View Full Version : Official Hell Raising Thread, place all bitches here in type. YAY!

01-30-2014, 02:22 PM
I am so damn befuddled as to how so many people go to so many damn doctors to be told the same fuggin thing day in day out and don't go broke or completely insane? Somebody tell me Please. Peace

01-30-2014, 02:26 PM
Hell raisers don't say Peace!!!....LOL!!

I'm just tired of being stuck in this damn house..:(


01-30-2014, 02:28 PM
Hell raisers don't say Peace!!!....LOL!!

I'm just tired of being stuck in this damn house..:(


Uhhh Okay, What the fug do I know I'm a high school dropout, don't ask me for advice. LOL Fug off peacefully

01-30-2014, 02:31 PM
i just started one on benzos .

If i was to write some of the things i have put up with in the lats 5 years i thing i would wear out my keyboard . I will be back with a few after the kids leave and get my blood taken by the vampires .

LOL Come on back Forwells... We need to do sum serious bitchin here. Peace ooops... Sorry E man, and why are you E-man I want to be G-Man if you are the E I am the G. LOL

01-30-2014, 02:33 PM
I'm so sick of these arrogant fuggin doctors preying on these people, and insurance companies telling them how they can be treated and paying them a portion of what them stinkin rejects get paid in bonus's. !! All doctors and insurance companies can kiss this white ass! Peace off

01-30-2014, 02:36 PM
Why is it when my kids have sucked the life out of me with all their petty bs thru the years, when I need them they are not here!!!! Biotchesssssss

01-30-2014, 02:38 PM
It's a fair point Gene.

We don't have the insurance system really in England, it's all state funded as you probably know. We still get similar problems with psychs though. They may not get 'cuts of the sale', but they most certainly get other tasty benefits.

I remember going to a psychiatrist after having a bad reaction to one SSRI, and I remember him having an Eli Lilly pen, and an Eli mug on his table. In my head I was thinking 'No more bets on what drug I'm gonna be prescribed next'

You got it... Prozac :D

01-30-2014, 02:41 PM
Why is it when my kids have sucked the life out of me with all their petty bs thru the years, when I need them they are not here!!!! Biotchesssssss

LOL Great !!!! Damn kids don't wanna give they wanna take, just like most of us, give me give me give me. Them sumsabitches chap my hide and when I die they ain't getting shit

cause I'm spending it all on doctors and medication! Ungrateful pains in the asses Fug em Peacefully

01-30-2014, 02:42 PM
My pysch is more worried about his fuggin designers socks (yea he talks about his socks) then his patients.
one of these days I'm going to tell him to shove his socks up his old hippy ash. What psych works 2 days a week. I think he's busy recovering from smoking to much pot!!!

whew that felt! good im sick hearing about his stupid socks.......................good god I need a new psych

01-30-2014, 02:47 PM
That is too funny justme LOL

01-30-2014, 02:52 PM
To all you abusers out there who have scared these damn people and gave them your burden, taking care of your sorry ass, and going twenty extra miles to please you, and then you let them down and cheat on them or lie to them y'all better know what come around goes around. Chew on that bitches!! Eat Shit too peacefully of course. LOL

01-30-2014, 02:58 PM
And you can't even relax and go the natural route anymore!!!!!! They're just as bad...!

What with their claims a diet or vitamin will cure anything, or their fake reviews of their products on Amazon, or their blind hatred of drugs and medicine.

You're getting pulled every which way and that these days, never knowing who to believe!!!!

01-30-2014, 03:00 PM
Oh yea their pushin these drugs pills, super power exercise routines, and painting these bastards with photoshop, and got me to thinkin this shit was all reall. Fug Em Peacefully. LOL

01-30-2014, 03:08 PM
Then some poor bastard spends his kids food money to get another pill that he's now dependent on, and they treat you like a junkie, and stare sideways at you while they sneak off to the backroom and snort a little powder to keep em working longer. These dipshits need to get their muda fuggin star player back out!! We got all these taxes and lying ass wannabe leaders walking around talkin shit like they know what it's like to work in the freezing cold, they don't even know the price of milk. Then they put their suits on after they leave the massage parlor and come up with yet another healthcare scheme, that is full of shit and feeds the rejects that pays them to get in office. Pieces of work. But ya gotta love em, they just don't know what their doing and daddy sent them to Harvard so they could pretend. Donkey shit I say!! Peacefully of course E man. LOL What say you? Put your middle finger in the air and show us some love!

01-30-2014, 03:37 PM
Uhhh Okay, What the fug do I know I'm a high school dropout, don't ask me for advice. LOL Fug off peacefully

Glad to meet a fellow HS dropout!! YAY!!! well,...actually I "quit" in the 7th grade but that's close enough!


01-30-2014, 04:41 PM
This is a fine example of incompetence, and if we don't hold these dumbasses accountable or start complaining to the medical review boards more will encounter this. They are fuggin with the lives of real people here, this ain't the fuggin pretend shit reality show, this is people who know what is wrong and need some reasonable cooperation. My doc says do this or that. I tell him nope, write the RX because the insurance company makes you do it but I ain't takin that shit, I'll get some fish oil, then he wants a blood work thingy, too damn bad I got one for free at work, and that was fine. Insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies run and ruin a good thing. Three doctors in the family and a pharmacist. Two attorneys and I can't tell you a damn word they would openly share except on chemo for cancer, said that's rat poison, and vaccines are a hoax. So far that's all they'll admit to. I spent three months in the emergency room as I was dating a nurse so I stayed there on third shift, cooked for them all, and partied with them. Doc's will watch the ball game while you bleed to death unless you have someone there to whoop their ass. I could not believe it. Nurses do all the work and the cocky docs get the credit. It's all a hoax, but began as a good thing, DO NO HARM, is now how much money do you have? Is it cheaper to keep ya, or should we let ya go? They'll let ya go if you're not well funded unless you battle with them, and this will work, just gotta know the rules they live and die by. Get a law book, and serve theor asses with some paper. It all begins and ends right there. Peace out!

01-30-2014, 04:49 PM
Glad to meet a fellow HS dropout!! YAY!!! well,...actually I "quit" in the 7th grade but that's close enough!


Yep, dropped out. Went onto college after finishing up some educational requirements, and learned shit most people already know, 2+2 is 4, sometimes. Until I get confused then it don't matter anyway. LOL Peace out

We develop a test ( well a man or women or group) and they decide what you learn. Don't question them, they have no answers as to what really works, they just work 9 months and go on vacation and get out the same old tired shit next year. LOL phony ass bitches AGAIN!

01-30-2014, 05:11 PM
Boy where do i start . My problem broken down . Anxiety and depression 10% , treating this problem and dealing with fucken asholes 90% . Go to doctor with problem , result from stopping Antidepressants . Told i have anxiety and given benzos . Never and i mean never in 36 years had i ever once had anxiety . Was fine and happy but stressed because so much was happening in life including debts , work and mother dieing . Have bad reaction to benzo , it didnt calm me but revved me . Return to hospital told it was anxiety and should keep taking them . Later told by two local doctors they would have removed first day . Bit fucken late three month later . I am sick to fucken death of paying these people $300 a hour to listen to me and learn . Its their fucken job not mine . I am sick of their asshole attitude . I put up with no shit from these doctors any more . One doctor said to me "people don't get these reactions to drugs , i looked him in the eye and said what , you learn that from the studies did you , the studies that the drug companies pay for hey "No answer . The reason you dont see it is because they are not ever gonna come back to you for a second go are they? Same doctor , walk in one day look him in the eyes , he looks at me and ask whats up . I am hanging on by a thread . I hand him a note in no kind way telling him that he needed to get off his fat ass and do his job , that i was sick of his bullshit and that it was his fucken drugs that got me into this mess and he needs to help me get out of it . I told him he was a lazy shit that needs to shut the fuck up and listen to what i am saying instead of assuming what he thinks the problem is . This is not the first and i am sure it is not the last one i have told to go fuck themselves . My current doctor i plan on pulling up on Tuesday and have already wrote him a letter ( bit nicer this one as my wife and myself work for him ) . Oh one more for doctors , coming off benzos and let me tell you it was not nice . Turn up at ER , tell doc whats happening . Turns to me and says "well keep taking them " I look at him , the nurse looks at me , the wife looks at me . They both get in front of me , had i got a hold of that doctor i would have tossed him from one end of the ER to the other , and more than once LOL Therapist . Boy where do we start here .. Most are a waste of space and some need to go to a therapist , but good luck finding a good one . One thats stands out was first one . I had a strange childhood and have not spoken with my father for 20 years . Oh no this is a problem. why? , this will be one of the things behind your anxiety , we need to sort this. I stop and think . "OK , so your telling me because i dont want contact with my father or that i dont want him near his grandchild that this is behind my anxiety "˙es ". Ok so what time are you meeting your ex that beat the shit out of you at the pub for a beer tonight" No comment . These therapists kept me stressed , keep me from healing and kept so much bull shit in my head . It is only the last 6 months that i have started to heal after getting away from them and their judging bullshit . Only just found a Therapist that is any good . Went though mental health team for 4 1/2 years . Would sit and argue that i was not anxious and that it was my body and the stress being placed on it . Goes back and forward with this shit for all that time , never back down and never will. Different Therapists , some just out of school with not a clue . Breath in , breathe out , "i think i got that after 40 years can we move onto something else now please " Then one never contacts me and i ring to find why , no comment , OK i can live with that . But we want you to see this guy . OK . See the new one , the good one . Ask what happened . Oh you were dismissed . Ok Why? BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE A MENTAL ILLNESS Shakes head . :) There is so much more but i am so sick to death of dealing with people that think they know but all they know is what they read and that one thing fixes all . That all they read was wrote by some asshole that never even had a problem so would not have a clue anyway . I think i read somewhere that there is a high rate of suicide in mental health workers . Some days i wonder why there isnt a high murder rate there ? Yes. Yes. Yes. I can relate here so much. Many Doctors are arrogant assholes that lack empathy.

01-30-2014, 05:34 PM
I am pissed at pretty much every doctor that I saw from the age 12 until about September of 2012. Yeah I know--- that's a LOT of piss... LOL. I was diagnosed with lots of different things and underwent tons of testing.... I'm pissed about the several years of asthma medications that I took including while pregnant. I'm pissed about the fact that I had a real physical problem that doctors missed for over 15 years....if not more. It's UNACCEPTABLE. It's INFURIATING. Hell yes I have health anxiety and heart anxiety. It WAS BEING SQUISHED. Literally. I'm probably going to google everything for the rest of my life because I trust myself and google more than I do most doctors. I'm probably going to have health anxiety for the rest of my life because I don't trust doctors.

That said- I am immensely grateful for modern medicine because I think my body would have physically given up by now. I met some
Outstanding doctors at Mayo clinic in Arizona. They helped me immensely and I'm going to be forever grateful.

Anyway--- I was a victim to the terrible medical system. I honestly think there needs to be some sort of legal ramifications for drug companies. They shouldn't be able to advertise on television. They shouldn't be able to go and pitch themselves to doctors and buy them off with fancy pens, Bendable spines, or heart models... Lol - I'm sure it all runs much much deeper than that but you get the point. They have essentially just become legalized drug dealers.

I am thankful for the seemingly few doctors that listen and I wish we were all so fortunate
To have one of those on our first visit for any concern.

That was fun... And mild in comparison to how I really feel.

01-30-2014, 05:39 PM
I am pissed at pretty much every doctor that I saw from the age 12 until about September of 2012. Yeah I know--- that's a LOT of piss... LOL.

Bet when you logged in this evening, you didn't think you'd be talking about piss and orgasms huh!!!

01-30-2014, 05:47 PM
Bet when you logged in this evening, you didn't think you'd be talking about piss and orgasms huh!!! Ha! The kind of conversations that will keep me coming back.

01-31-2014, 05:35 AM
I am pissed at pretty much every doctor that I saw from the age 12 until about September of 2012. Yeah I know--- that's a LOT of piss... LOL. I was diagnosed with lots of different things and underwent tons of testing.... I'm pissed about the several years of asthma medications that I took including while pregnant. I'm pissed about the fact that I had a real physical problem that doctors missed for over 15 years....if not more. It's UNACCEPTABLE. It's INFURIATING. Hell yes I have health anxiety and heart anxiety. It WAS BEING SQUISHED. Literally. I'm probably going to google everything for the rest of my life because I trust myself and google more than I do most doctors. I'm probably going to have health anxiety for the rest of my life because I don't trust doctors.

That said- I am immensely grateful for modern medicine because I think my body would have physically given up by now. I met some
Outstanding doctors at Mayo clinic in Arizona. They helped me immensely and I'm going to be forever grateful.

Anyway--- I was a victim to the terrible medical system. I honestly think there needs to be some sort of legal ramifications for drug companies. They shouldn't be able to advertise on television. They shouldn't be able to go and pitch themselves to doctors and buy them off with fancy pens, Bendable spines, or heart models... Lol - I'm sure it all runs much much deeper than that but you get the point. They have essentially just become legalized drug dealers.

I am thankful for the seemingly few doctors that listen and I wish we were all so fortunate
To have one of those on our first visit for any concern.

That was fun... And mild in comparison to how I really feel.

Hell Yes!! Keep it coming tell us how you really feel. If we don't get this shit out that we are angry we will not see things clearly. This is a place to tell the therapist how you, tell your wife, kids, husband, mom, dad etc.

really feel. ( I loved justme talking about her quacks designer socks) LOL Narcissistic piece of shit, she pay or someone does to talk about his high priced socks, what's next he wanna

talk about his diamond laced thongs, that make his ass feel better than other? Piss on that! Thanks everyone for taking part in this. I had a sidekick help me see this was needed

here, and so here we are. Lets get it on. Don't worry about being nice, let it all hang out. :D You can be nice in other threads, not here. Have fun, vent, cuss, and just clear your

mind, Dump it right here. Love y'all Peace

01-31-2014, 05:40 AM
I will share the last outstanding interaction I had at my mental health clinic.

They offer yoga and art therapy right so I thought ok being I'm agoraphobic it might be good to join in on these activities for some relaxation, get me out the house and social interaction of which I have exactly NONE!
When I asked to put my name down for it I was told I'm not allowed until I get the approval from my CBT psych and my psychiatrist. Apparently I need to get confirmation that art therapy and yoga will not disrupt my treatment! How the p...ing hell can yoga and art therapy disrupt frankly anything! Lol .....what a farce.

I will update you if these treatments are found to be beneficial and allowed for a person with all my problems lol.

What a fugged up regime. Oh you can't do this, it might fuggin help. Here's another pill! Dumb mother fuggers! Peace

Anxious Abi
01-31-2014, 09:07 AM
There is this one no life virgin using the forum, watch out for him, Nickyandhisdicky, loads of personal issues that one.

01-31-2014, 09:44 AM
But there is this wonderful new invention they call the internet now that you can connect to experts anywhere in the world that will help without the need to travel . This i have used once and was great . My doctor does not agree with it as he said that is not good as doctor needs to see you . I get this and i told him that if i do it i could explain the basics . They could tell you what to test for and then if they think there is a problem then i could go and see them . Its not like they are doing a operation on me.

It is wonderful, because you have time to explain and tell about your problem. I am sick of my F**** doc waiting for me with prescription pad. I can not suggest anything because I am bullied by her..... After two hours of waiting I get a new med, I am probably allergic to it, and not attention at all. On the top of that, I can not change family doc, because no one takes people with any disease. My hubby and I applied to few docs, no F***** answer at all.....

01-31-2014, 02:02 PM
Yes Dahila,

Glad to have you here, and yes the docs. Argggh Let it all hang out, tell your friends to get on here and bitch bitch bitch! Let's do it up right this weekend!!

Letting the anger come and go here may be very helpful for us, some even feel good, heart rates decrease and glimpses of health and sanity begin to creep in on me. Feel the love and

acceptance, it's as real as the bitching! Peace

01-31-2014, 02:33 PM
Forwells that sounds utterly infuriating.

I remember when having suicidal urges on Prozac, I was told by 2 doctors and an A&E psychiatrist to keep taking the med, that it wasn't the problem. Naturally the urges stopped dead when the Prozac finished. It's mind boggling sometimes.

The problem with us, anxiety sufferers, is we're nuisances. We annoy doctors, we annoy psychs, the quicker they can get us out of their office, the happier they are. I guess in a way I can understand, as we are annoying, 99% of what we worry about isn't even real, but still - anxiety and the drugs for it can cause lasting changes on the brain that a person may never recover from. That's GOT to be considered by people treating it. I know we're easy prey, and quick money, but still...!

What's your plan now going forward? I think I saw you mention a court case? I could be wrong.

I'm guessing it's gonna take a fine doctor to help, seeing as you said the odds were like 1 in a million. There may only be a handful at best of people like you in the whole of Australia!!

01-31-2014, 02:38 PM
I'm bitching that I cannot contribute to this thread

No complaints today!

01-31-2014, 06:21 PM
Trazadone caused it to me, I could not take it more than a month, I stopped and got in trouble with doc, I am not supposet to decide what to take or not to take, my body belongs to stupid docs. On the top of that in my country , doctors are not responsible for mistakes they make. People life is cheap...