View Full Version : nauseated and don't know why!!!

01-28-2014, 01:26 PM
My sugar is 215. I was borderline diabetic and really just eat too much carbs.. don't drink soda or eat sugar just the carbs. I noticed I got this way after eating. I don't ever throw up so this feeling is sending me into a huge panic. Idk what to do. I went outside walking to bring down my sugars down. Came down some. I ate about a hour ago. But I ate a sand which ramen noodles and apiece of my daughter's pop tart. I know that's way too much. Can anyone help me with this. I'm in a panic mode!!! I cant have anymore kids so not prego and I think I may have a ulcer. I just took a prilosec

01-28-2014, 01:30 PM
I tell myself im fine and for some reason the nausea subsides some... so Idk if I'm making things worse. Just by thoughts

01-28-2014, 01:31 PM
Do you have anything minty? Most minty things are diabetic suitable like the teas and sucking sweets.

My brother swears by mint for nausea... And anxiety too lol.

01-28-2014, 01:37 PM
Do you have anything minty? Most minty things are diabetic suitable like the teas and sucking sweets.

My brother swears by mint for nausea... And anxiety too lol.

No but I have also heard of this.. I don't know why I'm nauseated.. I have never ever been like this. Idk what to do

01-29-2014, 09:42 AM
I am really nauseated again I've been told this is anxiety? I really struggle with this can't eat and the sickness gets worse and worse I can honestly say I feel horrendous;( I'm also showing signs of a uti but the sample I did was negative but I'd diluted it a lot by drinking water but the other symptoms are still here? My anxiety and panic have gone through the roof I feel so ill :(