View Full Version : Tinnitus

01-28-2014, 02:55 PM
An tinnitus be cured ?

01-28-2014, 03:09 PM
'Cured', no. There is no cure for it .

It does usually last for a short amount of time though, or go away on it's own when the offending condition that causes it is removed :)

01-28-2014, 03:24 PM
'Cured', no. There is no cure for it . It does usually last for a short amount of time though, or go away on it's own when the offending condition that causes it is removed :)

So how do I deal with the constant ringing sound in my ears everything sounds low and kinda vibrates my ear as well as it's plugged and in the quite is where I hear it the most

01-28-2014, 05:02 PM
Sadly, and I know this is a sucky answer, but don't shoot the messenger, I didn't write the medical journal - most tinnitus is treated by accepting it and distracting from it.

And fixing the problem, like stress, that will often help significantly too!

01-28-2014, 05:27 PM
Sadly, and I know this is a sucky answer, but don't shoot the messenger, I didn't write the medical journal - most tinnitus is treated by accepting it and distracting from it. And fixing the problem, like stress, that will often help significantly too!

Lol it's ok I know I here that often and I will try

01-28-2014, 05:35 PM
my dad has had it for almost 20 years, and luckily for him it hasnt gotten worse. when he talks about it he makes it seem like he has just become accustomed to it, and it doesnt bother him anymore. I hope the same can happen for you, good luck!

01-28-2014, 05:37 PM
my dad has had it for almost 20 years, and luckily for him it hasnt gotten worse. when he talks about it he makes it seem like he has just become accustomed to it, and it doesnt bother him anymore. I hope the same can happen for you, good luck!

I hope so it's so annoying it kinda makes me feel crazy and as if I'm hallucinating

01-28-2014, 05:39 PM
I wish I could give you an old wives tale to fix it, but... Ya know :(

Jjh that's a darn long time!! I may have to buy your dad a beer in a few years time and seek some advices on dealing with it. I've had mine a year now, who knows if it will go. I had some ear trauma, so... Touch and go!

Do you notice it in the day Justine? It's only at night like now my attention gets drawn to it.

01-28-2014, 05:48 PM
I wish I could give you an old wives tale to fix it, but... Ya know :( Jjh that's a darn long time!! I may have to buy your dad a beer in a few years time and seek some advices on dealing with it. I've had mine a year now, who knows if it will go. I had some ear trauma, so... Touch and go! Do you notice it in the day Justine? It's only at night like now my attention gets drawn to it.

When I'm laying down I notice it and throughout the day everything just sounds low and I can hear when I swallow my saliva it's like popping sounds it's annoying