01-28-2014, 04:31 PM
Hello if you are reading this,
I am new to this site and not really sure what to write!
My name is Laura I'm 18.
Studied 2 years of plumbing now studying construction at college
Go to St Johns Cadets
and spend too much money in the cinema
I will try my best to explain why I am here.
I first started having anxiety when I was around 13 and that's when I had my first panic attack. Before this I was a "normal" teenager. I think I know the reason why I suffer the panic attacks but I will never be sure its just something I will have to learn to deal with.
Age 13-18
I lived with my Dad, Step-mum and Sister Bethany now 5. (My step-mum left when I turned 17) I saw child CHAMS, felt unable to cope with mainstream school (was taken out) and home-schooled by an amazing woman called Carol who did not give up on me, started college, had bad patches with panic attacks but mainly I just tried to carry on living life as normal as I could I still had anxiety but some times it was worse than others.
Fast forward- December 2013
I moved out from my dads in September (I moved in to my mums with her and my brother) and from then until 21st December life had been great, no anxiety no panic attacks, I felt as though I was getting my life back I was loving life. That night I had been in town and had 1 drink, a friend dropped me home and my mum wasn't back from work yet (normally I would be fine with this) and for some reason I started to panic straight up panic there was no worry before hand it was straight into panic (because my mum wasn't home yet). That night I had the first panic attack in months, and I spent most of the night worrying unable to sleep because my mum started work 6am the next morning. In the end I was able to sleep around 4am and at 6am woke up just after my mum left for work - I started to panic again so I rung her but this wasn't enough it just wasn't helping I needed to see someone - In the end I went to a neighbours who was awake and stayed there a few hours.
The panic attacks continued throughout Christmas and new year. I decided to stay round my dads a few days to see if this would help ease the panic attacks and at this time I was desperate for some form of relief I was worrying every time my dad went out for a fag. My dad got me some help in the form of talking and arranged for me to attend an anxiety self help group and a counsellor. I am currently seeing the counsellor once a week which is costing me £25 and attending the anxiety group which is run through MIND, they are both helping greatly and I feel as though I am starting to control my anxiety again and not let it rule my life like it had previously.
Yesterday (Monday 27/1/14) I went back to college for the first time since it had started back. I was extremely worried and nervous mainly because half the people on my course thought either I had died or left the course when neither is true, I explained to the tutors why I had been off and they agreed that I could catch up on the work if I went in on my days off. Soon I am hoping to move back in with my Mum but I am not certain on that.
I have a great relationship with my Dad - he suffers a lot from mental health so he is able to understand me well. Previously my Mum did not understand my anxiety but over the past year has accepted and tried to understand me which is great. Most other family members may not understand anxiety completely but always try their best to help me which I am truly grateful for.
I am writing this now because even though I am feeling better about my anxiety, I am wanting to understand anxiety, learn from others and hopefully not go back to feeling like I have previously.
I feel as though I have left some bits out but that's not massively important, in short I am here because I suffer anxiety/panic attacks and want to learn more about how to deal with it. If I have left anything out which you would like to know then just ask.
Sorry for it being long and maybe confusing I tried my best!
Thanks for reading
I am new to this site and not really sure what to write!
My name is Laura I'm 18.
Studied 2 years of plumbing now studying construction at college
Go to St Johns Cadets
and spend too much money in the cinema
I will try my best to explain why I am here.
I first started having anxiety when I was around 13 and that's when I had my first panic attack. Before this I was a "normal" teenager. I think I know the reason why I suffer the panic attacks but I will never be sure its just something I will have to learn to deal with.
Age 13-18
I lived with my Dad, Step-mum and Sister Bethany now 5. (My step-mum left when I turned 17) I saw child CHAMS, felt unable to cope with mainstream school (was taken out) and home-schooled by an amazing woman called Carol who did not give up on me, started college, had bad patches with panic attacks but mainly I just tried to carry on living life as normal as I could I still had anxiety but some times it was worse than others.
Fast forward- December 2013
I moved out from my dads in September (I moved in to my mums with her and my brother) and from then until 21st December life had been great, no anxiety no panic attacks, I felt as though I was getting my life back I was loving life. That night I had been in town and had 1 drink, a friend dropped me home and my mum wasn't back from work yet (normally I would be fine with this) and for some reason I started to panic straight up panic there was no worry before hand it was straight into panic (because my mum wasn't home yet). That night I had the first panic attack in months, and I spent most of the night worrying unable to sleep because my mum started work 6am the next morning. In the end I was able to sleep around 4am and at 6am woke up just after my mum left for work - I started to panic again so I rung her but this wasn't enough it just wasn't helping I needed to see someone - In the end I went to a neighbours who was awake and stayed there a few hours.
The panic attacks continued throughout Christmas and new year. I decided to stay round my dads a few days to see if this would help ease the panic attacks and at this time I was desperate for some form of relief I was worrying every time my dad went out for a fag. My dad got me some help in the form of talking and arranged for me to attend an anxiety self help group and a counsellor. I am currently seeing the counsellor once a week which is costing me £25 and attending the anxiety group which is run through MIND, they are both helping greatly and I feel as though I am starting to control my anxiety again and not let it rule my life like it had previously.
Yesterday (Monday 27/1/14) I went back to college for the first time since it had started back. I was extremely worried and nervous mainly because half the people on my course thought either I had died or left the course when neither is true, I explained to the tutors why I had been off and they agreed that I could catch up on the work if I went in on my days off. Soon I am hoping to move back in with my Mum but I am not certain on that.
I have a great relationship with my Dad - he suffers a lot from mental health so he is able to understand me well. Previously my Mum did not understand my anxiety but over the past year has accepted and tried to understand me which is great. Most other family members may not understand anxiety completely but always try their best to help me which I am truly grateful for.
I am writing this now because even though I am feeling better about my anxiety, I am wanting to understand anxiety, learn from others and hopefully not go back to feeling like I have previously.
I feel as though I have left some bits out but that's not massively important, in short I am here because I suffer anxiety/panic attacks and want to learn more about how to deal with it. If I have left anything out which you would like to know then just ask.
Sorry for it being long and maybe confusing I tried my best!
Thanks for reading