View Full Version : What to do about my mood swings?

Kyle Morgan
01-30-2014, 06:07 PM
I'm fed up of these constant mood swings I am getting, I've dealt with anxiety and depression for years now. I'm 18, I'm new to getting panic attacks, I had my first panic attack when I was on my way home from College on the bus back in October. My parents had split up during September and it has affected me quite a bit, I haven't been the same since. I've lost a number of friends too in the past year which has also made me feel bad because They had found out about my anxiety and depression. I had been bullied a number of times in my school years such as being called, Ugly, worthless, etc. Since I had bottled up my Depression and Anxiety for so many years without telling anyone, I just had to tell people last year and it made me lose a number of friends, I only have two close friends now, I did have three but the other one who was my female friend just stopped acknowledging me because she didn't get along with my male friend.
My parents no longer argue as much but for some reason, I still get infuriated by my father, I feel like he was the cause of me getting a bit worse because all he would do was scream and shout at my mother and bring drunks to the house. I've never been really close to my father because I always had different ways to him, and If had a different opinion than him about something, he would shout. For the last few months now, I have been sleeping terribly, I sometimes find myself crying to get to sleep because I remind myself of how much of a failure I am. I constantly get suicidal thoughts, and last week I almost jumped off a bridge onto a railway track(This is not a joke) I have dreams too about me killing myself all the time. Throughout the days too I keep on getting different changes in mood, for instance I either get really happy, sad, or angry. When I'm angry though I'm not a violent person all I do is scream and try to hurt myself, I would never hurt anybody. These moods happen for no reason and I don't know what to do about it, I've tried telling my father and he screamed at me saying that everyone goes through what I'm going. I get really anxious around my father too and I'm afraid to be my normal self around him these days because he is just too critical on everything and he gets erupt really easily. What shall I do, I feel sad now and I have been feeling in a good mood all day. My father suggested that I do exercise but it only helps when a little bit, I sometimes still feel down when I'm out, it's like I can't function and focus properly. I've noticed too that in the last few months I went completely off my gaming, I'm not a big gamer at all but I do like occasionally playing video games, but the last few weeks I just couldn't focus on doing that. This stuff with my neighbour has also upset me too(If you don't know the story please read my other thread on the depression forum) I also get annoyed at myself because I feel that sometimes I annoy people on the forum by asking them questions a lot, but like I said when I talk with someone It makes my mood slightly better and it takes my mind off bad things. Thanks. I truly apologise if I'm a nuisance. Thanks

01-30-2014, 06:16 PM
I've answered a lot of your threads but I cant remember a few things. Do you talk to a therapist or doctor at all? Have you tried any medication or natural remedies?

Kyle Morgan
01-30-2014, 06:19 PM
I've answered a lot of your threads but I cant remember a few things. Do you talk to a therapist or doctor at all? Have you tried any medication or natural remedies?

I've got to go and see a therapist sometime in February. I just really could do with some help, my father thinks that's it's just all in my head, it partly is but I just would like to talk to the therapist

01-30-2014, 06:24 PM
I put off seeing a doctor/therapist for a long time and once I finally did last year I was given a prescription for an SSRI and skills to use that help with my mental state. I think it could definitely help

01-30-2014, 06:28 PM
February is getting close, it will pass quicly and then you see your doc. In mean time try to mediatate , some kind of relaxation and I do not find it anoying that you post new threads, Kyle. Take care :)

Kyle Morgan
01-30-2014, 06:28 PM
I put off seeing a doctor/therapist for a long time and once I finally did last year I was given a prescription for an SSRI and skills to use that help with my mental state. I think it could definitely help

Yeah It's just that I have days where I don't think straight and I'm tired of driving people away. I feel happy sometimes but I want to be happy all the time

Kyle Morgan
01-30-2014, 06:34 PM
February is getting close, it will pass quicly and then you see your doc. In mean time try to mediatate , some kind of relaxation and I do not find it anoying that you post new threads, Kyle. Take care :)

Thank you :)

Lord Jazzinho
01-30-2014, 06:42 PM
I'm fed up of these constant mood swings I am getting, I've dealt with anxiety and depression for years now. I'm 18, I'm new to getting panic attacks, I had my first panic attack when I was on my way home from College on the bus back in October. My parents had split up during September and it has affected me quite a bit, I haven't been the same since. I've lost a number of friends too in the past year which has also made me feel bad because They had found out about my anxiety and depression. I had been bullied a number of times in my school years such as being called, Ugly, worthless, etc. Since I had bottled up my Depression and Anxiety for so many years without telling anyone, I just had to tell people last year and it made me lose a number of friends, I only have two close friends now, I did have three but the other one who was my female friend just stopped acknowledging me because she didn't get along with my male friend.
My parents no longer argue as much but for some reason, I still get infuriated by my father, I feel like he was the cause of me getting a bit worse because all he would do was scream and shout at my mother and bring drunks to the house. I've never been really close to my father because I always had different ways to him, and If had a different opinion than him about something, he would shout. For the last few months now, I have been sleeping terribly, I sometimes find myself crying to get to sleep because I remind myself of how much of a failure I am. I constantly get suicidal thoughts, and last week I almost jumped off a bridge onto a railway track(This is not a joke) I have dreams too about me killing myself all the time. Throughout the days too I keep on getting different changes in mood, for instance I either get really happy, sad, or angry. When I'm angry though I'm not a violent person all I do is scream and try to hurt myself, I would never hurt anybody. These moods happen for no reason and I don't know what to do about it, I've tried telling my father and he screamed at me saying that everyone goes through what I'm going. I get really anxious around my father too and I'm afraid to be my normal self around him these days because he is just too critical on everything and he gets erupt really easily. What shall I do, I feel sad now and I have been feeling in a good mood all day. My father suggested that I do exercise but it only helps when a little bit, I sometimes still feel down when I'm out, it's like I can't function and focus properly. I've noticed too that in the last few months I went completely off my gaming, I'm not a big gamer at all but I do like occasionally playing video games, but the last few weeks I just couldn't focus on doing that. This stuff with my neighbour has also upset me too(If you don't know the story please read my other thread on the depression forum) I also get annoyed at myself because I feel that sometimes I annoy people on the forum by asking them questions a lot, but like I said when I talk with someone It makes my mood slightly better and it takes my mind off bad things. Thanks. I truly apologise if I'm a nuisance. Thanks

You can't be a failure at 18 so stop telling yourself that but then so what if you were there are far worse things to be and we can't all be a success. Anybody can be a success, you just have to redefine what you consider success to be. I row with my father to but I don't let it stay with me. Its your opinion of yourself thats the important one. One thing I've read a lot on here is that people think they have lost friends because of anxiety this is not possible! A real friend would never turn their back on you when you were in need. All the rest of these so-called friends are in reality just people you knew

Kyle Morgan
01-30-2014, 06:46 PM
You can't be a failure at 18 so stop telling yourself that but then so what if you were there are far worse things to be and we can't all be a success. Anybody can be a success, you just have to redefine what you consider success to be. I row with my father to but I don't let it stay with me. Its your opinion of yourself thats the important one. One thing I've read a lot on here is that people think they have lost friends because of anxiety this is not possible! A real friend would never turn their back on you when you were in need. All the rest of these so-called friends are in reality just people you knew

Yeah it's just that these people claimed they were my friends, they said I was able to go to them if I had problems, and then after a while it's like they wanted to try and forget about me

01-30-2014, 11:41 PM
Kyle, everyone here has probably experienced these mood swings. Doesn't matter if it's "all in your head" as you say your dad thinks. Your brain is an organ of your body just like any other. If it needs help, then go get it some help as soon as you can. Funny that people never say, "oh, it's all in his heart". Or "oh, it's all in his pancreas. It'll pass". No. If you had something that made you feel not quite right, you'd have it treated. Same rule applies for mental health. And dude, you are very young. All this crap you dealt with from punky teenage bullies? Don't sweat it. I promise, in a few years, that shit won't matter. They won't matter. You just gotta focus on yourself, be the best you can be, then one day you'll see these losers and you will have the last laugh. Trust me. I dealt with bullies at your age too. I know they can make you miserable at the time. But the person you will become in a few years is far different than the person you are right now. So don't sweat it. Just lean on people you know you can trust, work on making new friends and just be yourself. Having high and low moments emotionally is just a part of life. The trick is to not stay in the low moments for too long. And you don't need tons of people you call close friends. Most of us have only a few people who get that designation at any point in our lives. So keep that in mind. It's not about quantity. It's quality. Seriously, forget about the douchebags who made you miserable. The dude in the YouTube videos you posted? He's an illiterate asswipe with some serious mental issues of his own. Don't let yourself be his whipping boy any more. He and others are still in your brain. Get them out. The quicker the better. Don't let them keep you in a state of defeat. -Jeff

Lord Jazzinho
01-31-2014, 06:09 AM
Yeah it's just that these people claimed they were my friends, they said I was able to go to them if I had problems, and then after a while it's like they wanted to try and forget about me

They may claimed that and led you to believe it but now you know they were fair weather friends and not worth wasting anymore mental space on. People say a lot of things in life as you get older your BS detecter will get more and more tuned in lol.

01-31-2014, 09:28 AM
Kyle it must be that ugly friend of yours:)))

Kyle Morgan
01-31-2014, 03:51 PM
Kyle it must be that ugly friend of yours:)))

I doubt it's him, it's probably just a random troll that's all. Does anyone know what else this troll did, I know he commented on my thread and on somebody else's thread, did he do anything else

01-31-2014, 04:16 PM
Which guy, Kyle?

Kyle Morgan
01-31-2014, 04:18 PM
Which guy, Kyle?

There was some troll on here hours ago spamming and saying stupid shit on the forum and he was going around harassing other users, he left a bunch of shit on my thread

01-31-2014, 04:19 PM
I doubt it's him, it's probably just a random troll that's all. Does anyone know what else this troll did, I know he commented on my thread and on somebody else's thread, did he do anything else

He made a thread saying we're all losers with no life 'hahahahahahahaha', he commented on a couple of other threads, calling people virgins.

He got schooled by too many people, Eman, Frankie, Crista, James, Dahila, ally... The list goes on. It was a dreadful attempt!!!!

01-31-2014, 04:21 PM
Who has time to register for a forum just to be a dick?

Kyle Morgan
01-31-2014, 04:22 PM
He made a thread saying we're all losers with no life 'hahahahahahahaha', he commented on a couple of other threads, calling people virgins.

He got schooled by too many people, Eman, Frankie, Crista, James, Dahila, ally... The list goes on. It was a dreadful attempt!!!!

I wouldn't be surprised if that no life retard came back again with another account. You know what trolls can be like

Kyle Morgan
01-31-2014, 04:24 PM
Who has time to register for a forum just to be a dick?

Who knows people do shit like that all the time

01-31-2014, 04:33 PM
Who has time to register for a forum just to be a dick?

Hahahahaaha. Bwahahahaha

Oh wait, this isn't my Eman account, brb! ;)

01-31-2014, 04:35 PM
Who has time to register for a forum just to be a dick?

^ I was wondering the same thing!! Like, who does that??

But yeah, nickydicky (or whatever the heck his name was) was dealt with very quickly, but not before some of us gave him a piece of our mind. Ashly1221 did a good job of ripping him a new one.. Eh, it probably wasn't worth our time responding, but still.. another troll dead.. victory :)

01-31-2014, 04:36 PM


How do you balance all 4 accounts so well?

01-31-2014, 05:27 PM

It does work!!! There, is that better then!!!!!


01-31-2014, 08:47 PM

It does work!!! There, is that better then!!!!!


that is funny, jesse

Lord Jazzinho
01-31-2014, 11:29 PM
There was some troll on here hours ago spamming and saying stupid shit on the forum and he was going around harassing other users, he left a bunch of shit on my thread

I saw that bellend only e-mail. I only wish his bullshit was still up I love a good row and his sort are the most amusing. Which brings me on my first real social interaction after about 10 years in the house was on xbox live. I met a lot of cool people on there and eventually settled with some regulars and we formed a clan called the Wolftas and what we loved to do most on xbox live was to come across people like that dickhead who was on this thread and abuse the F**k out of them. Ah those were the days, once you realise you totally safe its quite empowering and honestly I'd recommend it, it's very cathartic. We did get a bit desperate at times but most of the time we went for people that started on us. They call it trolling now. We weren't trolls though (we were Wolftas) we would have guanine back and forth arguments with people about how there mother was fat and easy win or lose, we were f**kin terrible really lol. It wasn't trolling like now-a-days it used to be like a test of wits like who could drop the biggest bomb. If you were in a game lobby and someone started on you and by the end of that game you had made them shut up that was the win. Now its just knob heads who say the same thing over and over don't engage like that prick who was on here who don't even have the balls to stick around for a battle. Sorry bit of tangent. I do feel that over that time I improved a lot, it was great to be part of group and go against other groups. It built me up quite a lot in confidence. At the end of the day I've always been a lone wolf and thats how I like it but we had a good long run.