View Full Version : Another doctors appointment!!!

01-30-2014, 01:05 AM
So I had docs this morning for 2 things. One was because I has this rash come up under my eye. I have had similar things before, when I was on holiday years ago I had a blister come up under my eye and it burnt and it'l always comes up in he sub and sometimes when I'm stressed. She told me it was eczema so I'm not worried about it as it is easily treatable.

The second reason I went to the docs was because a little while ago I had a really really bad pain in my left lower abdomen and the doc checked it out but said it was nothing to worry about and we will keep an eye on it! But my stomach hasn't been the same since, bloating, toilet habits have changed etc. she said she thinks it's irritable bowel syndrome but she wants me to get a blood test to rule out anything else t could be, especially a disease caused by wheat intolerance (can't remember the name). So overall good feedback, going to get my blood test out the way and if that comes back clear, start managing ibs!

Hope you are all doing okay!!

01-30-2014, 02:40 AM
Wow, I must have been tired this morning, soo many typos haha

El Lukio
01-30-2014, 02:52 AM
Hopefully they'll get to the bottom of it. I understand that digestive issues are part of the whole anxiety thing. I'm suffering with it too...bloating, tension, discomfort etc. in my stomach/abdomen. But if I don't think about, it seems to go. It's almost like I invite it to start - it's weird. I've had it for months now. GP gave me Ranitidine which made me really nauseous then Omeprazole which seemed to help but I stopped taking it because I think it made my muscles ache. This is one of the many things I need to discuss with my GP when I eventually get the bottle to go and see him again. Deep down I know this is all anxiety related by my mind poisons me into thinking otherwise.

Anyway, good luck with the bloods :)

01-30-2014, 04:38 AM
I hope so!! Anxiety causes a lot of symptoms and a bad stomach is extremely common. Thats what happens a lot in anxiety, you have all these symptoms and you get distracted and you stop thinking about them and when you remember you're like 'oh, I feel okay now' and then you feel bad again! The human mind is sooo soo powerful! Yeah when you feel bloated and sick take something for it! Green tea is really good for digestion and flushing out toxins!! Yeah, defo see your GP! Don't be scared to go, you are probably making yourself a bit more anxious by worrying about your symptoms rather than talking to a doc about it!

Thank you, I will let everyone know what the results are when I have the test. I don't get the results until 2 weeks after the test though which is annoying!!

El Lukio
01-30-2014, 04:46 AM
Green tea is great! I still have to have a coffee as soon as I get up - I can't seem to kick this one but for the rest of the day I drink either green or camomile tea. I definitely think they work and would recommend them. I used to hate the taste as I liked a lot of sugar in my tea but I soon got over it and haven't looked back since :)

El Lukio
01-30-2014, 04:47 AM
Wow...and two weeks is long for bloods?! I think I'd go nuts having to wait that long! I'm sure all will be Ok tho. Good luck x

01-30-2014, 05:45 AM
One good tip is blood work is check rd within 24 hrs. If its not urgent you don't hear back right away. That's a good thing.

01-30-2014, 09:58 AM
Yeah, I love green tea. I also love coffee but it affects my stomach so I can't drink it any more waaaa :( no more vanilla lattes for Costa!! :(

Yeah it is a long wait but Chris00 is right, if I don't hear back from them then it's a good sign!

01-30-2014, 10:10 AM
Whats this wheat thing? I think I have that... hmm so tempted to google.
The stomach issues are killing me. And its true, when im distracted I dont even feel it and as soon as I get home and im alone it starts to act up. Hating this!!! So much heartburn.

01-30-2014, 10:21 AM
It's called Coeliac disease.. it's not life threatening or anything like that, it just means your gut doesn't agree with wheat! Maybe try cutting weat out of your diet for a week and see if you feel the difference? You may have a gastro reflux... which is harmless as well! You should talk to your doc about your problems and they may also do a blood test to rule out anything else and give you some meds to help with the symptoms!

01-30-2014, 02:04 PM
My doctor told me it was due to wheat! Wow that really makes me doubt my doctor lol!!

01-30-2014, 02:05 PM
I'm really worried now

01-30-2014, 02:09 PM
My doctor told me it was due to wheat! Wow that really makes me doubt my doctor lol!!

What was due to wheat Ash, your stomach pains?

01-30-2014, 02:16 PM
What was due to wheat Ash, your stomach pains?

I don't know yet, got to have a blood test to see!

01-30-2014, 02:18 PM
It is kind of. Gluten is found in wheat, but also quite of bit of other stuff. Coeliac can range from mild to severe. But I doubt from what you have said in your symptoms that it is. Possible allergy or most likely IBS (my father in law has Coeliac and it's pretty severe, you would most likely know about it). And you would have to cut Gluten altogether.

Wheat allergy/intolerance is pretty common and will give you similar IBS symptoms.

They are probably just testing to rule out, but yes you can pull the doc up on your next visit. Ha ha

Yeah, I guess so.. it's not worth worrying about until I have my blood test… I'm sure its IBS because it all adds up but the test ail re-assure me that all is good!

Thanks James :)

01-30-2014, 02:21 PM
Ugh Jesse, keep up!

Ok, I'm on the same page. :)

Yeah, as James says, essentially the same problem (Don't eat wheat or gluten!) but with different severities. I was diagnosed November last year with Ceoliac. Not nice actually, but you learn to live with it. I agree, there are usually signs!

If it's a standard blood test, they'll be able to check for Ceoliac, but perhaps not a wheat allergy. It really, really depends what your leaflet says. Ceoliac markers are pretty obvious in the blood, where as wheat allergy you have to look at things like IGG, IGE etc. it's a lot more subtle sometimes. The NHS don't always do that with their testing. Very dependant on what they decided to check you for on the form.

P.s. Cut your father in law a nice slice of wheat free cake for me James ;)

01-30-2014, 02:39 PM
The test is called Serum endomysium antibodies

01-30-2014, 02:42 PM
The test is called Serum endomysium antibodies

I could be wrong, but I don't think that test checks for allergies/ intolerances/ sensitivities to wheat.

I think it's just a Ceoliac checker!

01-30-2014, 02:52 PM
I have no idea… my doctor doesn't tell me anything really… *sigh*

01-30-2014, 03:05 PM
Edit: wrong thread!!!!