View Full Version : how many people experience chest pain?? causes??

01-28-2014, 11:01 AM
hi, i am 25 no family history of heart problems in the last 2 yrs i ve had 3 ecgs and blood tests all normal but i still feel aches and pain in my chest area everyday for the last 16 months or so. i ve been told its anxiety but obviously suffering health anxiety i think its heart related. i have also been refereed to physio due to poor posture as i walk and sit hunched over so that could also be making the problem. does anyone else get this or has had it and got through it???? and giving the info do u think it is heart related i know you cant diagnose and i wouldnt ask that iam just asking for opinions?
thanks for reading guys

01-28-2014, 11:10 AM
If you have asked the professionals and they say nothing is wrong why would you believe me? I'm a high school drop out. It's gas and anxiety. Posture will help. Yes I have had it, and soooo

have many others here. Quit googling about symptoms and chill. Get some meds, meditate, or therapy, or better yet all. Eat right, sleep right, and exercise. That's a few ways I got

through it. Mainly telling yourself the truth is going to be the biggest step. You are fine, good enough, and deserve to be happy, change the sick beliefs and get on with

believing something that actually works in your favor, like you are an important part of this life, to us, to your family, and others you do not even know.

Calm, Confident, Caring, Loving. My mantra, and Brainsync.com Get those mp3's you relate to, they work QUICK. Peace Please keep us posted.

01-29-2014, 07:54 AM
There are literally tons of reasons why you can experience chest pain.. as my Doc told me, not every pain in the chest or arm means a heart attack. The important thing is that you got it checked out, and you are fine.

So now it is your turn to try and relax about the pains. Get your brain to a better place because right now it is very sensitive; so much that something as light as a feather can tip the scales into freaking out. Gotta fix that balance because right now, it's out of whack.. I know that it is easier said than done because of the health anxiety; I've been there. Gene Allen's post above has some great suggestions to get you started.

We are too young to let this consume and worry us, James.. Let's work on this and get back to a happier, healthier mind..... :)

01-29-2014, 11:35 AM
Yes for about 9 month now. Do u get arm pain too? Does your chest pain move or in one place?

01-29-2014, 11:44 AM
I'm never sure what people mean by chest pain exactly during panic attacks, I've thankfully never had that during a panic attack. Unless people mean gas pain? I've definitely had the tightness and pounding heart but not the pain.

Gas can cause little pains everywhere in your body as well as plain old sore muscles. I think some people who've never had serious gas pains (or even heart burn) are floored when they become aware of it for the first time. lol Not everyone, but some people are, and I wonder if this is what they call "chest pain" during an attack??

anxiety does cause indigestion when eating, and I would guess a lot of unreleased gas with it afterwards.

01-29-2014, 01:08 PM
I have had it in the past, the causes were acid reflux and costochondritis (benign rib inflammation)...

01-29-2014, 01:45 PM
I have had it in the past, the causes were acid reflux and costochondritis (benign rib inflammation)...

GERD....no big deal.