View Full Version : How do you deal with medication worries?

01-28-2014, 03:06 PM
Soooo.... My little bug is either pneumonia or bronchitis. So paranoid about this as they have prescribed a z-pack. The z-pack has a fair amount of warning on it around people who are pre-disposed to arrhythmia or taking medication for arrhythmia which I am. Anyway--- the warnings basically say it can cause serious cardiac arrhythmias in a subset of people which I think I am in. So... I don't see my doctor until tomorrow as she called the prescription in based on symptoms. My husband had been diagnosed with one of the two. X ray will not be back until tomorrow so won't know for sure but he was prescribed the same thing. Needless to say I am extremely paranoid about this.

01-28-2014, 05:13 PM
If you need to talk about this I have quite a bit of knowledge in this field. Do you have Skype? Or use any chat apps? I am on yahoo too. I have medication fears myself but can give you some awesome info I have received especially on z pak

01-28-2014, 05:23 PM
Hey Chris, unfortunately I'm relatively inexperienced when it comes to Skype or any kind of chat room....I know I'm super lame.

Thank you for responding to this. I specifically take metoprolol ER 50mg daily for SVT. It does a good job of controlling any crazy stuff but I read the specific warning about this z pack and it has me scared. I'm debating on waiting until tomorrow to talk to my doc first although I'm sure she'll say 'ehhh it's fine' because that's always the answer. They look at numbers and assume its low risk overall but I'm not sure that my risk is the same overall. Does that make sense?

01-28-2014, 05:27 PM
Skype is sooo easy Mommy. You download the software/ app from skype.com, you create a username and password and full in your email then you're good to go and can chat away :)

01-28-2014, 05:29 PM
Soooo.... My little bug is either pneumonia or bronchitis. So paranoid about this as they have prescribed a z-pack. The z-pack has a fair amount of warning on it around people who are pre-disposed to arrhythmia or taking medication for arrhythmia which I am. Anyway--- the warnings basically say it can cause serious cardiac arrhythmias in a subset of people which I think I am in. So... I don't see my doctor until tomorrow as she called the prescription in based on symptoms. My husband had been diagnosed with one of the two. X ray will not be back until tomorrow so won't know for sure but he was prescribed the same thing. Needless to say I am extremely paranoid about this.

I was the same way. Avoided all of them for the side effects

One day I decided to never read that label in the prescription bag again

I still haven't

I'll eat any pill I need to now

And if you want the real deal on meds and side effects, PM Alankay.

He knows everything it seems and is good about giving detailed info

01-28-2014, 05:43 PM
They wouldn't prescribe it if it wasn't safe for you to take. Z Pack is one of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics. I take thyroid, blood pressure, and paxil, and x anex as needed and never had a issue with the z pack. Take it and get better you will he saying to yourself i don't know why I was worried about taking it. Also the pharmacy does a drug interaction check before giving you your prescription. You can even call to be re

01-28-2014, 05:45 PM
Jesse- my husband would be disgusted at the fact that I typed that because he is completely opposite of me...we probably have it already downloaded on his iPad but he is sick too and don't want to bug him. Not to mention I LOOK horrifying right now... I am a mess.

Chris- I'm sure you're a non judgmental person but I am a frickin mess right now and we are immersed in cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 :).

Nixon--- I agree and have gotten better about this. Honestly one of the reasons I looked was because I happened to reduce my bb last night but it coincided with being sick and fever makes my heart rate go way way up. Anyway it was just really bad timing for me to get sick. To be honest I shouldn't have looked it up bc now I don't think that pill (or two pills) is going in my mouth until I talk to my doctor.

I'm not even totally convinced I have pneumonia which would mean I don't necessarily even need antibiotics because if it's bronchitis I should be able to kick it.

01-28-2014, 05:52 PM
You know what's best but I assure you if you take it nothing bad will happen. Z pack isn't strong enough to do damage you would have to be on it for months

01-28-2014, 05:55 PM
Chris--- is the knowledge you have on this subject specifically around SVT and use of tge zpack?

01-28-2014, 06:05 PM
What meds are you taking now?

01-28-2014, 06:09 PM
Metoprolol ER succinate 50mg nightly (for SVT)
Valium .25 mg as needed (roughly once a day)
Then potentially the z pack

01-28-2014, 08:00 PM
If it freaks me out, I'd just wait til I can talk to the doctor, they wouldn't prescribe it to you, if it's gonna hurt you. but try talking to your family, or friends, see what they say.

01-28-2014, 08:17 PM
This time my husband and mom actually both said they'd wait and talk to the doc tomorrow :) that's not typical. Usually they just act like I'm being silly and tell me to take the pill or stop worrying. I think that since this was an actual FDA issues warning they felt it might be worth checking out first.

01-28-2014, 08:24 PM
Mommy if any doubts ask questions, I research every med the docs prescribe for me, I prefer to know what I am getting into. The doc is the best option for question like that.