View Full Version : Therapy today

01-30-2014, 07:16 AM
Today I have my 3rd CBT session with this new therapist. I feel like I can't trust her to help me sort out my issues. I'm so stressed bc I'm running out of time here.
I had a carefully thought out plan of 1)get some good therapy in. 2) start making moves to rejoin society. 3) go on vacation. 4) resume life.
I'm afraid that I'm wasting precious time with this therapist when I should just be planning to get out of here.
I know therapy (like everything) takes time before you see results. But now I'm questioning if I just had unrealistic expectations. I'm terrified to go back into the real world when I'm so vulnerable, unable to cope, and don't have the proper tools to deal with my issues.

01-30-2014, 07:52 AM
Well, good luck, obviously! :)

Why is it you feel you can't trust your therapist? Don't you feel she's good enough? Or is it just a lack of faith in the therapy itself?

01-30-2014, 07:56 AM
Well, good luck, obviously! :)

Why is it you feel you can't trust your therapist? Don't you feel she's good enough? Or is it just a lack of faith in the therapy itself?

I don't feel like she's good enough. I've cycled through a myriad of therapists since I was 7. My health insurance got cut when I lost my job. So my options are limited and I can't get the best anymore.
I have nothing against her personally. I feel like I've been in therapy longer than she's been a therapist. I know I gotta get off my high horse and try to stick with it. Get what I can from it and leave the rest.