View Full Version : To all the spammers...

01-28-2014, 09:31 AM
So, I've noticed quite a few spammers on here recently and the only thing I have to say to you, in the nicest way possible is.. get a life... please! Surely you have better things to do that sit around an anxiety forum talking rubbish for the fun of it!

I'm sure some can agree with me!

Rant over! Hope all you true anxiety sufferers are doing good today :)

01-28-2014, 09:34 AM
I suspected this, any names in particular? we can alleviate a problem quickly possibly?


01-28-2014, 09:39 AM
Darknut and Bradjerdw.. I do have a couple that I'm not really sure about so don't want to mention names incase I offend someone! hahhahaa

01-28-2014, 09:45 AM
This should become the official thread for outing all future spammers whenever they come, then they can get reported and be gone in hours.

Ash, you are the new spam officer!!!

01-28-2014, 09:47 AM
YESSS!!! hahhahaaa I am the spam officer!! Any reports, please report to me urgently... :)

01-28-2014, 09:52 AM
Officer Ashlee,

Have you since spotted any perilous perps? Peace:D

01-28-2014, 09:56 AM
Hmm... I can't say I got that vibe from Shonnat... let's wait for her to see and reply..

I have got my eye on someone at the moment who I'm unsure about and have never seen on here before but I'm keeping look out!!

01-28-2014, 10:06 AM
I'm guessing this thread is for spotting trolls as well?

Ashlee, new job title... Officer of spam and trolls!! Boom!

All final decisions go through Ashlee hahaha

01-28-2014, 10:09 AM
BOOM!! lol

01-28-2014, 10:21 AM
Hmm... I can't say I got that vibe from Shonnat... let's wait for her to see and reply..

I have got my eye on someone at the moment who I'm unsure about and have never seen on here before but I'm keeping look out!!

I deleted that post as evidence is inconclusive at this time. Please advise Officer Ashlee of any insolent behavior. :D Peace

01-28-2014, 10:24 AM
Hhaahhaa okay, very wise! I shall investigate and keep you all posted!! :D

01-28-2014, 11:45 AM
Darknut and Bradjerdw.. I do have a couple that I'm not really sure about so don't want to mention names incase I offend someone! hahhahaa
I already reported Bradjerdw yesterday, I had not seen him again.... Darknut needs to be reported ;))

01-28-2014, 11:49 AM
Thanks Dahlia!! You can be my assistant spam/troll reporter!!! hahaha

01-28-2014, 12:02 PM
Why do you say darknut is a spammer guys? :confused:

I don't think she is, but I haven't read all her posts.

01-28-2014, 12:15 PM
No worries Kev, will do.

Me and Ash also spoke about Toshtao

01-28-2014, 12:16 PM
No, looking back, I think we were mistaken by Darknut… I think it was the spammer in her post..

but deco bradjeredw and hmmmm not sure???

01-28-2014, 12:19 PM
Yeah, I think darknut is clean! She just had spammers in her thread, it made her look bad.

Toshtao is on probation, keep your eyes peeled Ash ;)

01-28-2014, 12:25 PM
Hhahahaa will do, but don't want to offend anyone!!

01-28-2014, 01:02 PM
Sorry if i have been annoying! I'm just new and happy to see that i'm not the only person who has anxiety..
Most of my post are usually about the charity or asking a question! If you don't want me to post anything anymore i wont and that's fine! X

01-28-2014, 01:05 PM
Ohh no don't think that at all!!! it's really good that the forum is making you happy because that is what we all want! post all you want thats what the forum is for!! I think its just because we have had a lot of spammers on here and some of us are just a bit weary of newbys!!! Sorry if the post upset you… it wasn't aimed at you at all!! I think what you are going to do for charity is amazing.. keep it up! x

01-28-2014, 01:17 PM
Yeah, i agree with Ash. I think you just did what spammers usually do lol

It gave some people the wrong idea of you, ya know.

When spammers come, they post on every single section of the forum after a few posts. I know you've done that with your threads ;)

Other than that, I think you're fine! A few regular posts, and people will realize you aren't a troll! :)

Happy to have you here like Ash says!

01-28-2014, 01:24 PM
Can I handle them in my own special Viking kinda way??.. :)


01-28-2014, 01:38 PM
Sorry if i have been annoying! I'm just new and happy to see that i'm not the only person who has anxiety..
Most of my post are usually about the charity or asking a question! If you don't want me to post anything anymore i wont and that's fine! X


I'm going to come out and take the weight off of Ashlee, I am the one who suspected something as I seen your posts. As you posted links in a thread I was at of "bingo with hot chicks" or something like that. See here>> Www.youtube.com/shonaat

Honestly I don't know what that's about, but hey keep on keepin on. I apologize Ashlee, and Shonatt. I'm still not feelin it as they say, but I'm not a teenager either.

Peace :D

01-28-2014, 01:52 PM
It's ok!:) just thought i was being annoying cause i always feel like i annoy people:p
Yeah it's a youtube 'vlog' thing i made to test out my camera haha:)
Thanks anyway x

01-28-2014, 01:58 PM
Why are you calling me a spammer? I give the most useful information on this forum and know far more than any of you.

:) Wheres Dahila. We found Artaud!!! Jk

We just said MAYBE. Not that you are. If you're not a spammer, then just ignore this, keep posting and everyone will know you're legit. No big deal :)

When people have 16 posts and put a link, people think they're a spammer, but that's not always the case, it just puts up warning flags.

01-28-2014, 02:01 PM
P.s. I'm about to read your post history, I'm preparing to be enlightened ;)

01-28-2014, 02:11 PM
I don't wanna argue with you, I'm happy to say I'm wrong if you're not a spammer, as I'm sure the others are. :)

You haven't done anything wrong. Spammers just usually promote that kind of web link and don't notch up many posts. You fulfil both the criteria, it just means people will suspect, but that's why this thread was made, so you can correct them.

It's all good man!

01-28-2014, 02:51 PM
bradjerdw gone . others being watch .

shonaat your fine post away

Awesome, thank you Forwells:)

01-28-2014, 02:59 PM
No , my psychic ability tells me he is not Artaud:))), Artaud had a differents style, :)

toshtao seems a nice person to me, :)

Ye, the only product releveant to this forum is linking to free sites with relaxation or meditation not telling them, that they should quit taking medication and linkt them to fishy website. It is wrong, very wrong. We are vurnable people with a lot of fears, and phobias. It is easy to get us to pay money, we often do anything to get rid of our deperssion and anxiety.

01-28-2014, 03:18 PM
Ok, I trust your instincts Dahila. ;)

Let me know if you sense Artaud!

01-28-2014, 03:21 PM
Why are you calling me a spammer? I give the most useful information on this forum and know far more than any of you.

Is it because of my signature? Because it isn't against the terms of service.

Honestly I always have to be super careful on forums like this and Twitter because one little mistake gives me a lifetime ban. Ever heard of freedom of speech?

Okay... we may have got it wrong, like Jesse said, we said MAYBE.. and I back up everything the other guys are saying... but what gives you the right to tell us that you know far more than all of us?? and that your information is most useful.. I don't think that's really fair... yes you can have freedom of speech but that's just pure arrogance... if we are not good enough for you, there are other forums my friend...no one on here is better than anyone.. we are all in the same boat!

01-28-2014, 03:33 PM
Okay... we may have got it wrong, like Jesse said, we said MAYBE.. and I back up everything the other guys are saying... but what gives you the right to tell us that you know far more than all of us?? and that your information is most useful.. I don't think that's really fair... yes you can have freedom of speech but that's just pure arrogance... if we are not good enough for you, there are other forums my friend...no one on here is better than anyone.. we are all in the same boat!

I thought the exact same thing, Ash

Anyone says they know more than everyone is usually a tool or has a serious inferiority complex

And I know this because I know more than anyone when it comes to people knowing more than others

01-28-2014, 03:36 PM
Choked on my beer on the last two posts. Last time I come on this forum drinking anything :)

01-28-2014, 04:58 PM
Too bad meditation does NOTHING to lower your anxiety level. Same thing with medication. They only band aid the problem. I don't care how much I SPAM this: You need to find the source of your fear in order to get rid of your anxiety!

Whilst that's true for some people, and I would never argue that, not everybody has a source to their fear. Some instead have a fear of their fear, and an apprension towards life in general. Their amygdala and CNS have become so over stressed, anxiety can be attached to anything. Meditation and medication will help those people. Preferably a change in thinking habits too.

You're being kinda narrow minded for the most useful guy on the forum ;)

01-28-2014, 05:14 PM
Hey man, I am just telling the truth. If you don't like it good luck suffering from anxiety for the rest of your life. If you want to make a serious change you need the right advice.

I didn't have anything to find out

I was afraid of the anxiety which kept it alive for many years

I have overcome my anxiety without ever finding the cause

Who cares what the cause is.

Once you find the cause you have already trained your brain to react in an unhealthy way

So you realize you had a rough childhood and your parents were a bag of dicks

You don't just say that now you get it and the anxiety just leaves

01-28-2014, 05:17 PM
Hey man, I am just telling the truth. If you don't like it good luck suffering from anxiety for the rest of your life. If you want to make a serious change you need the right advice.

I'm really reserving all judgement against you... Cos ya know, I wanna give you a chance to prove yourself. You've made big claims, and, you could be right, who knows. Everyone on this thread has wrote something pretty deep at one point during their stay here. Why not tackle one of the questions asked, and display some of your understandings.

The question was asked: How do you get to the root of your fears?

Why not tackle it a little and write some insight? Cos we're all learning, none of us claim to be experts..

Orrrrrrr do we only get that if we buy your product and give you a 50%+ commission fee? :)

Kyle Morgan
01-28-2014, 05:18 PM
Haha these spammers can be funny though at times

01-28-2014, 05:29 PM
Too bad meditation does NOTHING to lower your anxiety level. Same thing with medication. They only band aid the problem. I don't care how much I SPAM this: You need to find the source of your fear in order to get rid of your anxiety!
really :))).......help meeeee :))

01-28-2014, 05:30 PM
really :))).......help meeeee :))

Dahila, I've wasted hundreds of hours of my life meditating. I thought my anxiety was lowered, but now I know it doesn't work, I can feel it's just come back :))))

01-28-2014, 05:32 PM
Why not copy and paste one of your favourite segments from your program, or write about how it's helped you?

I'm not saying your stuff doesn't work, but you wouldn't buy a suit without trying it on would you?

Meditation and medication don't work, you're the most useful poster on the forum... You can understand why we're quite curious to see what you're about! :)

01-28-2014, 05:36 PM
Dahila, I've wasted hundreds of hours of my life meditating. I thought my anxiety was lowered, but now I know it doesn't work, I can feel it's just come back :))))

So do I , Jesse, I sense another, I wonder if he has more than one account here..... anyway I am going to meditate today after I get home, and waste another precious 20 minutes of my long life.

he is too simple to be Artuad :))

01-28-2014, 05:38 PM
Visit my sig below for a free video.

And no, this is not spamming because I have your permission and it is solicited.
I do not trust freeesbies man:)
I already did visit your site and it the same one as the other spammer linked it:(
Sorry to be such dissapointement for you man.....

01-28-2014, 05:41 PM
So do I , Jesse, I sense another, I wonder if he has more than one account here..... anyway I am going to meditate today after I get home, and waste another precious 20 minutes of my long life.

he is too simple to be Artuad :))

Don't Dahila... Just buy his product, stop wasting time :)))

Toshtao, all I was asking for was a sample, that's all. Seems not a lot to ask for somebody who is proud of his product to put it in his sig after 16 posts :)

01-28-2014, 05:48 PM
All gone . :)

I found this person in so many different forums it was not funny .

I also had them as so many different things .

The last straw was the way they spoke for the grandmother they are projection themselves as in their so called blog .

Oh and the meditation is a great one when it is all over her blog how good it is and is also the biggest thing in the program they are trying to sell .

Haha, no way?! That is just too ironic it's funny!

A productive days work Kev, two spammers gone!

01-29-2014, 02:54 AM
Are you the artist formerly known as Applecherry/Gingerbread elf?

Excuse me? Why is my name being brought into this? I am not an "artist" or a troll, or a spammer, and the concept that one should find the root of their anxiety, is not an original (or absurd) thought of my own, it is widely known that anxiety suffers should find their specific triggers. It's a shame this person is spamming forums, but I assure you it has nothing to do with me. I consider this flat out harassment, it isn't funny, I haven't said a word to you since you started an argument with me (over nothing) days ago. I want you to leave me alone. and if you continue, I will be talking to moderators here.

01-29-2014, 08:40 AM
I am sure this was misunderstanding gentlemen, we should be grateful to forum moderators (forwells I am happy to see you posting again:) ) and administrators for clean and safe forum. I am on others, on some we have major fights with spammers, always updating filters, banning Ips. Here we do not see the work behind keeping place clean.
what I like here, people have a really good spammer's detector. :)

Thank you for the forum Mods and Admins:))

01-29-2014, 10:22 AM
It wasn't simply the shared concept that drew my attention but also a similar writing style (use of punctuation).

During our last interaction, you accused me and Jessed03 of being the same person because we shared a similar idea, I suppose this proves we can all make errors of judgement.

To say it's harassment is a tad dramatic and somewhat hypocritical.

As for talking to the forum moderators, I am more than happy for ANY of my posts to be reviewed.

Hm, ok you may accuse me of being this person if you feel it makes is "even" for me calling you out on being jessed, and no that person does not have a similar writing style to me. I'm sorry you didn't like what I had said during our last "interaction", but that doesn't exactly give you the right to be throwing my name around the forum, trash talking me. As I already pointed out, I've said nothing to you since that thread, and I had no desire to keeping dragging this out.

Just stop it now, leave me alone, and we have nothing more to talk about.

01-29-2014, 10:39 AM
Hm, ok you may accuse me of being this person if you feel it makes is "even" for me calling you out on being jessed, and no that person does not have a similar writing style to me. I'm sorry you didn't like what I had said during our last "interaction", but that doesn't exactly give you the right to be throwing my name around the forum, trash talking me. As I already pointed out, I've said nothing to you since that thread, and I had no desire to keeping dragging this out.

Just stop it now, leave me alone, and we have nothing more to talk about.

You should have used the word 'accusing' him of being me. Saying you called him out on being me still makes it sound like you believe we're the same person :confused:

01-29-2014, 12:42 PM
You should have used the word 'accusing' him of being me. Saying you called him out on being me still makes it sound like you believe we're the same person :confused:

Jesse, when your personality changes again, can you have James give me a call? :grin:

01-29-2014, 01:09 PM
It is tough for others when you have this countless personalities guys, Can you stick at least for a week with one? :))

01-29-2014, 01:14 PM
I was a mod for sometime and we let a few people to have two accounts, it was crazy they could not post on both, got so jammed, they simply used one. It was a very small forum, died with natural death .....