View Full Version : Constant lightheadedness and strange head sensations

01-29-2014, 12:27 AM
They are driving me mad :(

01-29-2014, 12:33 AM
They are driving me mad :(

What kinda head pain ?

01-29-2014, 12:37 AM
Hard to explain... Like pressure, like my brain is swimming... I don't really know how to explain it. Just weird

01-29-2014, 12:45 AM
Hard to explain... Like pressure, like my brain is swimming... I don't really know how to explain it. Just weird

I get these same feelings in my head it's like pressure at the top I get major headaches

01-29-2014, 12:54 AM
I don't get headaches but lots of strange dizziness and feeling off balance. I can have days with not much then others like today that are HELL!!!

El Lukio
01-29-2014, 01:08 AM
Luckily I don't get headaches very often. However, I often feel like I'm in a bubble - like it's some sort of altered reality. Things don't seem real, they're all hazy and woolly. It's kind of like I'm totally disassociated with everything that's going on around me.

01-29-2014, 01:12 AM
I'm still here with you and I keep telling on my posts I fell the same all day long I know it doesn't matter for you and it's impossible for someone to understand ...I keep searching on Internet a way to cure and still waiting for a miracle. ...but stay strong my friend you have to stay strong ...we don't have nobody on our side because nobody understand ...everybody says ...do that ...take that...think that but in the end it's just words against the symptoms wich are more real . KEEP FIGHT

01-29-2014, 01:19 AM
I'm still here with you and I keep telling on my posts I fell the same all day long I know it doesn't matter for you and it's impossible for someone to understand ...I keep searching on Internet a way to cure and still waiting for a miracle. ...but stay strong my friend you have to stay strong ...we don't have nobody on our side because nobody understand ...everybody says ...do that ...take that...think that but in the end it's just words against the symptoms wich are more real . KEEP FIGHT

Thank you.

The things my head feels are not normal. Just so sick of it

01-29-2014, 01:22 AM
going through the same thing, only i get dizzy and everything feels kind of hazy and unreal, its terrifying but you'll be able to get through it!! just stay strong, the best thing to do when it happens is to just try to relax and get your mind off of it because focusing on it makes it so much worse. just keep yourself occupied, and feel better soon!

01-29-2014, 01:24 AM
going through the same thing, only i get dizzy and everything feels kind of hazy and unreal, its terrifying but you'll be able to get through it!! just stay strong, the best thing to do when it happens is to just try to relax and get your mind off of it because focusing on it makes it so much worse. just keep yourself occupied, and feel better soon!

It's just so horrendous. Some days I can distracts myself but today at work it consumed me. I feel like my brain has something wrong!!

01-29-2014, 01:30 AM
It's just so horrendous. Some days I can distracts myself but today at work it consumed me. I feel like my brain has something wrong!!

cant argue with that one! it really is awful. maybe a quick doctors appointment will help relax you? just to reassure you that everything is alright?

01-29-2014, 01:46 AM
cant argue with that one! it really is awful. maybe a quick doctors appointment will help relax you? just to reassure you that everything is alright?

What does your dizziness feel like?

I too get the spaced out feeling and sometimes I think "did that happen today"

01-29-2014, 02:10 AM
I have this a lot. It's almost like a dream. I find myself wondering off in my mind. It's like I'm looking out into a movie. Like I'm watching my own life. Spacey, foggy, hazy just a few words that come to me. And people don't understand this horrid feeling until the actually feel it.. I wish the people who criticise me would live a day in my shoes. I bet they would Kiss my ass after. Anxiety is serious business.

01-29-2014, 02:26 AM
it happens to me too. i am me, but somehow i dont feel like me, and i doubt reality. mind tricks us. i go for a walk and i try to keep a daily routine. my worst part is when i see in the mirror. looks strange. i try not to think about it and it is working well for me so far. i eat a lot, as i enjoy food and that makes me feel alive. also laugh a lot and spend time with friends or read. also would recommend spending hours in the sun. bright light helps you see clearer. my kind of dp/dr started when i got anxious after feeling dizzy at night and i killed my sleep for a month. i used to sleep and wake up often and seeing vivid dreams which messed up with me. but hey reality or not try to have fun :). who gives a f***. and by the way sex really helps :)

01-29-2014, 02:29 AM
I feel like every time I move my look or my head ,even I don't lose balance , it's some kind of delay of perception with preasure around my eyebrows ...forehead...head ....stiff neck ....incresed by the immediately fear which weak my legs and arms ....(.I encourage others but I'm a disaster)

01-29-2014, 02:31 AM
I feel like every time I move my look or my head ,even I don't lose balance , it's some kind of delay of perception with preasure around my eyebrows ...forehead...head ....stiff neck ....incresed by the immediately fear which weak my legs and arms ....(.I encourage others but I'm a disaster)

Exactly same as me!
I'm also super sensitive to things moving in my vision, makes me feel dizzy and off balanced.
God it sucks

01-29-2014, 02:34 AM
it happens to me too. i am me, but somehow i dont feel like me, and i doubt reality. mind tricks us. i go for a walk and i try to keep a daily routine. my worst part is when i see in the mirror. looks strange. i try not to think about it and it is working well for me so far. i eat a lot, as i enjoy food and that makes me feel alive. also laugh a lot and spend time with friends or read. also would recommend spending hours in the sun. bright light helps you see clearer. my kind of dp/dr started when i got anxious after feeling dizzy at night and i killed my sleep for a month. i used to sleep and wake up often and seeing vivid dreams which messed up with me. but hey reality or not try to have fun :). who gives a f***. and by the way sex really helps :)

Omg I get the looking in the mirror thing too. I can't look at myself in the mirror. Thought I was the only one!

01-29-2014, 02:38 AM
when i see in the mirror i say to myself you look hot today, go and have some fun. or i see my teeth. the thing is not to see the eyes. that is scary sometimes. i am also fixated with the vision, it was worse when i took lexapro the first times as it gives a foggy vision, and that made me crazy. all went away now i feel better. the trick is not to think about it, i now it is hard as hell, because it is a vision thing and we see all the time something, but let it go. plus the med is helping me not to worry to much.

01-29-2014, 02:51 AM
and i constantly remind myself about two friends i have. they suffered from halucinations (which is worse than our thing). they thought they were being followed by a shadow. many sleepless nights, panic attack and so on. one took xanax and zoloft, recovered in 3 months. the other one was recovered on his own, without meds and that guy is a hero for me and a role model. everything is possible guys. i also have a known person which suffers from halucinations as she sees herself old in the mirror, crazy things. and she is recovering. so keep up. we humans have unbelievable powers.