View Full Version : Is it healthy to pursue a relationship in my mental state?

01-28-2014, 02:22 PM
I hope I'm posting in the right place. I really need advice.

I've had anxiety for about two years. Although it has fluctuated in severity, the past few months have brought me very, very low. I was home for Winter Break until mid-January (I live at college), & things got really bad. I was worrying & over-analyzing on a constant basis, but I believed that returning to school & starting therapy would make things manageable.

When I got home from break, I started a relationship with someone who I've been interested in for months. For the first week of our relationship, I was really really happy in spite of the fact that we were spending far too much time together. I slept in their room every night, & by the end of the week, I was overwhelmed with the intimacy of such a new relationship. We talked about it & agreed to take a step back.

That day, I plunged into a deep level of anxiety I've never faced before. I started worrying about our relationship & whether I was actually happy to be with them. I know that I have feelings for them, but when they're around, I can't convince myself of it. I can't enjoy our time together because I read into every action as "evidence" of whether or not my feelings are real. I can't stop thinking about it. It's been two days since my breakdown, & things have gotten only marginally better.

I started therapy this week. On Thursday, I'm hoping to be prescribed medication. My partner understands & respects my need for space at this time, but I'm wondering if that's enough. I've been obsessing over our relationship constantly. I'm wondering if I can develop healthy feelings in a situation that's starting in such an unhealthy way. But again, this has all taken place over a few days, & part of me hopes that it'll pass.

I just need advice. Should I stick it out? How long should I wait to decide whether to break up with them (& take a medical leave of absence from school)? I'm going to work so hard in therapy, but can I justify putting this much space & stress in such a new relationship until I get well enough to enjoy it? Is it fair to them?

Please offer wisdom.

01-28-2014, 02:26 PM
Read, post more and relax and enjoy the community. Peace