View Full Version : Ohhh Intrusive thoughts can make a good day bad!!!

01-28-2014, 06:16 PM
Today has been especially weird for me. It started off great. I got to feel my baby kick through my wife's belly which put the biggest smile on my face. i have been in a great mood for weeks, work was going good, then WHAM!!. The intrusive thought started which in turn started more, which in turn started the panic of its never going to go away. I have to keep telling myself that they are just thoughts and they will go away. so hard to actually do when they are taking over the day. aghhh! the worst part is the thoughts are so bad that i think that makes me more upset because i have never thought of things like this before. i have been dealing with anxiety for about 5 months now and i am not sure if im too stressed or its the baby coming or what but i am happy when i am not having the bad thoughts. they do go away, sometimes for weeks and i think how stupid it was to even think them. but when they are on they are on full bore.

Is this a welcome to the club anxiety feeling ??
Does anyone else experience this??
Does anyone have a way to cope with the thoughts ??
Or am going crazy?

You people on this site are wonderful and very helpful.. Please give me some feedback on your thoughts.


01-28-2014, 06:34 PM
Today has been especially weird for me. It started off great. I got to feel my baby kick through my wife's belly which put the biggest smile on my face. i have been in a great mood for weeks, work was going good, then WHAM!!. The intrusive thought started which in turn started more, which in turn started the panic of its never going to go away. I have to keep telling myself that they are just thoughts and they will go away. so hard to actually do when they are taking over the day. aghhh! the worst part is the thoughts are so bad that i think that makes me more upset because i have never thought of things like this before. i have been dealing with anxiety for about 5 months now and i am not sure if im too stressed or its the baby coming or what but i am happy when i am not having the bad thoughts. they do go away, sometimes for weeks and i think how stupid it was to even think them. but when they are on they are on full bore.

Is this a welcome to the club anxiety feeling ??
Does anyone else experience this??
Does anyone have a way to cope with the thoughts ??
Or am going crazy?

You people on this site are wonderful and very helpful.. Please give me some feedback on your thoughts.


Ace - With my first born I was the same way

You are under a lot of stress. Totally normal. And having those type thoughts is totally normal when you have heightened anxiety

Lots will agree I believe but it isnt the thoughts. Its how you react to them

Those thoughts come back because you have reacted so negatively

Its hard, if not impossible to prevent those thoughts from entering your mind

When you stop reacting to them, the thoughts stop reoccurring

It isnt so difficult once you get in the habit

You will get past this

Pretty soon that kid that you love to feel kicking in the belly will be kicking you in the balls daily and not listening

Enjoy this time. It is irreplaceable

01-28-2014, 07:15 PM
you are not going crazy. i have OCD and suffered from intrusive thoughts before but fortunately right now they stopped. I know how they feel and it is the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my life. Every time I would get intrusive thought I would look for a distraction because whenever I have an OCD moment I just need to find distractions. It can be anything like reading a book watching tv, etc. Also what I find very helpful is talking to someone. I think that is the best medicine there is when it comes to having a stressful moment in life. You could talk to your wife about what you are feeling and whats happening to you. im sure she'll try to help you and also distract you the best way she can. You could also talk to a close friend rather than your wife. That's just my suggestions based on personal experience. I wish the best for you and your family and congratulations for your new baby!!

01-29-2014, 08:07 AM
Thank you for all your support, like i said you people on this site are amazing with helping me and others cope with anxiety :)

01-29-2014, 01:14 PM
Oh those intrusive thoughts are hard to cope with I know I get them so I know how you are
Feeling,everyone has them but because we have anxiety is more heightened for us,the book the imp of the mind is a very good book on intrusive thoughts,your not crazy it's just your anxitey