View Full Version : panic attack ?

01-30-2014, 07:13 PM
I think i experienced what is a panic attack for the first time.
I was coming back from cancun on the airplane, and i started feeling VERY uneasy. My heart was pounding. I was sweaty, had shortness of breath so I was trying to breath deep. Felt like my throat was closing a little bit but I was still able to breath. I felt very disoriented, when I got up felt very wobbly and my vision was blurry. I feel much better now but Im just curious if that sounds like a panic attack. Whats strange is that Im not afraid of being on an airplane. Well now I might be after experiencing how I felt. It did not feel good at all. I almost had a feeling like I was going to die.

01-30-2014, 08:04 PM
Welcome to the forum, and for me it is a classic panic attack

01-30-2014, 08:34 PM
Definitely a panic attack. Do you know what may have triggered it? Had you eaten enough before hand, or perhaps you were not getting enough sleep?

Maybe you just wanted to get the hell off the plane and get home already, and were feeling sort of impatient? That can set it off too.

01-30-2014, 10:07 PM
Hi Z4.

Yes it sounds like a panic attack to me. If you feel like it came from nowhere then try to not avoid flying now. Avoidant behaviour like that feeds the anxiety. I would always suggest you talk to your doctor about it ok.

I would like to say more but damn battery about to go so for now, I will say welcome to the community! :)

Welcome to the forum, and for me it is a classic panic attack

Definitely a panic attack. Do you know what may have triggered it? Had you eaten enough before hand, or perhaps you were not getting enough sleep?

Maybe you just wanted to get the hell off the plane and get home already, and were feeling sort of impatient? That can set it off too.

thanks guys! well i was going on 2 hours of sleep. lots of partying the night before. i was out till 5am. had to be up for a flight at 7am. it was more than being impatient. i literally had trouble breathing and got hot rapid heart beat and was walking all weird when i get off the plane. vision was blurry. i felt like i couldnt focus on anything

Slammed Vdub
01-30-2014, 10:36 PM
lack of sleep, lack of food. Just a bad combination that can make you feel very "off," which in return can cause an anxiety attack.

01-30-2014, 10:50 PM
lack of sleep, lack of food. Just a bad combination that can make you feel very "off," which in return can cause an anxiety attack.

All I know is i NEVER want to experince it again. It felt like a near death experince.

01-30-2014, 11:15 PM
Sounds like you brewed a perfect storm for a panic attack. Everything you mentioned sounds exactly like that's what you experienced. Alcohol, lack of sleep, being on an enclosed airplane...not a great combination. If you have any other episodes (and hopefully you won't), I'd recommend seeing a doctor and not putting it off. The sooner you get help getting these under control, the better. Good luck. Hopefully it was just an isolated event with your body rebelling against the lack of rest. -Jeff

01-31-2014, 06:09 AM
You may have also been dehydrated.. drinking alcohol constantly in the sun can really make your head feel fuzzy... this happened to me last year when I was on holiday and I felt exactly how you felt!! Does your head still feel fzzy now??

01-31-2014, 02:31 PM
Z4kadam, I was just in Cancun too! You weren't by chance there for My Morning Jacket?

01-31-2014, 10:29 PM
Z4kadam, I was just in Cancun too! You weren't by chance there for My Morning Jacket?

nope I was at the Riu cancun. Went to Congo, la vaquita, and mambla. Lots of parting lol

01-31-2014, 10:56 PM
nope I was at the Riu cancun. Went to Congo, la vaquita, and mambla. Lots of parting lol

Is that just south of Philly?

01-31-2014, 11:52 PM
You may have also been dehydrated.. drinking alcohol constantly in the sun can really make your head feel fuzzy... this happened to me last year when I was on holiday and I felt exactly how you felt!! Does your head still feel fzzy now??

Is that just south of Philly?

Cancun Mexico !

02-01-2014, 10:35 AM
Sleeping 3-4 hours per day was a luxury for me, sometimes I didn't sleep more than 24 hours in a row so I started to drink red bull to stay awake. I knew it wasn't a good option but I didn't care until I started to loose vision on my right eye. That was the point when I HAD to go to the doctor, and I did.
I went on many tests, they took gallons of my blood and everything was –fine. My family doctor told me that I have a small infection but nothing serious and that my eye condition is caused by not sleeping , stress, cigarettes and too much coffeine. It ruined my blod vassels. In three different departments doctors told me to CHILL DOWN and relax cause no one can live like that. I listened to them and after 2-3 weeks my eye turned back to normal.
I have a problem with hospitals and it was really hard for me to go there beacause it makes me think. Now I got a flue, had a sore throath for 3 days and it made me go crazy. I went to the doctor, they took my blood and even thought they TOLD ME that it is okay I don't believe them. I know they make worng decissions all the time, and they give wrong diagnosis because they are just people too. I feel like there is something going on but I'm afraid to find out what's wrong.
This is my story, I just had to write it down and share with someone cause I can't tell it to my friends nor my family. There were other thing that happened int hat period but I can't write it all down, it would be too much. Tell me what would you do if you were in my shoes. Ask me anything and… help me.

Thank you.

02-01-2014, 10:36 AM
All I know is i NEVER want to experince it again. It felt like a near death experince.

Yep, welcome to my world (or our world here on the forums). People who don't experience them scoff at us like we are "weak." I think to myself "let's see you laugh after you experience one." You literally feel like you are dying and are living your last moments.

That said, it wouldn't be a bad idea just to go to your family doc and let him/her know this happened. Just to make sure there is nothing physical going on.