View Full Version : To: Jesse......

01-30-2014, 06:46 AM
Where the hell is my penny??!!!! LMAO!...

You know of my "curse" so get that damn coin in the mail!!!!...

I need a break!

E-Man :)
Hiding from Anxiety...... bhahahaa!!

01-30-2014, 06:59 AM
Eman you are not active lately?

01-30-2014, 07:05 AM
I know Dahl...

My head is spinning from all this s**t going on around here.

The surgeon told me that there is nothing that they can do with my back because of spondylosis and retrolisthesis. Basically, my whole spine is all jacked up, bad discs, leaky discs, from 30 yrs of heavy work and 5 yrs of being a dumbass weightlifter squatting and deadlifting over 500 pounds...I was a complete idiot. They won't touch me.

And if you recall, I am a Prison Warden too and have a 17 yr old inmate in my house that I have to keep inside...because of drugs. House arrests...

I don't know whether I'm coming or going most of the time.

Thank you for thinking of me Dahl!! Now, just get Jesse to send me that penny and it will all end!!...LMAO!!
