View Full Version : does anyone have blood clot fears?

01-28-2014, 02:22 PM
hi all, i was worried i had a blood clot nearly 2 months ago, was in pain which came and stopped but now iv got a very slight pain in the bottom of my calf more on the bottom of the leg, it looks swollen to me abit but everyone else says its not, surely after this long id have real symptoms by now :( sick of anxiety lol

01-28-2014, 02:30 PM
Fear is fear,
Whether of clots, cancers, spiders, thing is you have none of these, just anxiety "about" having them. Work on that. If a doctor can't convince you, you must rely on yourself and others

here. It's difficult at best, but stop looking for signs of impending disaster. You're going to be fine either way.

01-28-2014, 02:38 PM
Let's not be hasty Gene... He may have spiders! :)

I remember kris the nurse rather dismissing the chances of you suffering from blood clots at such a young age and given your story and symptoms. I'm guessing also you've checked it medically, yeah.

Anxiety does indeed suck. It's incredibly stubborn!! Think mule meeting 2 year old child lol.

Got to treat this mechanically now Andy. I can sort of imagine it's become a bit of a compulsion for you, checking legs perhaps, or scanning for pains? I may be wrong.

Have you tried to tackle this fear from a CBT perspective? It has great results when it comes to OCD, and similar obsessions, I see no reason why it couldn't help you here.

01-28-2014, 02:47 PM
Let's not be hasty Gene... He may have spiders! :)

I remember kris the nurse rather dismissing the chances of you suffering from blood clots at such a young age and given your story and symptoms. I'm guessing also you've checked it medically, yeah.

Anxiety does indeed suck. It's incredibly stubborn!! Think mule meeting 2 year old child lol.

Got to treat this mechanically now Andy. I can sort of imagine it's become a bit of a compulsion for you, checking legs perhaps, or scanning for pains? I may be wrong.

Have you tried to tackle this fear from a CBT perspective? It has great results when it comes to OCD, and similar obsessions, I see no reason why it couldn't help you here.

Pardon me. That is true. LOL :D I know I do, but I like them.

01-28-2014, 02:51 PM
wise words gene thanks! :) and yes jessed i do check my legs on a daily basis,somedays i manage to convince myself theres nothing there,and then theres no pain, but then again i was alwaaays checking my breathing to the points people would notice,and i would start twitching and stuff, but the blood clot fears have got rid of the breathing issues,im not as totally obsessed with it as i was, just the odd days where it hurts more it gets to me more. thanks guys, means alot

01-28-2014, 03:17 PM
No problem man!

Completely random question, have you had any kind of sensorimotor anxiety/OCD in your life?

Sounds really exotic doesn't it, but quite a lot of us have had such a thing. It can often transfer when you get older to things like this, or other mini obsessions.


Maybe not, just wondering about your history really.

01-28-2014, 03:37 PM
i have never heard of it before at all,but after a reading abit about it i would definately say its possible i do, i have a speech impediment which is totally brought on by my head,being as sometime i can talk perfectly normal the next i struggle, im always focusing on i have 1 thing then ill get over it and swap to something else all the time.im booked in to see a psychiatrist next month, im so excited because i can finally try and sort this anxiety out abit