View Full Version : Mornings are bad...

El Lukio
01-29-2014, 01:06 AM
I seem to find the morning is the worst part of the day for me. From the moment I wake up my thoughts are racing 100mph around my head and it's so hard to contain them. Plus I'm usually tired because I haven't had a great night's sleep.

By lunchtime I've brightened up a bit and feel a little happier. But damn, these mornings are such hard work. My thoughts are in bad places and I feel like I might go right off the rails. My back, legs, stomach and shoulders are so tense it makes me think that I am dying. Right now I could burst into tears.

I try to tell myself when I wake up that 'today will be a good day' but it never seems to convince me enough.

Anyone else find that mornings are worse for them?

01-29-2014, 01:08 AM
Yes I find mornings are worse for me too. I wake up "looking" for the symptoms. I think that's my problem!!

El Lukio
01-29-2014, 01:11 AM
You're totally right! I'm the same. I actually wake up in no pain and with no tension in my body. I think it's from my body relaxing through sleep. But then it's like I invite it in - I almost say 'come on then, where are you?' and then it appears.

01-29-2014, 01:16 AM
You're totally right! I'm the same. I actually wake up in no pain and with no tension in my body. I think it's from my body relaxing through sleep. But then it's like I invite it in - I almost say 'come on then, where are you?' and then it appears.

Yep, same. My dizziness is evil.

01-29-2014, 01:42 AM
I usually feel like utter crap when I first get up.. Takes me a while to get my brain together, and it seems the first thoughts popping into my head are neurotic ones. Normally eating something helps me wind down into the day.

I have read somewhere before that the body gives us a shot of adrenalin when we first get up to have more energy. *shrug* I suppose that makes sense.

01-31-2014, 09:42 PM
El Lukio, mornings are also the worst time of day for me. I feel that shot of adrenaline and instantly start to panic. It makes me afraid to face the day, and makes every task seem impossible. How can people like us change our thinking to not "expect" panic in the morning? Sometimes I have trouble sleeping because I know what the morning will bring.

Terre Nova
01-31-2014, 10:24 PM
El Lukio, mornings are also the worst time of day for me. I feel that shot of adrenaline and instantly start to panic. It makes me afraid to face the day, and makes every task seem impossible. How can people like us change our thinking to not "expect" panic in the morning? Sometimes I have trouble sleeping because I know what the morning will bring.

I do... No real advice though. Sorry.. I'm in the same boat ;)

01-31-2014, 10:30 PM
Funny to read this, evenings are the worst for me. I find myself waking up hopeful every morning, and there is a blissful minute where I forget about my symptoms and then hope I'll have a normal day. By the evening, I'm worn down, anxious, and ready for the day to be over..again.

I hope you get through this morning alright El Lukio, maybe try listening to some feel-good music to get you through it!

01-31-2014, 11:33 PM
Early morning and late evening are my worst times. When everything around me is quiet my head gets really noisy.

El Lukio
02-01-2014, 03:07 AM
El Lukio, mornings are also the worst time of day for me. I feel that shot of adrenaline and instantly start to panic. It makes me afraid to face the day, and makes every task seem impossible. How can people like us change our thinking to not "expect" panic in the morning? Sometimes I have trouble sleeping because I know what the morning will bring. Spot on. I'm tired by the end of the day but dread going to bed because I know what the morning will bring. I find myself waking super early, like 4.30am, and clock watching until 6 when the alarm goes off with my head full of a million thoughts, none healthy. I don't have panic attacks anymore luckily but mornings are the closest thing I get to having one again.

02-01-2014, 04:05 AM
I'm like this too. I LOVE bedtime bc it means no symptoms but then I dread waking up and living another day of hell!!!