View Full Version : Anyone else have this ?

01-29-2014, 12:17 PM
Does anyone else here really red in the face when anyone speaks to them?
Get really hot, pounding heart, butterflies and sweaty hands?:(
Any good ways to overcome this? It's annoying me and i literally can't do anything because this is stopping me! I can't get part time jobs, i can't do interviews to get a job and i'm off to uni soon and i'm so scared to go to a completely new place on my own :(
I've had this problem for about 2-3 years :/

01-29-2014, 12:33 PM
I think this is a common thing. I remember when I was younger I would feel the lump I'm my throat, red face, sweaty palms feeling even when I was in a meeting and introducing myself. It was horrible. With time it's gotten a whole lot better, but I still get the feeling every so often. I think that the more you practice the better it gets. Try sitting in front of a mirror or video tape yourself to get a sense of what others see.