View Full Version : anxiety at the same time every day

01-30-2014, 09:18 AM
Is anyone elses anxiety really punctual?? I swear I have anxiety at the exact same time every day. Every day at 7pm -7:30pm I start having anxiety and I feel absolutely shit.. chest pains shortness of breath the whole shabang.
Could this be a kind of anticipatory anxiety?

01-30-2014, 10:15 AM
Oh yes. No matter how great I'm feeling throughout the day, my anxiety always starts around 6pm. I think it starts bc that around the time it starts to get dark, I can't go outside or see things clearly. But now, as you said, I think it just might anticipatory bc it has happened everyday for weeks. How do we break this cycle?

01-30-2014, 10:22 AM
I think maybe change our routines? Like for me its always at 7pm when I get home from work and im alone and I dont have much to do and the anxiety just builds up and gets really bad.

Maybe instead of staying home I need to stay outside. I just dont know where to go or what to do.. I havent got many friends due to constantly ditching them when they wanna go out or cancelling last minute cause im too anxious.

Distractions are helpful but im so exhausted from work at the end of the day so I just lie in bed idle.. and thats when the intrusive thoughts begin. Every twinge of pain is a deadly disease for me.

01-30-2014, 11:14 AM
Hi I can really relate to the intrusive thoughts I've been suffering for over 14 months now with anxiety and depression last year was horrendous and I had to see crisis teams and I'm under a psychiatrist too, I have been suicidal too, but lately I had been doing a lot better even going to a gym doing voluntary work which with balancing family life has not been easy I have 3 children one is only 3, I'm on meds too and then out of the blue I've fallen really bad again, started with a suspected uti not confirmed as samples were clear however I'm just about to take some anti biotics to see. My concern is this is what triggered it all I'm the first place, has anyone else experienced this? Iam in a terrible state over eating and sickness to the point where I'm heaving, also I'm back taking the Valium I worked so hard at not being on;( I'm so low and so disappointed I'm like this again, the cbt stuff isn't helping me while I'm like this at all? x

02-05-2014, 04:32 PM
It depends on what I'm doing during the day, and how much I enjoy doing it.

02-05-2014, 05:36 PM
I have the same thing. I am relatively okay throughout the day but come 5ish, I am feeling horrible. Maybe it has something to do with the sun having vitamin C or something else silly like that. I hate this and have no idea of how to make it go away.