View Full Version : Not quite a meltdown...

01-28-2014, 04:10 PM
So... My partner is leaving today, a month I can't talk to him.. I've been having anxiety last 2 days.. Close to panic attack.. He is my rock.. I'm scared and dreading it.. It's hard enough being LDR let alone not being able to talk to him... This is gonna be hard!! Any advice?

01-28-2014, 04:27 PM
Will there be email?

01-28-2014, 04:29 PM
So... My partner is leaving today, a month I can't talk to him.. I've been having anxiety last 2 days.. Close to panic attack.. He is my rock.. I'm scared and dreading it.. It's hard enough being LDR let alone not being able to talk to him... This is gonna be hard!! Any advice?

Do you have a close friend that you could maybe have over or go and stay with for a while? Or are you a person who likes to be left alone to get your own head around situations like this

01-28-2014, 04:32 PM
Jessseeee, nope no communication whatsoever..

Nah I like to be left alone.. Although I'm gonna need to keep busy.. Which I will be.. But I'm gonna miss him so much!!!!!!!

01-28-2014, 04:38 PM
Jessseeee, nope no communication whatsoever.. Nah I like to be left alone.. Although I'm gonna need to keep busy.. Which I will be.. But I'm gonna miss him so much!!!!!!!

Yes I'm the same I like to be left alone,if people fanny around me it makes me more fed up,of course you will miss him he's your sole mate,you will be ok your a strong ox

01-28-2014, 04:40 PM
Ah that sucks!! That's so hard. But damn, if you guys survive this period, you are effing bulletproof!! An LDR with anxiety, and a 30 day absence! And you guys will do it too, no problem.

Making me believe in love lol

It's like Jesus 40 days in the wilderness to test his strength. This is your test to prove you'll make it through truly anything lol

Gotta earn those Cupid arrows!!!

I hope the time flies for you. Come talk to us if you get lonely! Maybe Eman will snuggle with you hahaha

01-28-2014, 04:43 PM
Thanks guys, well the way in seeing it is I only have 4 months to get my shit together before I move there... And the next time I talk to him it will only be 3 months left!! I've hit panic mode haha

01-28-2014, 07:33 PM
I know it is not as long as you but my significant other went to new zealand/australia last year for a month, and did not have internet access most of the time. I was super worried and anxious about him leaving because I tell him all of my insecurities and bad days and he is generally just a great comfort. I ended up just staying really busy, making a schedule/routine that I could follow and look forward to... and it ended up being okay!

01-28-2014, 08:36 PM
I think is the worry about the loved once that cause the panic attacks and depression. Luck of communication is terrible, but Amber you will manage, I am sure of that:))
Keep strong

01-28-2014, 09:33 PM
I know I'll be okay, and it should hopefully go really fast.. I was just struggling abit with the LDR.. Really missing him.. And now I can't even talk to him.. But I'm a strong girl, I'll be okay.. If I can handle anxiety I can conquer the world :)

01-28-2014, 10:20 PM
You have a bunch of people who like you and understand you, you got your support here:)))

01-29-2014, 05:08 AM
Thank you dahila <3

01-29-2014, 06:33 AM
Amberr!!! There you are.. haven't seen you around for a while!! I'm really sorry about your partner going away for a month.. someone I used to talk to he was in the army and he had to go away for 3 months!! She could skype him though... is there anyway you can send packages to him?? Just keep busy! Honestly, a month will fly by!!! It's nearly feb! I can't beleive how quick this month has gone!! it's different I know but you have the support of us on here :)

01-29-2014, 06:46 AM
Time apart can be full of great things as well. I too have had to spend long periods of time away for training, etc. It helps to keep in mind all the things you're grateful for in him, and in

yourself too. Make a list and just add to it as you think of it. Be social and get to know the neighbor, maybe for the first time. Spend time with friends and family. I never used to

like my own company much but I have learned that I'm damn good company to myself. Staying busy is good as well, reading, writing, art, instruments. Seems if we watch the clock

time feels like it drags, but when we lose ourselves in something it flies by. Just some practical things you may want to try. I wish you both the best. Peace

01-29-2014, 05:04 PM
Nah I can't send him anything.. :( I'm used to being away from him and I love my own company.. I'm sure I'll be fine, just abit anxious about him getting hurt, or worse. Ofcource he Dosent know that, he just thinks I'm gonna miss him .. Which ofcource I am!! But that just means one month closer to being with him and not having to leave :) :)

01-29-2014, 05:43 PM
So what is it now, I get confused with your time difference, is it day one without him, or are you in day two now?

I like your attitude. One day closer to never leaving. That's nice :)

01-29-2014, 06:03 PM
Haha thanks Jesse. It's day 2. 11 Am Thursday