View Full Version : Health anxiety worries

01-28-2014, 08:08 AM
Hi everyone, this is my first post, my doctor has just diagnosed me with health anxiety and has prescribed Beta blockers. Just recently I have developed an awful fear of having motor neuron disease as I have been having strange physical symptoms and stupidly typed those symptoms such as clumsy fingers into Google and the first link said motor neuron disease, something which I didn't really know much about but after I read the online symptoms I started to experience them physically in my body, my doctor has examined me 3 times and I went to the hospital all in the space of 2 weeks, they said that they can see no evidence of any issues. I do accept that I am anxious but surely physical symptoms can't be felt so strongly and I also felt some symptoms before I googled. I am very worried every time my doctor gives me the "all clear" I wake up the next day feeling physically worse, as I mentioned I'm new to this site and any advice/help/support is greatly appreciated, sorry for the essay

01-28-2014, 08:16 AM
It seems that a lot of people who have a lot of concern for their health have these problems. I have the same worries with my heart. It makes me wish I drank and smoked, I would probably worry less.

01-28-2014, 08:29 AM
I wouldn't worry mate, I went through exactly the same thing as you (Except I didn't have a fear of motor neuron disease, it was just general health anxiety about every disease going haha) About a year ago I was getting all these strange symptoms, my legs would feel weak when I was walking, my arms would go randomly numb, i'd wake up and my little finger would be completely numb, i'd feel dizzy, my arms would ache just holding the phone to my ear for like 2 minutes. All that plus I was getting chest pains, breathless, palpitations etc, I was googling symptoms like you, and anxiety was on the possible causes but I bet you just did what I did and just went straight past anxiety and just thought 'nah its something a lot worse than anxiety what i've got' so you went to the next thing which is some killer disease. My mam even rang me while I was out saying she'd googled my symptoms and she thinks its anxiety, I just dismissed it straight away told her no chance it's a lot worse than that, anxiety cant cause this. Took me like 7 doctor appointment, 3 ECG's, 1 A&E trip to finally accept that it was anxiety causing all these symptoms, the first doctor I ever saw was right, but it took me 6 more saying the same thing to convince me! all the symptoms soon went when I calmed down and accepted I had nothing wrong with me, still find it crazy how anxiety can cause such phyiscal problems but they can! I'm 99% sure yours is anxiety as well so try calm down and move on, the symptoms will disappear :)

El Lukio
01-28-2014, 08:39 AM
Hey Teddy,

The reason I'm here I because of anxiety that I have related to fear for my health. If you read my post in the Welcome section, you'll see what I'm about. Even after clear blood works (twice last year) and a heart, lungs and chest X-Ray were fine I'm still obsessed to the point that I'm convinced there's something wrong with me even when I know deep down there isn't. All the symptoms I'm having a purely due to my anxiety but I can't seem to stop obsessing about it. I've spent hours googling my symptoms which makes things worse and adds to the ever consuming panic and fear.

It's easy for people to say that if you've had the all clear you're fine when your mind won't let you believe it. You are describing the way I feel at the moment and I need to really start working out what I need to do to stop this before it's too late.

I'm new here too but so far I've found everyone to be interested, caring and offering sound advice. This is something I've not had so far and I don't want to burden my friends/family with my woes. I hope we can all help each other even if it's in a small way.

You are not alone.


01-28-2014, 10:57 AM
Hey Teddy, The reason I'm here I because of anxiety that I have related to fear for my health. If you read my post in the Welcome section, you'll see what I'm about. Even after clear blood works (twice last year) and a heart, lungs and chest X-Ray were fine I'm still obsessed to the point that I'm convinced there's something wrong with me even when I know deep down there isn't. All the symptoms I'm having a purely due to my anxiety but I can't seem to stop obsessing about it. I've spent hours googling my symptoms which makes things worse and adds to the ever consuming panic and fear. It's easy for people to say that if you've had the all clear you're fine when your mind won't let you believe it. You are describing the way I feel at the moment and I need to really start working out what I need to do to stop this before it's too late. I'm new here too but so far I've found everyone to be interested, caring and offering sound advice. This is something I've not had so far and I don't want to burden my friends/family with my woes. I hope we can all help each other even if it's in a small way. You are not alone. X

Very true. I'm about to delete google off my phone because I'm on it about 90% of the day and then end up depressed.

01-28-2014, 11:15 AM
Hi everyone, this is my first post, my doctor has just diagnosed me with health anxiety and has prescribed Beta blockers. Just recently I have developed an awful fear of having motor neuron disease as I have been having strange physical symptoms and stupidly typed those symptoms such as clumsy fingers into Google and the first link said motor neuron disease, something which I didn't really know much about but after I read the online symptoms I started to experience them physically in my body, my doctor has examined me 3 times and I went to the hospital all in the space of 2 weeks, they said that they can see no evidence of any issues. I do accept that I am anxious but surely physical symptoms can't be felt so strongly and I also felt some symptoms before I googled. I am very worried every time my doctor gives me the "all clear" I wake up the next day feeling physically worse, as I mentioned I'm new to this site and any advice/help/support is greatly appreciated, sorry for the essay

If you have asked the professionals and they say nothing is wrong why would you believe me? I'm a high school drop out. It's gas and anxiety. Posture will help. Yes I have had it, and soooo

have many others here. Quit googling about symptoms and chill. Get some meds, meditate, or therapy, or better yet all. Eat right, sleep right, and exercise. That's a few ways I got

through it. Mainly telling yourself the truth is going to be the biggest step. You are fine, good enough, and deserve to be happy, change the sick beliefs and get on with

believing something that actually works in your favor, like you are an important part of this life, to us, to your family, and others you do not even know.

Calm, Confident, Caring, Loving. My mantra, and Brainsync.com Get those mp3's you relate to, they work QUICK. Peace Please keep us posted. ( I am using this post in most new posts today, so you'll see it again and again).

El Lukio
01-28-2014, 11:18 AM
I'm thinking what would we have done 15 years ago when most of us didn't have Google?

01-28-2014, 11:38 AM
I'm thinking what would we have done 15 years ago when most of us didn't have Google?

Library, I think.

El Lukio
01-28-2014, 11:54 AM
Lol...good point! However, I don't think I'd have gone out of my way to go to the Library to look at medical encyclopaedias!

Having Google at your fingertips is both the best and worst thing ever.