View Full Version : Public speaking

01-28-2014, 04:36 PM
Hey guys.

Does anyone else out there have to speak at meeting on a regular basis? Does it ever get easier to do? My anxiety gets the best of me some days and I keep pushing myself to do it every day, but it's still far from easy. I get worked up in anticipation and them kind of blunder through my speech and am awkward when ending it.

I have a summons for court, which is sure to be my first of many. Part of my job, but this is my first summons as most of my cases settle or plead no contest. I'm freaking out a bit.

I know people say the speaking gets easier with practice, but it hasn't gotten much easier for me?

Any experience, advice or tips?

01-28-2014, 04:46 PM
Well, I actually laugh at myself sometimes.. When I speak about something that helps someone or something I'm passionate about.. I feel myself almost cry.. I don't know what it is..

Anyway, it's all about confidence. Don't have any? Fake it till you make it, what you have to say IS IMPORTANT people want to hear what you have to say, stand tall and proud..

01-28-2014, 05:07 PM
Thanks Amber! I just get so flustered..... Heart racing, overheated and such. I lose track of where I'm going and I do bring notes.

The court thing is a bit overwhelming as I've never been to even traffic court and I'm testifying to get a repeat offender the consequences he deserves in superior court. Nerve wracking especially with panic disorder...

01-28-2014, 05:13 PM
A little context, public speaking is my arch nemesis :)

Regular public speaking, like the sort you do when explaining something in a meeting (etc), or a wedding toast or something, gets easier for me when I warm up, like if I've got a weeks worth of presentations to a team, or something like that, by Thursday it's faaaar easier than Monday.

But in pressure situations, like when I've had to do graded uni presentations in the past, or if I have to deliver a key speech under pressure, like infront of loads of big wigs to land a job, well...

That never gets easier for me. One of the only few times these days I'll pop a benzo!

But, that's me!

01-28-2014, 06:33 PM
On a day to day basis I speak to a group of about 40 on whatever topics I feel the need to. Pretty much have to say stuff, no specifics. I have a hard time coming up with meaningful things day to day.

This court thing has me really freaked... What I say will have a major impact on someones life, granted he's a dirtbag who deserves prison time IMO, The judge will decide that. I guess I'll keep telling myself that I've done nothing wrong and I'm not the one who is facing anything. I'm just going to be there because I was asked/told by the prosecution to do my duty for the greater good.

It should make a good story anyways once I struggle through it. Keeping the bad guys off the streets!

01-29-2014, 12:02 PM
Yeah court seems quite stressful. Everybodies looking to pick about what you say somehow. Pressured public speaking kills me, which is weird, as working in sales, I'm used to pressure. Meh. You should be kind of warm though if you do speaking quite a bit. My public speaking is so rare, so usually I go in ice cold. Sucks.

When have you gotta do it?

I had a dream about you actually. This thread was the LAST thing I read before bed. Fell asleep like 30 seconds after. I dreamt I was in court, and you were there, and you were really smart, and I was gonna go to jail or I dunno, something like that lol.

01-29-2014, 01:51 PM
Beta-blocker as needed...=minimal public performance problems beyond this little tablet. :)

01-29-2014, 05:04 PM
Omg that's too funny! Hopefully me being really smart is a good omen and no worries about me taking you to court. My jurisdiction is really small ... It's next tues in court. I talked to the prosecutor for a while today about the case and asked him to walk me through what to expect. Should be minimal speaking on my part, my evidence gets to speak for me mostly. It wasn't my case, but the person who apprehended the guy no longer works for me..

01-29-2014, 05:06 PM
Beta-blocker as needed...=minimal public performance problems beyond this little tablet. :)

My blood pressure us too low for them, tried it out and got all woozy on 10 mg propanalol. I wish I could take them, they sound like they do great things. I'll keep loading up on salt and getting stressed out, maybe my bp will get high enough lol.

01-30-2014, 06:27 AM
Is the salt that you use (iodized)?????...Sounds like you need to stimulate the thyroid abit Stacy. Ever has your thyroid checked for proper function? And also you can break that 10mg in half if 10mg was too much...:)

(Iodine stimulates the thyroid, which could have something to do with low BP and woozy feeling)....


01-30-2014, 11:24 AM
Yes, I use iodized salt. My thyroid has been checked and is in proper order. I'll try the 5 mg propanalol on one of my days off and see how it makes me feel. I don't think my thyroid needs to be jacked up... I have a fast metabolism and have never been able to gain weight much...

01-30-2014, 12:53 PM
YAY!!! Try the 5mg...1 hour before you have to speak. It may be the ticket. :)

02-02-2014, 03:20 PM
Didn't get to try the 5 mg this weekend... Don't want to just before court especially because it isn't for an exact time, there are 30 cases in no particular order. Trying to get myself psyched up for it and telling myself it will be fun, at least that's what the prosecutor said it would be lol. In the past I've gotten myself through some tough anxiety times by imagining it being done already, like imagining myself driving home after the event and how it will be happening sooner than I think. court Chewing gum has helped in the past as well, I don't know why, but I don't want to have to say yes your honor with a mouth full of gum :) I might be held in contempt of court lol. Throw me in the slammer for gum chewing. What are you in for?

Egads searching meds and anxiety in general on the internet gives me anxiety!! I should know better.

02-03-2014, 04:34 PM
Court in the morning.... Wish me luck!

02-03-2014, 04:49 PM
Good luck Stace :)

02-04-2014, 10:51 PM
So how did your speaking go Stace?

02-05-2014, 05:47 PM
I got there and the defendant was in prison in another state for a different offence! Rescheduled for when his sentence is up, he'll get transferred.directly to court. So I got a pass until April ish

03-29-2014, 03:51 PM
Post back when you do.

BTW you speak daily to groups of 40 people and how does that go?