View Full Version : Can anxiety and depression make you stupid?

01-28-2014, 05:19 PM
Since my anxiety and depression has been cycling for so many years, I feel like I've lost a lot of what I used to know. I feel really stupid, like I can't remember a lot of different things. I used to consider myself fairly intelligent, but now I feel like my mind is made of swiss cheese with giant holes everywhere. Does anyone else feel this way or have any suggestions as to why I feel so stupid all the time now?

01-28-2014, 05:25 PM
It most certainly can, I could have failed kindergarten classes when my anxiety was at it's highest. No joke. I was that useless I struggled to even remember names.

Poor concentration, brain fog, poor memory, low attention levels, tension, focus directed inwards... Ugh. Nasty.

I was trying so hard at the time to try and raise my cognition levels too, it was embarassing :)

01-28-2014, 06:33 PM
I don't think it'll actually make you stupid. It's just that your focus is around it and you're putting everything else to the side. You're in stress mode and it isn't easy to remember things or do things when you're stressed. Try to not focus a the d*mn thing and focus on what's going on around you. You're still intelligent. What you can do is write everything down. That should help.

01-28-2014, 06:39 PM
Hehe yeah, with high anxiety you'll sometimes just feel stupid, and may struggle with some things perhaps, but the IQ, concentration, the cognitive skills and problem solving abilities, they'll all still be there ready to come back whenever your anxiety is a little lower and you can think clearer :)

Meditation helps if you don't already do it.

01-28-2014, 07:05 PM
when my anxiety is super high I can't even remember some of my students names. Once you are more calm it will all come back! Your brain isnt cheese :)

01-28-2014, 11:25 PM
High anxiety definitely causes me to be more stupid.. Not to mention, short tempered and forgetful, and no ability to pay attention.. a lot of the times, that's when people know I have anxiety. They'll be like, "Hey, have you been taking stupid pills again?" If you call anxiety a stupid pill, then yes; Lots.. :) ..it's like anxiety robs all mental power and takes up so much of your brain time, that it becomes difficult to think even or do the simplest things.

So it's not just you, Mason.. we all get the swiss cheese brains, but the good news is that the holes are not permanent.. try and take some time out of your day to just relax for a few minutes. Maybe put on a good song to help clear your head.

01-29-2014, 12:32 AM
I have that know I feel the same way and it came out of know where it stresses
Me out more cause I think or feel at times I'm going dumb lol