptoms.

My parents we're struggling too - my dad offered to pay for me to go away somewhere nice to try get my head right, my mum was constantly asking about how I am today, went home one day and they suggested I see a psychiatrist about it, they'll pay. That really hit home, I'm just a normal lad who likes footy, drinking, gambling and his missus but now i'm been told I need to go see someone about my mental issues? I went to see the psychiatrist and he helped a little bit but the biggest thing for me to put it behind me was how much I was affecting the people around and now i'm just plodding along trying to ignore any symptoms/lumps but it's still in the back of my mind.

Sorry for the long reply, it's very easy to get rambling about your anxiety! haha

01-31-2014, 05:24 AM
Thank you for sharing this. We are all behind you. I want to assure you, as you talk and face this head on you will recover, you may be surprised to what degree you will learn from

this. I have a story too, we all do, thing is as hard as it is to explain it all, you have all you need inside right now to reveal exactly what you need. The trick for me was removing the

blocks that prevent me from seeing it clearly. Depression is anger turned inward, it's not you, but it's easy to mistake yourself, that is your true self as "depressed". If your true self were

to be depressed and it's not, you would not even have a clue as to how you want to feel, you couldn't even say I want to "feel better", as you would not be aware of anything better, but

you do indeed KNOW there is something better, and that my friend is what you prefer. Do a little research on intention, I recommend Wayne Dyer, but anyone will do that you trust.

You may need other things right now too and that's cool, medication, meditation, and therapy. They all can help, you're not suppose to be super human feeling right now. You're

suffering.. Go back to what you KNOW, this is what you prefer, want, etc. to "feel better". I sure hope I made myself clear. Once you begin trusting in what you know you want,

instead of focusing on what you "don't want". Everything will self align. Use the heart too, the mind can be a wonderful servant, and a terrible master, someone once said.

Peace Bro

El Lukio
01-31-2014, 06:24 AM
Thanks for your support guys. Having people who know what I'm going through, can relate and offer sound advice and support really means a lot.

Since I've started posting on here I think I feel a little better for it.

01-31-2014, 06:42 AM
Lukio... Thanks for sharing brother. I'm telling you you're plight is so similar to what a whole lot of us have suffered through. The obsession is OCD related. We can't shake it or let it go. I've often thought why can't I just be normal and go on with enjoying life. We're simply "wired" this way. The chemicals in our brain run this way. Meds will help balance that out to start working on ourselves. They'll allow us to focus in a good way not obsessively. But figuring out how to cope can be very helpful as well. Hang in there my friend.

01-31-2014, 06:59 AM
Ok, so here it goes. This is my story. I’m going to try and write down exactly how I feel. This may be a long one as I have never done anything like this before and I’m hoping that it will help me to get these things out of my brain and into words. I hope it can also help others relate to what is going on for them. Anyway, here goes… I have always been edgy and nervy but until recently, within the last year, I was always able to cope with these feelings. I could deal with them effectively in my head and then compartmentalise them, file them away. I never gave stress or worry too much thought and was ale to lead a happy and fulfilled life. Something changed almost instantly. Whether it was turning 30 (I’m now 32) and realising that I perhaps wasn’t an invincible 20-something any more, or a minor health scare that really has had a lasting effect on my mental wellbeing. My family grew and so did my responsibilities. I now had to make sure I could provide for them; put a roof over their heads, food on the table and clothes on their backs. I became overwhelmingly obsessed that something bad was going to happen to me that meant my kids would grow up without their Dad. I’m sure some of this comes from me losing my own father when I was younger. I became convinced the same was going to happen to me. It’s really hard to describe to somebody the way you feel. To have this ‘thing’ that clouds every thought for every moment of the day no matter what you are doing it’s always there. From the moment you wake until the moment you go to sleep it sits on your shoulder and muscles its way in. I like Winston Churchill’s ‘Black Dog’ analogy – that no matter what you do, no matter where you go, the Black Dog is always there to ruin it for you. I became totally obsessed with my health. Any ache, pain or discomfort sent my mind spiralling into visions of my own demise. I’d be checking my body for lumps, bumps and changes many times a day. I’d be on the weighing scales morning and night and any minor variation would send me into a panic. My back would ache, my shoulders feel tense and my legs like I’d run a marathon. My stomach wasn’t right and I was peeing more. I’d inspect every bowel movement and monitor the colour of my pee. I was more tired than normal and by the end of the day the weight of carrying this mental burden made me feel shattered. I’d be scared to make an appointment with the doctor in case I was ill but knew that this was my only option to prove to myself that everything was Ok. Everywhere I looked I’d see reference to illness, disease and death. My mind rewired itself so that it made me notice previously insignificant things and I’d interpret them as signs. I became focused on numbers, times and other things that were previously unimportant to me. I’d notice patterns in things and even tender moments with my family convinced me that these were messages and hints that I was not long for this world. I’d find myself waking at night and if the clock was at 11:11 or 3.33 it would freak me out. But deep down I knew this was all a product of my broken mind. No one close to me really would understand. I can’t burden my friends or family with this as they have problems of their own. My wife is totally supportive and she knows what I’m going through but she can’t understand or empathise with me. It has driven a wedge between us at times and she has talked about leaving because she finds it hard to cope with me being like this and trying to bring up 3 young kids with another on the way. She asks ‘will you ever be happy again?’ That hurts me to see what I am putting her through and it also makes me question ‘will I ever be happy again?’ Back in the Summer of 2013, on a warm Sunday afternoon, I went out to my shed. I don’t know what had triggered it but that day was a bad one for me. I sat and smoked a cigarette and then found a length a rope. I hitched it over the roof truss and stood on a crate. I made a slipknot and looped it over my head, making sure the rope was tight around my neck. I stood there for the next few minutes really contemplating what I was doing and whether I could go through with it. As I was doing this, the kids came out into the garden to play. I knew it wouldn’t be long before they came to see where I was and this snapped me out of it. There is no way I would want them to get caught up in something like that. It was a split second decision. I climbed off the crate and took the rope down. It scared me to think that I had got this far and I think I really could have gone through with it. I have not done anything like this since although I have thought about suicide several times. Which is totally contradictory. I’m obsessed with my health and staying alive but I very nearly looped myself that day. I find that I am up and down like a yoyo. Mornings tend to be bad. The catastrophic thoughts, panic, anxiousness, and low mood seem to be massively intensified before lunchtime. I never wake up feeling bad but it’s not long before I’m in the gutter. I think my body relaxes at night and I do usually get a semi-decent night’s sleep - apart from waking early and clock watching until the alarm goes off. It’s got to a point where I expect the bad feelings to start. I almost invite them in. By the time I’ve got out of bed and am in the shower the feelings start. Feeling like this for nearly a year now, something has got to change. I cannot carry on like this as I know it’s going to eventually do me in. But then I am not totally sure what I should do. As part of my condition, I am very scared of doctors and hospitals. I know I need to see my GP and ask for his help to point me towards some sort of recovery whether that be medication assisted or otherwise. I need to make that appointment and lay bare the facts once and for all. I keep promising that I’ll do it but never commit. I’m scared that there is something wrong with me and by going to the GP I’ll start something that I can’t control. I know that this is nonsense but my mind won’t let me think otherwise. Until then, it’s one day at a time. I can’t look to the future, I can’t get excited about anything and I can’t get any enjoyment or satisfaction. I eek each day out until it’s time to go to bed and dread waking next morning with the fear and doom. I’m tired.

I am EXACTY like this. I wake up in the mornings but they're awful. My mind is filled with wondering what's wrong with me. Everytime I look at the clock and it says 9:11 I freak out. Or I see commercials or representations of death I think it's a sign for me. I need to learn to not be this way.

01-31-2014, 07:10 AM
You are an amazing person for writing this and sharing it!

El Lukio
01-31-2014, 10:18 AM
You are an amazing person for writing this and sharing it!

Thanks Lucy...I'm not amazing, just frustrated with it all like most of us. Sharing my story has made me feel better. A therapist once said to me that writing things down is a really good release.