View Full Version : Sex as cure for anxiety

01-30-2014, 01:09 PM
lately i have found that having sex or just some erotic games, fixes my anxiety. firstly i found it difficult to have sexual intercourse, but after a while i started being the old me. strongly recommend having sexual intercourse or erotic games with the partner. takes away the anxiety and raises dopamine level. any good experiences please share, so we can encourage people not to swap into anxiety labyrinths and start enjoying life.

01-30-2014, 01:59 PM
Sometimes it great sometimes not. I once got a bad anxiety attack just before having sex that caused me to throw up. When you are someone with anxiety this can be a huge set back. This was before I learned that breathing is a good thing and pay attention to it. looking back I found out I was practically holding my breath for 1.5 min.

Olive Yew
01-30-2014, 02:03 PM
I can vouch that this works for some people. Getting frisky/cuddly/sexual with your loved one helps a lot. It usually works with me and my man. And I found this on Tumblr:


01-30-2014, 04:24 PM
lately i have found that having sex or just some erotic games, fixes my anxiety. firstly i found it difficult to have sexual intercourse, but after a while i started being the old me. strongly recommend having sexual intercourse or erotic games with the partner. takes away the anxiety and raises dopamine level. any good experiences please share, so we can encourage people not to swap into anxiety labyrinths and start enjoying life.

I may have you call my wife

She aint buyin this

01-30-2014, 05:01 PM
Hmmm... This can go either way I think. For instance... Orgasm brings very strong physical reactions (heat, increased pulse, sweating, etc) which can be similar to things some of us experience with panic attack. For me the overall flushing sensation is almost too much. Talk about something you do NOT want to correlate with panic but I have caught myself saying chill out this is normal in the middle of orgasm because my mind wanted me to believe something bad was going to happen.

01-30-2014, 05:20 PM
Hmmm... This can go either way I think. For instance... Orgasm brings very strong physical reactions (heat, increased pulse, sweating, etc) which can be similar to things some of us experience with panic attack. For me the overall flushing sensation is almost too much. Talk about something you do NOT want to correlate with panic but I have caught myself saying chill out this is normal in the middle of orgasm because my mind wanted me to believe something bad was going to happen.

I zoned out after I saw the word "orgasm"

I am too immature for this thread

happy humpin

01-30-2014, 06:05 PM
Sorry Nixon... Didn't mean to make it weird. LOL.

01-30-2014, 06:09 PM
Sorry Nixon... Didn't mean to make it weird. LOL.

Just dont ever let this thread stop appearing in the "Current" section



01-30-2014, 06:31 PM
the thread is not very educating. Everyone knows that sex is good for anxiety. Even the monkeys... Nothing new here.
Could you possibly call my man?????????:))))

01-30-2014, 07:05 PM
the thread is not very educating. Everyone knows that sex is good for anxiety. Even the monkeys... Nothing new here.
Could possibly call my man?????????:))))

So we shouldkeep this hread going so I, I mean others can learn from it

01-30-2014, 07:50 PM
Since starting my medicine, I can literally only get off to thinking about gnomes during sex. Does anyone else have this problem??

01-30-2014, 07:55 PM
So we shouldkeep this hread going so I, I mean others can learn from it

Are they ready to face the true? :)))

01-30-2014, 07:56 PM
Since starting my medicine, I can literally only get off to thinking about gnomes during sex. Does anyone else have this problem??

That is weird that you said that.

It isnt gnomes, its midgets for me

But since they are the same size, I feel that there is a connection

The end result is no orgasm, whether form garden statues or little people, you are just sexually frustrated

01-30-2014, 08:06 PM
Since starting my medicine, I can literally only get off to thinking about gnomes during sex. Does anyone else have this problem??

Edited...... :)

01-30-2014, 08:30 PM
Sex/masturbation, in my opinion isn't that great an answer for anxiety. Yeah, you feel too tired to have a panic attack afterwards, but you also feel emotionally drained, you don't feel bad, but you don't feel too good either, just kind of blah.. and, it messes with your balance kind of cause you tense up your neck during, and your head is in one position for a really long time, and it just feels a bit blah.. sorry, just my opinion. it's better when you are happier and not trying to escape anxiety really.

01-30-2014, 09:11 PM
Sex/masturbation, in my opinion isn't that great an answer for anxiety. Yeah, you feel too tired to have a panic attack afterwards, but you also feel emotionally drained, you don't feel bad, but you don't feel too good either, just kind of blah.. and, it messes with your balance kind of cause you tense up your neck during, and your head is in one position for a really long time, and it just feels a bit blah.. sorry, just my opinion. it's better when you are happier and not trying to escape anxiety really.

The above has never been written by a guy....ever LOL

01-30-2014, 09:57 PM
I zoned out after I saw the word "orgasm"

I am too immature for this thread

happy humpin

Now THIS is funny!

01-30-2014, 11:23 PM
What is this sex thing of which you all speak? Is it a pill? What milligram?

01-31-2014, 06:10 AM
Sex is awesome, but over rated. I enjoy shaving my wife's back, and plucking her unibrow. This gets me so horny though. Simple things like, eating Cheetos and watching porn seems

to work. Only thing is I forgot I had did that the previous night and woke up to an orange wanker. Panicked about my anxiety, and health issues I went to the ER, the doctor questioned

if I'd did anything out of the ordinary, and I hate to say it, but I hadn't. Then I recalled the night before in horror I admitted I had been watching tv and eating Cheetos. The nurse,

asked what movie? Embarrassed I said, I think I'll go now. I think jjh might have good advice Little gnomes are cool), so I'm off to the garden store to see if I can buy a gnome,

maybe a gargoyle? It's not

easy being cheesy. :D Peace

01-31-2014, 04:28 PM
I believe sex/orgasm/masterbating is good for anxiety. It releases all the nessisary hormones/testosterones.. Feel good chemicals, plus the connection between a loved one. It is proven to be good for everything!! Stress, anxiety, depression, headaches etc.

Some people (myself included) feel it's a bad thing. Why? It has all the symptoms of panic.. Tricking the mind, also if your not concentrating on what is happening you get lost in thought, over thinking. Which brings panic.

Excersize is amazing for anxiety, but guess what? Same symptoms as panic.. You need to push through to get the body used to knowing the difference. People (me) get panic attacks even when they are happy/excited.. The body needs to be taught again what is bad and good adrenaline.

My conclusion have a lot of sex, excersize a lot, and think happy thoughts.

01-31-2014, 04:40 PM
I believe sex/orgasm/masterbating is good for anxiety. It releases all the nessisary hormones/testosterones.. Feel good chemicals, plus the connection between a loved one. It is proven to be good for everything!! Stress, anxiety, depression, headaches etc.

My conclusion have a lot of sex, excersize a lot, and think happy thoughts.

As a gut, this is what I read of your post Amber

01-31-2014, 04:47 PM
I believe sex/orgasm/masterbating is good for everything!!

amazing excited.. The body needs to be taught

My conclusion have a lot of sex,

I am writing what I recall of your post Amber

01-31-2014, 08:34 PM
How about a panic attack during sex. That's Always fun.bleh lol

01-31-2014, 08:45 PM
How about a panic attack during sex. That's Always fun.bleh lol

This may sound whacked but a panic attack during sex actually sounds erotic

Oh, God. I need a therapist!

01-31-2014, 08:54 PM
Oh gosh! Beleive me it isn't. The concentration it takes to not alert your....other half...that your actually having a horrible time...lol

01-31-2014, 09:01 PM
Oh gosh! Beleive me it isn't. The concentration it takes to not alert your....other half...that your actually having a horrible time...lol

I suppose you are right

A girl yelling that at me would give me performance anxiety for life

And probably hives too

01-31-2014, 09:05 PM
Sex/masturbation, in my opinion isn't that great an answer for anxiety. Yeah, you feel too tired to have a panic attack afterwards, but you also feel emotionally drained, you don't feel bad, but you don't feel too good either, just kind of blah.. and, it messes with your balance kind of cause you tense up your neck during, and your head is in one position for a really long time, and it just feels a bit blah.. sorry, just my opinion. it's better when you are happier and not trying to escape anxiety really.

you have no idea what you are talking about, Sex is wonderful for anxiety. Listen to old timer:))

01-31-2014, 09:08 PM
I suppose some may dig it! Maybe those into autoerotic asphyxiation are really just craving panic attacks :)

01-31-2014, 09:12 PM
I suppose some may dig it! Maybe those into autoerotic asphyxiation are really just craving panic attacks :)

Dont knock it until you try it....a dozen times

01-31-2014, 09:13 PM
I've had panic attacks.. Not exactly during sex itself but umm... Other stuff... Awkward silence.. But that was before I knew what was going on and how to calm myself down! Do what should be done during sex, concentrate on every feeling.. Meaning their touch etc not your panic rising

01-31-2014, 09:16 PM
I've had panic attacks.. Not exactly during sex itself but umm... Other stuff... Awkward silence.. But that was before I knew what was going on and how to calm myself down! Do what should be done during sex, concentrate on every feeling.. Meaning their touch etc not your panic rising

Amber - I am kinda naive so you can clarify "other stuff"?

01-31-2014, 09:19 PM
Bahahahahah Nixon you seed. Other stuff you know, throwing rocks in the pond, watching the circus, breaking a leg.. The usual

01-31-2014, 09:54 PM
It's all in the approach I guess. Not to be a buzz kill; but Sex as typically Sold and Engaged as if Doing Drugs. In that context it's rather cheap and often said to taint ones balance. Don't get me wrong - my mother should of never told me to take my hand out of my pants - that kind of did more damage than good. Morality wise - imo > this is yet another area that religion has done more harm than good. Unfortunately it seems the masses have gone to other extremes, and hence my reference to drugs.

Again - with the approach: slipping into a confined space to quickly masturbate can hardly be considered therapy for Anxiety, although it makes for a good joke! The aftermath of a good Batting or Diddling session or dare I say AND OR BOTH for the more evolved and creative among us - can often leave some of us feeling quite deflated. Creativity certainly helps! I much prefer exercising and avoid touching myself for because of how cheap it can leave me feeling. I think the cheapening with so much porn crossed with just how much is now flaunted with girls getting younger and younger has made me wonder - just how sick our species has become with regards to SEX full stop.

No doubt early history would of had a similar menu with respect to show and tell - not to mention the outright abuse of taking what one could, would and did. But now in this age - I would go as far to say, that in some cases SEX could in fact be rather detrimental to ones balance given the extreme and wide variety of platter, emotion, taste and instant access. Again - like Drugs with all the pit falls of Addiction. There's something about the destabilization of the mind I can't quite get my finger on (Woops) Damn it - seriously - Doh! ----------- I knew I could not enter this thread without tripping over myself yet again.
__________________________________________________ __________________

For sure ... even the Monks, Priests, Nuns & Sisters could not keep their hands/fingers at bay ... the very act of abstinence probably educed anxiety itself - Damn it - I told you Religion Screws up people with regard to a healthy sexual outlook. Grrrrrrrrr ....

True enough - The animals think it be a good therapy, however consider some species and you might want to give it a second thought. I'd soon get tired of having to fight of males every other day or worse, have my partner beat me and possibly in some cases bite me head off when shes done. I mean COME ON! - I'm not exactly ecstatic with how man has turned out, but in that respect - Surely evolution has to have an upside to it somewhere? -> ...and this is what I mean with regard to how we now Sell and Use Sex just like any other type of commodity.

It's one subject I am not so well versed in, however - and no doubt with my ramblings, am not too fussed about. I am a one partner guy and been with my wife for well over 20 years. I think I would be more shattered to think of life without her compared to a life of full time sex. All the same - it's a natural and healthy urge but no doubt comes with a learning curve - more psychological I think, as opposed to what most participants usually adapt to (eventually) one way or the other. Edit ... as one ages, (I have found) it goes from being something of a Toy and or Game to something more of an Art and even perhaps in some ways a spiritual connection that can take place in just ones head - not to quite sure on that but all the same - that's kind of a different trip that requires much more focus - than your average bat or diddle. I find that less restrictive in a wholesome kind of way. Not exactly something I have revealed to my wife. But I dare to believe she would be the same.

I really got to stop Batting off so much! Sigh ...
I'll refrain from posting pictures this time around.

Take care and don't ware yourself out - :)

01-31-2014, 10:00 PM
It's all in the approach I guess. Not to be a buzz kill; but Sex as typically Sold and Engaged as if Doing Drugs. In that context it's rather cheap and often said to taint ones balance. Don't get me wrong - my mother should of never told me to take my hand out of my pants - that kind of did more damage than good. Morality wise - imo > this is yet another area that religion has done more harm than good. Unfortunately it seems the masses have gone to other extremes, and hence my reference to drugs.

Again - with the approach: slipping into a confined space to quickly masturbate can hardly be considered therapy for Anxiety, although it makes for a good joke! The aftermath of a good Batting or Diddling session or dare I say AND OR BOTH for the more evolved and creative among us - can often leave some of us feeling quite deflated. Creativity certainly helps! I much prefer exercising and avoid touching myself for because of how cheap it can leave me feeling. I think the cheapening with so much porn crossed with just how much is now flaunted with girls getting younger and younger has made me wonder - just how sick our species has become with regards to SEX full stop.

No doubt early history would of had a similar menu with respect to show and tell - not to mention the outright abuse of taking what one could, would and did. But now in this age - I would go as far to say, that in some cases SEX could in fact be rather detrimental to ones balance given the extreme and wide variety of platter, emotion, taste and instant access. Again - like Drugs with all the pit falls of Addiction. There's something about the destabilization of the mind I can't quite get my finger on (Woops) Damn it - seriously - Doh! ----------- I knew I could not enter this thread without tripping over myself yet again.
__________________________________________________ __________________

For sure ... even the Monks, Priests, Nuns & Sisters could not keep their hands/fingers at bay ... the very act of abstinence probably educed anxiety itself - Damn it - I told you Religion Screws up people with regard to a healthy sexual outlook. Grrrrrrrrr ....

True enough - The animals think it be a good therapy, however consider some species and you might want to give it a second thought. I'd soon get tired of having to fight of males every other day or worse, have my partner beat me and possibly in some cases bite me head off when shes done. I mean COME ON! - I'm not exactly ecstatic with how man has turned out, but in that respect - Surely evolution has to have an upside to it somewhere? -> ...and this is what I mean with regard to how we now Sell and Use Sex just like any other type of commodity.

It's one subject I am not so well versed in, however - and no doubt with my ramblings, am not too fussed about. I am a one partner guy and been with my wife for well over 20 years. I think I would be more shattered to think of life without her compared to a life of full time sex. All the same - it's a natural and healthy urge but no doubt comes with a learning curve - more psychological I think, as opposed to what most participants usually adapt to (eventually) one way or the other.

I really got to stop Batting off so much! Sigh ...
I'll refrain from posting pictures this time around.

Take care and don't ware it out.

I am so turned off right now

Like nothing. Nothing there at all

01-31-2014, 10:09 PM
Ugh sex... what is sex.... idk. Don't even like it.

01-31-2014, 10:12 PM
Ok. This is a conspiracy

Alright I wont try to keep this thread alive anymore!

Check that. Im lying.

This thread must live on for the people

01-31-2014, 10:19 PM
I really got to stop Batting off so much! Sigh ...
I'll refrain from posting pictures this time around.

Probably for the best, given the context of the thread :)

01-31-2014, 10:44 PM
I am posting just so this post still has life

People. Feed the post

Olive Yew
01-31-2014, 10:59 PM
Okay. Might be testing this theory tomorrow lol

01-31-2014, 11:00 PM
Okay. Might be testing this theory tomorrow lol

Which Theory, Olive?

Lot of opinions here to choose

02-01-2014, 12:07 AM
Which Theory, Olive?

Lot of opinions here to choose

i posted this thread so we could help people think differently and find a way to smile again.personally i had sex when i was at my highest anxiety level and damn it felt good.i am a guy so it is harder for us to have an erection when anxious,but i managed to concentrate on the feelings rather than crazy ideas.guys find the roots of humanity,and sex is one of them if you want to live again. just let yourself go.

02-01-2014, 12:11 AM
so much negativity here.in a simple post you think negative,imagine in harder situations.you all should change the approach to things that bother you,even by lying to yourselves.i have some dp-dr and i cannot see myself in the mirror as it terrifies me,but i keep doing that and i must say i have done some progress. i have found my inner forces again and i dont avoid things anymore. that is what everybody should do.

02-01-2014, 12:59 AM
Agreed cimi.

Olive Yew
02-01-2014, 07:12 AM
I mean testing this sex-makes-anxiety-better theory.... I've never really had sex before. Any nurse would plead differently but to anyone who's actually done it, no i've not had sex. There I said it.

I know that just messing around usually pulls me out of whatever funk I'm in but... Well this will be different i hope. :P

02-01-2014, 07:44 AM
Man this is serious shit here. SEX. LOL Can you for a moment break it down? Holding hands, massaging your partners body, exploring her mind too, hey that's a novel idea huh?

Can you imagine getting to know the one you loves mind? Getting to taste their tears as you hold them after an upset? Taking a little weight off of them as they become over

burdened with kids, work, family. Washing their hair in the shower, and stroking their arm while they sit by your side for no reason at all. Spending a little time in your day coming up

with new ways of meeting a need they have, and actively doing something for them. Write her a note tell her your deep feelings for her, and how she's enriched your life.

Don't turn her off and start lying about how you can't live without her though, that's suffocating. Chill, give her unconditional love. Think of what you want, and give that first, not to

get, but to have the opportunity to see her smile. Now that's sex too. I thought I'd add this post, as my other one was ignored. I like funny, and just could not help a little humor, please forgive me. :D


Olive Yew
02-01-2014, 07:51 AM
Man this is serious shit here. SEX. LOL Can you for a moment break it down? Holding hands, massaging your partners body, exploring her mind too, hey that's a novel idea huh? Can you imagine getting to know the one you loves mind? Getting to taste their tears as you hold them after an upset? Taking a little weight off of them as they become over burdened with kids, work, family. Washing their hair in the shower, and stroking their arm while they sit by your side for no reason at all. Spending a little time in your day coming up with new ways of meeting a need they have, and actively doing something for them. Write her a note tell her your deep feelings for her, and how she's enriched your life. Don't turn her off and start lying about how you can't live without her though, that's suffocating. Chill, give her unconditional love. Think of what you want, and give that first, not to get, but to have the opportunity to see her smile. Now that's sex too. I thought I'd add this post, as my other one was ignored. I like funny, and just could not help a little humor, please forgive me. :D Peace

You sir, are a true gentleman. I tip my hat to you

02-01-2014, 08:00 AM
I thing Gene got it right, this is the esence of sex, We are not talking about one night stand. Is about intimacy and trust,

02-01-2014, 08:18 AM
Ok. Trying to breakdown this thread on a new day.

First, hey Olive - that is pretty cool that you can say that about never having sex. You should wear that title as a badge of honor.

And I am with Gene regarding injecting some humor in threads, although acting like a school kid in this one. I may have went a tad overboard.

I think most members that are somewhat steady have come to know my style, as wrong or right as it may be.

I do forget on occasion that I am not talking to my friends here and there is probably more cases where I have done the same.

I have just grown comfortable saying anything with a lot of people on here and it sometimes almost feels that you are just messaging, but everyone can read it. And herein lies the problem!

Sex and intimacy may or may not have to be happening at the same time.

"Making love" to your spouse is great when you have a great night and that is how it ends

"Banging" your spouse when there is only 2 minutes until the kids alarm goes off is pretty cool too

Honestly, I feel the same when I am done doing either

I just want everyone to leave. And I wanna smoke. But I dont smoke so I dont smoke

So that is the best I can do with a serious response

My apologies if I hijacked the thread or crossed the line

Oh, and Cimi, you're right, that whole boner thing when you are anxious is a bitch

I remember the times when I was in a erotic situation and I was staring down at it, but it was staring at the floor

Women just need to stop putting so much pressure on us guys.

Their fault

02-01-2014, 10:59 AM
This does work, although it does have mixed results for me. Sometimes the thought of getting frisky can be enough to set me off into a bout of anxiety. Although, thinking realistically that could be due to my past.

02-01-2014, 11:27 AM
Sex, chocolate and exercise release endorphins which in turn helps to reduce stress. When your stressed the last thing on your mind will be sex, your more likely to be laying there worrying about an issue or the event that happening tomorrow.

Why not put something nice on the tv or if you need to get in the mood for sex watch something saucy or read 50 shades......just to get your mind thinking about something else rather than stressing. If your with a partner try an evening out or if your stopping in maybe a nice bath and massage.

Endorphins are a group of substances formed within the body that naturally relieve pain. They have a similar chemical structure to morphine. In addition to their analgesic, or pain-relieving, effect, endorphins are thought to be involved in controlling the body's response to stress, regulating contractions of the intestinal wall, and determining mood. They may also regulate the release of hormones from the pituitary gland, notably growth hormone and the gonadotropin hormones.

Some researchers have learned that strenuous exercise releases endorphins into the blood stream. Others have found that endorphins are released during orgasm, as well as during laughter. Endorphin release may occur with frequent sex and masturbation. On the other hand, there doesn't appear to be evidence that too much sex (or exercise or laughter, for that matter) and elevated endorphin levels deplete the body of endorphins and then result in depression, etc. In fact, the most recent thinking is that exercise, as experienced during running as "runner's high," for example (and, likely, by extension, other activities that cause the release of endorphins, such as sex), can help treat depression — and health care providers often prescribe exercise! Indeed, a Duke University study released in 2000 showed that, for some people, 45 minutes of exercising, three-times-a-week, was as effective in lessening depression as was taking the antidepressant Zoloft.

Im sure once your in the act of the moment or after your mind will not be worrying. Yes you may feel like your having a panic attack but it will go away !

Go and have some fun you cant feel any worse than you do now ;)

02-01-2014, 11:51 AM
I get laid all the time unlike you faggots ha ha urghh u jfilthy virgins i get laid evry nite by my 3 girlfrends including shashcnling doreunehoty she is russian my boyfrend and my pet goat urghhhhhhhh

You seem to have a lot of time on your hands you must be very busy, i bet your happy to!

02-01-2014, 04:29 PM
Ok. Trying to breakdown this thread on a new day.

First, hey Olive - that is pretty cool that you can say that about never having sex. You should wear that title as a badge of honor.

And I am with Gene regarding injecting some humor in threads, although acting like a school kid in this one. I may have went a tad overboard.

I think most members that are somewhat steady have come to know my style, as wrong or right as it may be.

I do forget on occasion that I am not talking to my friends here and there is probably more cases where I have done the same.

I have just grown comfortable saying anything with a lot of people on here and it sometimes almost feels that you are just messaging, but everyone can read it. And herein lies the problem!

Sex and intimacy may or may not have to be happening at the same time.

"Making love" to your spouse is great when you have a great night and that is how it ends

"Banging" your spouse when there is only 2 minutes until the kids alarm goes off is pretty cool too

Honestly, I feel the same when I am done doing either

I just want everyone to leave. And I wanna smoke. But I dont smoke so I dont smoke

So that is the best I can do with a serious response

My apologies if I hijacked the thread or crossed the line

Oh, and Cimi, you're right, that whole boner thing when you are anxious is a bitch

I remember the times when I was in a erotic situation and I was staring down at it, but it was staring at the floor

Women just need to stop putting so much pressure on us guys.

Their fault

LOL. Lovin it. Sounds like shooting pool with a rope. Peace Nixon

02-01-2014, 05:05 PM
I wanna smoke.

02-01-2014, 07:41 PM
Nixon stop talking about smoke and sex I am deprived of both :))

j brown
02-01-2014, 08:26 PM
Sex is the best medicine for anxiety .... I was going through it one day and after that I felt great haha

Olive Yew
02-01-2014, 08:37 PM
Yep. It works :P i'll just leave it at that

j brown
02-01-2014, 08:42 PM
Sex is the cure for a lot of things in life, at least for me. I think not only sex helps just the feeling of compassion, and love from your significant other.

02-01-2014, 08:58 PM
Yep. It works :P i'll just leave it at that

Hahaha. One of the funniest comments in a while given your evening and everything else :)

Olive Yew
02-01-2014, 09:06 PM
Hahaha. One of the funniest comments in a while given your evening and everything else :)

:P why thank ya.

02-02-2014, 01:34 AM
Agreed Jesse, glad all is well for you olive ;)

Olive Yew
02-02-2014, 07:27 AM
Agreed Jesse, glad all is well for you olive ;)
Thaaaanks :3

02-02-2014, 10:30 AM
Yep. It works :P i'll just leave it at that
Haha, omg, that was just too funny.. Glad it's working for you Olive ;)

S is for the simple need
E is for the ecstasy
X is just to mark the spot, cause that's the one your really waaaaant

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9JEL2-Ci1E ......... x)

02-02-2014, 10:40 AM
It's merely a form of distraction. As with anything, if you keep focused enough and it brings you pleasure then often the anxiety will be brushed adside for the duration and perhaps longer.
