View Full Version : Ringing in the ears

01-28-2014, 11:08 AM
You think it's a symptom of anxiety or depression this continuos ringing in the ears (tinitus) all med tests look ok...but it's driving me crazy. Anyone have experienced this. Thanks.

01-28-2014, 12:00 PM
olanzapine gave me that plus amplified the sound in my ears it sucked bigtime

01-28-2014, 12:16 PM
Tinnitus is sure annoying. Keeping busy helps when I get it, but there's always that point at night, when it's quiet, and it sounds like a fire alarm!

01-28-2014, 01:11 PM
Yes it sucks. I have it, then it's gone. Most importantly when I notice it and pay lots of attention to it, it seems to get worse, so now I just love it till it leaves. It's not easy being

anxious and nobody said it was going to be, but our minds can be our servants, or make for a terrible tyrannical master. I find this ringing in my ears is like anything else when I'm

anxious, it becomes catastrophic, visions of brain tumors, insane asylums, people laughing at me, no more love, left alone with my thoughts, pure hellish. When I fight any of it, it

always comes back around to scare the hell out of me, when I try to enjoy it, as counterintuitive as it all sounds, that's when I take back my power. I see it for the bluffing bully it can

become. Cut the root, stop fighting, and observe it, feel it, stay with it, watch it move on out, and embrace it, it's like a screaming child within. Reassure it you're not going to leave it

alone ever. One of the greatest base fears of my anxiety was fear of being abandoned. I hope that makes a little sense, I know this is my sub conscious, the hurt inner child,

and I can do with it what I want. So I tell it the truth. Most times anyway, sometimes it takes some relaxation. Peace

01-28-2014, 04:03 PM
I also have the ringing it's been a longtime usually at night or early morning when it's quiet , the best way to don't make it bother you is have some music playing and at night put on earphones and listen to some music,it will hide the ringing.Good luck