View Full Version : In NEED OF ADVICE

01-30-2014, 04:58 PM
I'm not a fan of meds. Never taken them. Today I had such a nervous stomach and nausea and couldn't even eat. Until I calmed down. Supposedly this is stress. Who knows of any natural supplements that really help??

01-30-2014, 05:05 PM
I've also never taken meds. I believe if the problem persists for more than 2 months, meds might be the only option. Some people need meds and that's fine. But you also gotta take into account how difficult it is to get off meds.

I used to have horrible stress nausea. Could barely eat without feeling worse. I would force myself to eat a little bit (like toast, tea, nothing to heavy) followed by Papaya Enzyme. It's a natural supplement that eases the stomach. And lots of water and stretching after eating to help digestion..and stress.

01-30-2014, 05:19 PM
I've had anxiety for 2 years . It's just getting worse!!!! But I want to get over it!!!

01-30-2014, 05:52 PM
CBT should help you, given your posts and the problems you seem to have. I'd Amazon a book on it 10000% if I were you.

As far as working supplements ummm...

Firstly try some chamomile tea, as it's really cheap, like $2 maybe and very effective for a lot of people.

Then get some magnesium as it's good for muscle problems and tension.

You can do this from your local store. Shouldn't cost more than $15-20

I like starting simple and cheapish, so you can see what's helping, and if your anxiety responds to natural methods..

If it works you can try something else, or you can add more on to find your own regime.

But if you want a more complex regime, Panic wrote a long sticky.


01-30-2014, 06:34 PM
I'm not a fan of meds. Never taken them. Today I had such a nervous stomach and nausea and couldn't even eat. Until I calmed down. Supposedly this is stress. Who knows of any natural supplements that really help??

Same here, I will probably never take any meds since I think it'll only make it worse. I've been taking some good stuff lately(not drugs) that has helped me alooot. Here is the list:

1. Magnesium- It's good for many things. Helps you sleep better, improves brain function, decrease inflammation: improve heart health and the most important thing, it helps to control the central nervous system.

2. B-Vitamins- Also good for alot of things. Makes you sleep like a baby and wake up feeling REALLY good, lower cervical cancer risk and reduce levels of homocysteine (an amino acid thought to contribute to heart disease when it occurs at elevated levels), ease stress, aid memory etc.

3. Chamomile tea- Relaxes the nervous system and increases the immune power.

4. EXERCISE- YAAY!, most effective. Working out will burn stress hormones and your body won't be having energy left to worry.

Try all this 4 steps combined and you should see a difference in 1-2 weeks. It helped me ALOOOT!!

Wish you the best! :)

- AliasEQ

El Lukio
01-31-2014, 12:39 AM
Same here, I will probably never take any meds since I think it'll only make it worse. I've been taking some good stuff lately(not drugs) that has helped me alooot. Here is the list:

1. Magnesium- It's good for many things. Helps you sleep better, improves brain function, decrease inflammation: improve heart health and the most important thing, it helps to control the central nervous system.

2. B-Vitamins- Also good for alot of things. Makes you sleep like a baby and wake up feeling REALLY good, lower cervical cancer risk and reduce levels of homocysteine (an amino acid thought to contribute to heart disease when it occurs at elevated levels), ease stress, aid memory etc.

3. Chamomile tea- Relaxes the nervous system and increases the immune power.

4. EXERCISE- YAAY!, most effective. Working out will burn stress hormones and your body won't be having energy left to worry.

Try all this 4 steps combined and you should see a difference in 1-2 weeks. It helped me ALOOOT!!

Wish you the best! :)

- AliasEQ

Hey Alias,

Thanks for the tips - I see a lot of folk praising the benefits of magnesium. I'm going to order some of that (and B vits) today. I already drink chamomile tea so hopefully with the extra supplements I'll start to feel better.

Just one question - I already take a multivitamin tablet once a day. I assume this has Vitamin B in it - should I stop taking those and just concentrate on the B Vit for a while? I understand that it is not a good thing to OD on vitamins?


01-31-2014, 06:09 AM
Hey Alias,

Thanks for the tips - I see a lot of folk praising the benefits of magnesium. I'm going to order some of that (and B vits) today. I already drink chamomile tea so hopefully with the extra supplements I'll start to feel better.

Just one question - I already take a multivitamin tablet once a day. I assume this has Vitamin B in it - should I stop taking those and just concentrate on the B Vit for a while? I understand that it is not a good thing to OD on vitamins?


Hi El Lukio,

It really depends. How much vit B is it in your multivitamin? It's pretty hard to OD on vitamins. Maximum intake should be less than 10 mg/day (vit B).

I'd be more careful with the magnesium. Don't go over 300mg/day the first week, just to be safe. Your body can be allergic to it and it can cause nausea, diarrhea and other unpleasant symptoms.

I hope this helps, wish you the best! :)

- AliasEQ