View Full Version : Anxiety and Learning Disorders

02-26-2008, 02:57 PM
I want so badly to continue school and get my degree but my anxiety has prevented me from learning what I need to do. I recently tested for a learning disorder but don't think I will be able to overcome that one until I can get a handle on this anxiety. Anyone else have anxiety and a learning disorder?

I will find out the official results from the testing next week but we have so far figured it will probably be something related to proccessing information. I can hear what someone is saying [I could repeat them] but I don't know what they said means. I have to read things over and over again and hope that it eventually sinks in.

I am worried that the two problems will combat each other- that I won't be able to overcome this disorder until I can relax with the anxiety. And that I won't be able to read or anything like that which might slow the healing process. I worry too much, I know.

:( I'm just confused and feel alone with my problems sometimes.

02-27-2008, 06:47 AM
Are you completely sure that this learning problem is a discrete problem? Or could it possibly just be an effect of the anxiety? In other words, does your learning problem predate your anxiety problem? Or did you seem to start to have problems learning when you developed anxiety disorder? You DO mention that you want to FINISH school, which tells me that you have probably successfully completed SOME school. This suggests that your anxiety is interfering with learning rather than a true learning disorder.

03-02-2008, 11:32 AM
I'm really not sure which came first... I mean, I have had these feelings and these attacks for as long as I can remember. And I have had a lot of my learning disorder problems for about the same time. I remember I was in about fourth or fifth grade when I started having troubles... I almost failed a year of high school even though I was in honors and I have tried junior college but right now I am on a break. I would love to get my degree and have been told I am intelligent enough.

I know that my anxiety definitely makes it worse when I am struggling in school... but sometimes- even having a conversation with somebody- I will miss everything they said and won't necessarily feel anxious or worked up about it.

My priority is to deal with my anxiety first and hopefully I will be able to function better in life- I'm having quite a hard time lately. And then after I have been able to deal with those big issues I will then turn my focus to the learning disorder- if it is even still a problem. I know what you are saying, and I haven't really thought about it that way before... I guess I will have to think about it some more... :unsure:

06-16-2008, 01:28 PM
I am now working with my school- seeing a Learning Skills Specialist as well as a counselor (on a weekly basis)... they are going to teach me how to study better and work on my learning disability. I am also working on managing my anxiety.