View Full Version : Ptsd and panic/ anxiety

01-29-2014, 05:24 AM
Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Ni Hao, Konichiwa, Hallo, Aloha, Shalom, God dag... And pardon for any misspellings ... The multiple languages I know how to say hello in.
Long story short, my anxiety and panic pretty much stem from PTSD in my early adult years. I understand some people have it from childhood... Some adulthood,. Out lcds and experiences and biological make up are not totally the same.
I'm curious to speak with others whom have PTSD and anxiety, depression, panic. Etc that have stemmed from that.

01-29-2014, 07:49 AM
Zdravo!!! (Serbian for hello)

I'm slightly different to you, but I thought I'd reply cos I guess my story is still pretty similar in ways. It has PTSD elements.

When I was a kid I was in a bad car accident, had to do loads of rehab and stuff. PTSD part 1. But I remember getting the best of that and being pretty darn ok by around 15.

Then when I was 18 I was dragged down an alley way by some drug dealers, for hanging with the 'wrong' people. They hit me a bit, then they pulled out a knife. This was in a spot where 2 people had been killed previously. For some reason he let go of my arm, and I absolutely dashed away into some shop, and held the door shut, and the people in there called the police.

A lot of stuff developed after that, even though I didn't get flashbacks, I developed mega amounts of paranoia. I couldn't walk passed people without thinking they were gonna stab me. I mean, I was probably moments from death, these guys were evil. I became quite agoraphobic. Even simple like going to the grocery store caused anxiety. I didn't trust anyone. Loud noises really crashed my nerves. Even people talking loudly. I thought fast cars were gonna drive by shoot me (lol).. I had no stress management skills, so I didn't know what to do at that age.

All that dumb anxiety grew until eventually I got food poisoning one day, and had my first big panic attack. It all went on from there really. I developed really bad OCD probably cos of genetics, but cos of the two stressors I'd had in my life. I doubt I'll ever beat the OCD stuff, I just keep it very very quiet.

So yeah, thought I'd share, although I know I haven't had classic PTSD, and people suffer traumas way worse, it did play a really big part in the development of my anxiety disorder.

Take care :)

01-29-2014, 08:08 AM
Zdravo!!! (Serbian for hello)

I'm slightly different to you, but I thought I'd reply cos I guess my story is still pretty similar in ways. It has PTSD elements.

When I was a kid I was in a bad car accident, had to do loads of rehab and stuff. PTSD part 1. But I remember getting the best of that and being pretty darn ok by around 15.

Then when I was 18 I was dragged down an alley way by some drug dealers, for hanging with the 'wrong' people. They hit me a bit, then they pulled out a knife. This was in a spot where 2 people had been killed previously. For some reason he let go of my arm, and I absolutely dashed away into some shop, and held the door shut, and the people in there called the police.

A lot of stuff developed after that, even though I didn't get flashbacks, I developed mega amounts of paranoia. I couldn't walk passed people without thinking they were gonna stab me. I mean, I was probably moments from death, these guys were evil. I became quite agoraphobic. Even simple like going to the grocery store caused anxiety. I didn't trust anyone. Loud noises really crashed my nerves. Even people talking loudly. I thought fast cars were gonna drive by shoot me (lol).. I had no stress management skills, so I didn't know what to do at that age.

All that dumb anxiety grew until eventually I got food poisoning one day, and had my first big panic attack. It all went on from there really. I developed really bad OCD probably cos of genetics, but cos of the two stressors I'd had in my life. I doubt I'll ever beat the OCD stuff, I just keep it very very quiet.

So yeah, thought I'd share, although I know I haven't had classic PTSD, and people suffer traumas way worse, it did play a really big part in the development of my anxiety disorder.

Take care :)

That is incredible. I had no idea that happened to you.

I dont know if its PTSD but the first time I wretched my back really bad and was laid up in bed unable to get up, I started obsessing that I would never get over it and then I started fearing it happening again.

That was my start. years of obsessing about my back, graduated to cancer, then topped it off with a nice healthy does of heart anxiety

I just spiraled from that one issue

What a great feel good story

01-29-2014, 11:35 AM
I tend to think of ptsd as after shocks of a huge emotional earthquakes that are panic attacks. I struggle with it after I am hit with a really bad panic attack.

It just kind of feels like you can't let your guard down and relax and be happy, which sucks so incredibly bad. I tend to get flashbacks of incidences which caused me panic attacks, this happens when I am tired usually, or just feeling under stress about something..if it happens late at night before I go to bed and I flashback to the incident of panic, I've at times started to hyperventilate and analyze it to death, trying to make sense of why it happened, but I can't. but basically, the ptsd I think it's just something you have to let your mind process and with time, it heals..or at least becomes much less.

01-29-2014, 12:32 PM
I tend to think of ptsd as after shocks of a huge emotional earthquakes that are panic attacks. I struggle with it after I am hit with a really bad panic attack.

It just kind of feels like you can't let your guard down and relax and be happy, which sucks so incredibly bad. I tend to get flashbacks of incidences which caused me panic attacks, this happens when I am tired usually, or just feeling under stress about something..if it happens late at night before I go to bed and I flashback to the incident of panic, I've at times started to hyperventilate and analyze it to death, trying to make sense of why it happened, but I can't. but basically, the ptsd I think it's just something you have to let your mind process and with time, it heals..or at least becomes much less.

past panic = PTSD

That makes sense in my case as well, I believe

I also always looked at PTSD more of like the soldiers (much braver than I) coming home from war

01-29-2014, 04:03 PM
past panic = PTSD

That makes sense in my case as well, I believe

I also always looked at PTSD more of like the soldiers (much braver than I) coming home from war

That's because it generally hit soldiers the hardest with anxiety due to their lives being on the line, seeing death etc.. I think it all depends on the soldier though, and how well adjusted they are in life after coming home. Some don't have trauma at all, but some do and if they have families to come home to, and security, they may recover quicker. others may not have much, not even a job, maybe even addictions, maybe lost someone close in battle, or lost a limb/whatever the case was..and thus, they will experience it worse.

ptsd can hit pretty much anyone who's experienced any kind of trauma, panic attacks, grief of any kind, sudden loss of a loved one, divorce, breakup, life threatening disease etc..

01-29-2014, 04:55 PM
I have PTSD :)

01-29-2014, 07:09 PM
My experience with PTSD:

I'm 25 and have had a variety of traumatic event throughout my life. Those events were always manageable though. My father passed away unexpectedly when I was 7, so I got therapy and a lot of family support. My fiancé dumped me on April fools day to go to rehab and left me with mountains of bills. So I got more therapy and moved away.

But 3 months ago a series of horrible events happened that gave me paralyzing PTSD for the first time. Vivid flashbacks, triggers, panic attacks, night terrors, agoraphobia. I always considered myself pretty tough, well adjusted, and adaptable to any situation. But after this I feel like a different person. Unable to cope with emotions no matter how much I try to help myself. The scariest thought is that I will forever be jaded and afraid of any future situation that may remind me of the trauma.

I really liked what I read on here a while ago that someone posted. "You don't have to get over it. You only have to get through it."

01-29-2014, 08:56 PM
I haven't officially received any diagnosis of PTSD but do think that I have it and if stems from undiagnosed health problems that led to a lot of misdiagnosis and some really scary stuff happening when I was in my postpartum period. This led to severe obsession over it happening again, avoidance of where it happened, overwhelming fear of death, desperation and self doubt, distrust of others... It's pretty fair to say that I was misdiagnosed in two physical conditions for the majority of my life. These, without doubt, caused anxiety and exacerbates any anxiety that was already there. The years of doctors telling me I had GAD and Panic Attacks has shaped me into who I am today. I'm happy with who I am but there are days when I wonder how I would have turned out had my medical conditions have been diagnosed right from the beginning (childhood). The PTSD didn't come in until postpartum when everything came to a head because my body physically couldn't handle the added stress or pregnancy, labor, exhaustion, hormones, and it almost broke.... And then, after that forget it. I HAD to have pills because I was a wreck. I was terrified. Could barely go to work... Would cry on my way in and work myself into panic attacks over how physically terrible I felt and that I was expected to just carry on... When I really should have stopped and checked myself and took a listen to what my body was telling me... Which was SLOW down.... NOW.